This Page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb site.

1870 Mortality Census - Allegany Co., New York

Transcribed by
Vivian Karen Bush

Note:  Portions of this record were difficult to read.  To ensure accuracy, check against the original record.

Md/Wd = Married or Widowed
fb - Foriegn Born

Alfred AllenAlmaAlmondAmityAndoverAngelica BelfastBirdsallBolivarBurns
CaneadeaCentervilleClarksvilleCubaFriendshipGeneseeGrangerGroveHumeIndependenceNew Hudson
RushfordScioWest AlmondWardWellsvilleWillingWirt


Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Town of Alfred, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, --- Crandall, Ass't Marshall. p. 75

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
99Hall, Adeline61FWM JanuaryKeeping House(Organic) Heart Disease
118Hamilton, Freeborn83MWW OctoberRetired FarmerOld Age
147Burdick, Zebrah67FWW JulyKeeping HouseOld Age
232Collins, Herbert E.09/12MW  May Croup
240Witter, E. Loyse11FW  Nov.Attending schoolTyphoid Phneumonia
245Main, Nathan72MWW MayRetired FarmerOld Age
175Doty, Elisha38MWM Oct.FarmerTyphoid Fever
361Larkin, Susan E.10/12FW  Oct. Cholera Infantum
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Schedule 2.  Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870 in the town of Allen, in the County of Allegany, Staet of New York, enumerated by me W. Moses, Ass't Marshal.  p. 77.

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
17Hooker, John68MWMVermont Oct.FarmerDysentery
18Chaffe, Ann M.35FWMNew York AprilKeep houseConsumption
69Bentley, Joseph03/12MW New York May Croupe
106Seeley, Eber62MWMVermontmother fbMayFarmerCongestion of Liver
106Seeley, John H.20MW New York MaySchool TeacherConsumption
118Black?, Mary79FWWEnglandparents fbJany. Pneumonia
137Stockwell, Emma38FW New York July Consumption
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Schedule 2. - Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the Town of Alma, in the county of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Wm. H. Withey, Ass't. Marshal. p. 79, FHL 1415132

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
23Elliott, Ittai89MWWVermont Jan.ShoemakerOld Age
68Murphy, Charlott61FWMIrelandparents fbJuneKeeping HouseInflamation of Lungs
68Daley, Bridget26FWMIrelandparents fbAprKeeping HouseChild Birth
68Daley, infantMW N.Y.parents fbApr Still born
75Adams, Fanny J.2FW N.Y. Sept. Inflamation of Bowels
110Dalley, Mary1FW N.Y.parents fbAug. Croup
130Gardner, Laura27FWMN.J. MayKeeping HouseScarlet Fever
86Wheeler, Ella F.3FW N.Y. July Inflamation of Bowels
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Schedule 2 -- Persons Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the Town of Almond, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Chas. W. McIntosh, Ass't Marshal. p. 83, FHL 1415132

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
16Howe, William H.72MWMRhode Island MarchFarmerDisease of Heart
18Ward, Minnie1FW New York FebruaryInfantMeasles
82Parsons, Asahel60MWMVermont OctoberFarmerErysipelas
89Peckham, Alice19FW New York December Typhoid Fever
102Coleman, Herbard59MWMNew York MayFarmerParalysis
124Karr, Susan32FWMNew York FebruaryKeeping HouseConsumption
190Burdick, Sarah97FWWRhode Island Februaryliving in familyNo visable disease
191Leonard, Charles04/12MW New York September Cholera Infantum
216McIntosh, Jane43FMMNew York OctoberKeeping HouseCholera Mobus
216McIntosh, Sarah72FWWNew York MayLiving in familyConsumption
259Tenney Minnie08/12FW New York October Consumption ----
329Scholes, Mary41FWMNew Jersey FebruaryKeeping HouseCongestion of Lungs
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Schedule 2 -- Persons Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the Town of Amity, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, ---, Ass't Marshal. p. 85, FHL 1415132

Family #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
38Benjamin, Lilly4FW New York Sept. Inflamation in Lungs
55Scott, John2MW illegible March Drowned
66Davis, John80MW Connecticut JulyFarmerBroken Leg
82Mix, Infant MW New York May Still Born
111Simons, Anson36MWMNew York Dec.FarmerConsumption
113Simons, Levi84MWWConnecticut NovemberFarmerOld Age
285Willson, Freddie10MW Pennsylvania August Drowned
283Allen, Eunice M.33FWMNew York AprilKeeping HouseChild Birth
294Vanderhoff, Louie2MW New York January Dropsy Heart
296Hyde, Infant MW New York May Still Born
380Mix, Miranda L.23FWMNew York Sept.TeacherConsumption
?317Harrison?, Lottie1FW New York Apr. Consumption
317?Harrison? Marilla21FWMNew York Apr. Typhoid Fever
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Andover, in the county of Allegany, State of New YOrk, enumerated by me, J. A. Crandall, Ass't Marshall, p. 87, FHL 1415132

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
9Bradley, Mary27FWMNew York DecemberKeeping houseConsumption
146Doran, Catharine61FWMIrelandparents fbAprilKeeping housePalsey
156McAndrew, Ann17FW New Yorkparents fbFebyKeeping houseConsumption
184Roy, Catharin73FWWIrelandparents fbFebyKeeping houseConsumption
214Baker, Judson01/12MW New York October Bleeding at Bowels
225Obrian, Jane78FWWScotlandparents fbOctoberno occupationInflammotory Rheumatism
261Pingrey, Solomon09/12MW New York May Dropsy on Brain
290Cole, Daniel73MWWNew Yorkparents fbAprilno occupationConsumption
303Warfield, Velnet7FW New York May Perenteal Inflamation
346Barret, Robert1MW New York January Liver Complaint
371McGinty, Patrick37MWMIrelandparents fbJuneRet GrocerDropsy
393Barnard, Daniel? J.01/12MW New York Feby Congestion of Brain
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the Town of Angelica, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Ezra P. Crandell, Ass't Marshall, p. 89.

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
7Power, John04/12MW New Yorkparents fbOct Dysentery
10Church, Phillilp S.1MW New York Dec. Dysentery
70Shaw, Lydia A.7FW New York Jany Diabites
94Roberson, Frederick H.19MW New York AugustBank TellerAcute Men--- or disease Kidneys
99Marshall, Lavinia H.48FWMNew York AugustKeeping HouseParalysis of the Lungs
105Farnam, Chamberlain71MWMMassachusetts Sept.FarmerHeart Disease
140Lyon, GeorgeMW New York Mch Still Born
110Mason, Jenette S.58FW New York JanyKeeping HouseCancer
188Peter, John45MW New York Poor HouseSoftening of Brain
188Brown, Elizabeth75FWMNew York Poor HouseConjestion of Lungs
188Skinner, Enon99?MWMNew York Janyat Poor HouseConjestion of Lungs
188Cornish, Anna80FWMNew York Poor HouseHeart Disease & Dropsy
188Blackwell, Catherine50FWMNew York Mchat Poor HouseSoftening of Brain
188Blakesley, Lewis82MWMNew York Mayat Poor HouseConjestion of Lungs
223Loyd, Ransom70MWMNew York MchLawyerConjestion of Lungs
235Morris, Samuel84MWWNew York Sept.FarmerOld Age
246Smith, Henry57MWMNew York MchFarmerConsumption
309Martin, William60MWMNew York JulyStage DriverFit
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the town of Belfast, in the County of Allegany, Stae of New York, enumerated by me, David J. Finch, Ass't Marshal. p. 91

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
24Friar, Frank17MW New Yorkparents fbAugFarm LaborerConjestion of Brain
28Redish?, Sanford A.?42MWMOhio FebFarmer & CurrierCancer in Eye
27Lathrop, Grace2FW New York Aug. Cholera Infantum
130Ogden, Polley58FWMNew York Sept.Keeping houseDropsy of Chest
281Millet?, Milton69MWMNew York MayFarmerDiabatus
302Gleason, Mary82FWWPennsylvania Apr.NoneConsumption
327Rich, Anna86FWWVermont Apr.NoneHeart Disease
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the Town of Birdsall, County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Charles W. McIntosh, Ass't Marshal. p. 93

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
1Lippnicott, Nancy80FWWNew Jersey FebyKeeping HouseDropsy of Brain
7Sullivan, Owen04/12MW New Yorkparents fbApril Dropsy of Chest
11Norton, Charles3MW New York Aug. Worms
21Davidson, Elizabeth81FWWNew Jersey July Dropsy of heart
27Earl, John75MWWIrelandparents fbFebyFarmerCancer in Stomach
144O'Connell, Michael50MWMIrelandparents fbOctFarmerDiarhea
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Schedule 2 -- Persons who Died during the Year 1st June, 1870, in Bolivar, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, ---, Ass't, Marshal. p. 95

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
2Bronson, Frank R.21MW New York JuneJewelerRheumatic Cardilis?
25Utter, Ida E.45FWMNew York Feb Consumption
50Reed, Polly40FWMNew York Feb Endocardelis
5Lesure, Levi78MWMVermont NovFarmerPneumonia
57Burdick, Catharine50FWMNew York Aug Hemophleyis
66Hendryx, Eunice51?FWMNew York April Suicide by Hanging
220Lewis, Mary A.36FWMNew York Feb Consumption
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Schedule 2. -- Perswons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Burns, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Chas. W. McIntosh, Ass't Marshal. p. 97

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
19Mulchy, John19MW Irelandparents fbMayWorking in RRKilled by Cars
65Bacon, Leonard33MWMNew York JulyFarmerKicked by Horse
67Howes, Alvin69MWMNew York FebruaryCarpenterConsumption
101Allen, Mary L.42FW Delaware July Brain Fever
112Bailey, Lucinda22FW New York August Consumption
131Carpenter, Seneca71MWMMassachusetts AugustDry Goods MerchantLiver Complaint
144Wilkins, William77MWWNew York JulyFarmerDisease of Heart
141? or 171?Benjamin, Mullen?36MWMMassachusetts SeptWorked on farmInflamation of Bowels
201Mack, Franklin14MW New York Juneworked on farmInflamation of Bowels
201Mack, Emma D.78FW New York Juneat HomeQuick Consumption
206Flint, Herburt E.1MW New York MarchInfant childInflamation of Lungs
242Harris, Fred1MW New York MarchInfant childConjestion of Lungs
251Boylson?, Jane31FWMNew York MarchKeeping HouseInflamtion of Bowels
276Weir, Johannah5FW New York Octoberat HomeDied from being burned by fire from stove
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Caneadea, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, John M. Hammond, Ass't Marshal. p. 99

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
29Magee, Julia49FWMNew York MarchKeeping HouseInflamtion of Lungs
39Scribner, Nathaniel02/12MW New York April Putrid Erysipilas
79Madison, John N.69MWMVermont AprilBlacksmithDropsy of Heart
130Snider, Merrill13MW New York March Phy--
160Shank, Cora1FW New York February Scalded
170Hitchings, Hattie01/12FW New York September Cholora Infantum
192Willson, Freeman80MWMVermont DecemberShoemakerOld Age
205McLane, Betsy80?FWWVermont NovemberKeeping HouseTumor in Stomach
243Slater, Geo. H.01/12MW New York June Dropsy of Brain
265Gillen?, Alexander82MWMIrelandparents fbJulyFarmerDropsy of Heart
310Daugherty, Martha W.3FW New Yorkparents fbNovember Croup
323Kingsley, Julia72FWMVermont AugustKeeping HouseConsumption
337Millslpaugh, Frank16?MW New York JuneFarm LaborerBillious Fever
376Hoyt, Wilton M.22MWMNew York MarchFarmerTyphod malarial fever
376Hoyt, Catherine54FW New York FebruarySchool TeacherTyphod malarial fever
386Cole, Edward17MW New York JanuaryFarm LaborerMeasles
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Centerville, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, John M. Hammond, Ass't Marshal. p. 101

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
11Finch, Enoch83MWWNew York DecemberFarmerOld Age
13Salter, Jacob53MWMNassauparents fbOctoberFarmerKilled by fall of a tree
14Bean, John W.55MWMNew York NovemberFarmerHemorrhage of Bowels
15Bean, John E.05/12MW New York May Congestion of Brain
41Roberts, John75MWMWalesparents fbNovemberFarmerCatarrhal Fever
112Van Amie, Frank10/12MW New York May Congestion of Lungs
119Andrews, Alanson78MWMNew York FebruaryFarmerConsumption
148Cheney, Simon65MWMMassachusetts AprilFarmerCancer on ----?
167Page, Betsy82FWWConnecticut FebruaryKeeping HouseCatarrhal Fever
168Dow?, Abigail73FWMRhode Island FebruaryKeeping HouseCatarrhal Fever
216Hopkins, Betsy75FWWNew York JuneKeeping HouseTyphus Fever
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Clarksville, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Walter Crandall, Ass't Marshal. p. 103

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
22Childs, Lelia D.9 DsFW New York April Convulsions
41Larabee, Mariah P.38FW New York Feb Infamation of Lungs
54Hixson, Isah D.13MW New York Feb Rheumatic Fever
82Handlin, Eber13MW New York Mar Typhoid Fever
91Lanning, Chas. C.12MW New York Jan Scroffula?
136Moulton, Emely59fW Mass. Aug Liver Complaint
145Cleveland, William8MW New York Sept Scarlet Fever
175Southworth, Gilbert21MW New York Oct Consumption
178Foster, Laella9FW New York July Typhoid Fever
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the town of Cuba, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, H. H. Wakely, Ass't Marshall. p. 105

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
1McWhorter, Harriett24FW New York March Lung Fever
13Clara, Norah62FW Ireland Nov Consumption
28Calan, Ellen8FW New Yorkparents fbJune Scarlet Fever
33Cheeseman, Eliza68FW New York March Dropsy of heart
53Smith, Russell39MWMNew York OctDealer in Feed and c.Nervous fever
73Helmar, Nellie61FWMNew York Aug Spinal Fever
84Williams, Fanny18FW New York Jan Typhoid fever
91Sears, Francis62MWMNew York March Cancerous Tumer
102Haskell, Nellie1FW New York March Scarlet Fever
111Friendly, Joseph01/12MW New York June Scarlet Fever
114Mead, John3MW New York July Brain fever
118Bradley, Collins71MWMVermont OctFarmerDropsy of heart
122Halliday, Wallace3MW New York Nov Scarlet Fever
129Richardson, Mary1FW New York Dec Burned
150Underwood, Justin20MW New York AprilMarble cutterMeasles
179Burke, Daniel40MWMIreland JuneLaborerInflamation of Lungs
201Prentiss, David70MWMMassachusetts JanDraymanDropsy of heart
203Nash, William75MWMNew York MayShoemakerParaysis
285Nangle?, Ellen13FW New Yorkparents fbFeb Consumption
293Beebe, Major22MW Pennsylvania DecLaborerConsumption
325Housell, Clarissa74FWMNew York Aug Diseased spine
382Oldham, Eliza20fWMNew York April Erysipelas
415Jordan, James78MWWNew York FebFarmerAsthma
416Davenport, Orvill25MW New York SeptFarmerConsumption
464Halstead, Adelia6FW New York Aug Live animal in stomach
464Halstead, Rosly2FW New York March Scarlet Fever
471Crone, Lilly02/12FW New York Aug Scrofula
486Camandy, John3MW New Yorkparents fbOct Fitts
488Kellogg, Lilly2FW New York Feb Scarlet Fever
488Kellogg, Jesse06/12MW New York Feb Scarlet Fever
489Carpenter, James37MWMNew York Feb Lung Fever
494Barker, John11MW New York Jan Scarlet Fever
496Moses, Lucinda82FWWMassachusetts March Conjestion lungs
518Scott, Bethany76FWWVermont Dec Conjestion lungs
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the town of Friendship, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, David J. Finch, Ass't Marshal. p. 107

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
25Coats, Eugene10/12MW New York April Congestion of Lungs
31Shultz, Nancy41FW New York AprKeeping HouseHeart Disease
72Busby, Samuel30MWMNew York JanPainterConsumption
133McDearmot, Frank10MW New Yorkparents fbNovNoneScarlet Fever
137Potter, William48MWMNew York OctCarpenterTyphoyd Fever
141Maden, Bridget14FW New Yorkparents fbNovnoneScarlet Fever
147Capwell, Esther14FW New York JanAt HomeChronic Diarhea
188Fisher, Lovina26FWMNew York NovKeeping HouseConsumption
189Thurston, Matilda63FWWMaryland NovNoneChronic Diarhea
232Utter, Stephen W.2MW New York Nov Scarlet Fever
267Clark, Infant01/12MW New York Nov Smothered in bed
274Crandall, Flora01/12FW New York Feb Not known
275Smalley, Nancy22FWMNew York AugKeeping HouseDiptheria
280Compton, Margaret50FWMNew York OctKeeping HouseNot known
292Perkins, George65MWMNew York OctFarmerPalsey
301Smith, Charles76MWMNew York MarFarmerHeart Disease
302Mix, Ira67MWMNew York SeptFarmer---- complaint
323Pearse, Sarah87FWMNew York FebKeeping HouseCongestion of Lungs
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Genesee, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Walter Crandall, Ass't Marshal. p. 109

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
10Burdick, Frank C.3MW New York May Scarletina
38Parks, Samuel N.11MW New York Dec Dropsy
48Young, Samuel72MWMIrelandparents fbDecFarmerValvular Disease
99Maxson?, Margarette J.32FWMNew York June Quick Consumption
118White, Elisha96MWWMass. FebFarmerOld Age
120Cooper, Julia A.57FWW?New York Aug Consumption
129Sedyard, Ellen3FW New York July Inflamation of Brain
199Hooker, Riverius83MWWNew York MarchMill WrightHepatitis
204Hewit, Polly54FWMNew York Feb Aneurism
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the Town of Granger, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, W. Moses, Ass't Marshal. p. 111

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
4Tadder, Annie E.3FW New York Nov Inflamation of Bowels
9Hosier, Mary84FWWNew Yorkparents fbMay Dropsy of chest
25Smith, Orpha61FWMNew Jersey AprilKeep housePneumonia
58Chapman, Mary62FWMNew York MarchKeep houseTyphoid Pneumonia
52Kingsbury, Martha76FWWEnglandparents fbAugust Dropsy of heart
54Cudebec, Polly53FWMNew York OctoberKeep houseRupture of heart
66Billington, Eliza77FWWConnecticut March Pneumonia
116Vickary, Robert47MWMEnglandparents fbFebyFarm LaborerConsumption
119Holliday, Jane18FW New York FebyDomestic ServantTyphoid Fever
143Worden, Rebecca83FWWNew York October Dropsy of heart
181Curtis, Harriet39FWMNew York FebyKeep houseTyphoid Fever
181Curtis, Jane18FWMNew York MayKeep houseTyphoid Fever
186Curtis, Annis74FWWNew York Jany Typhoid Fever
197Weaver, Monroe05/12MW New York Oct. Scarlet Fever
223Seekins, Willie3MW New York May Scarlet Fever
234Bennet, Ann82FWMEnglandparents fbJulyKeep houseThrown from Buggy
251Fox, Clyde B.05/12MW New York Oct. Cholera Infantum
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the town of Grove, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, W. Moses, Ass't Marshall. p. 114

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
4Ryan, John20MW New Yorkparents fbJuneFarmerConsumption
16Luseures, Jennie1FW New Yorkparents fbMay Drowned
45Farr, Rufus K.55MWMNew York AprFarmerRutrid Erysipelas
56Gibbs, William S.28MW New York Aug Consumption
65Newville, Frank2MW New York May Poisoned
79Bingham,few hrsMW New York May Convulsions
87Blakefew hrsFW New York Apr Convulsions
99Preston, Ann68FWWMassachusetts Nov Dropsy of heart
113Johnson, Elizabeth72FWMNew York AugKeep HouseCan't learn cause
121Guy, Sarah J.50FWMNew Jersey NovKeep HouseConsumption
133Iserman, John90MWWBavariaparents fbSeptFarmerApoplexy
181Eldridge, Carey?1MW New York March Measles
191Clark, Moses54MWMNew York NovFarmerConsumption
219Shepard, Lucy72FWWMassachusetts NovKeep HouseHeart Disease
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Hume, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, John M. Hammond, Ass't Marshal. P. 115

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
53Howden, Jay A.19MWMNew York MarchPainterTyphoid Fever
10Robinson, Maloca?67FWWVermont MayKeeping houseLiver & Kidney affection
46Ensign, Seymore03/12MW N.Y. June Inflamation of Brain
58Curtis, John17MW N.Y. May Typhoid malarial Fever
60Clark, Oliver A.16MW Wisconsin Oct Typhus Fever
62Luckey, Joseph67MW Vermont FebCarpenterCancer in Sthomach
71Caldwell, George36MW N.Y. SeptWagon MakerConsumption
71Caldwell, Betsy64FWMN.Y. FebKeeping houseTyphoid malarial Fever
71Madison, Sarah A.44FWWN.Y. FebKeeping houseTyphoid malarial Fever
90Tilley?, Selinda78FWWRhode Island MayKeeping house----ing?
118Caryl, Frankie3FW N.Y. June Brian fever
137Howe, Emily17FW N.Y. Nov Typhoid fever
164Whiton, Mabek?76FWWConn. MayKeeping houseInflamation of Bowels
174Peck, Minerva30FWMNY AugKeeping houseCancer in the Brain
218Isted, Susan? / 12FW NY July S---???
263Hodnet, Wm. H.2MW N.Y. Sept Congestion of Brain
226McIntyre, Mason15MW N.Y.parents fbNovFarm LaborerKillled by kick of hourse
320Brooks, Sarah70FWMVermont FebKeeping houseChronic Diarrehea
338Woodworth, Eliza32FWMN.Y. DecKeeping houseConsumption
373Buel?, Julia66FWMConn. JuneKeeping houseCancer in Face
380Couch, Loren J.72MWMN.Y. MarchFarmerApoplexy
424Vroman, Margaret80FWWN.Y. OctKeeping houseDropsy of Heart
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Independence, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, T. A. Crandall, Ass't Marshall, p. 117

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
34[Evans?] not named01/12FW New York April Congestion of lungs
128Teater, Myrtie11/12FW New York April Congestion of Brain
65Evans, Nancy S.44FW New York JulyHouse KeeperConsumption
149Fuller, Frank17MW New York Januaryno occupationCongestion of lungs
149Fuller, Mary J.35FWMNew York MayKeeping HouseApoplexy
210Levermore, Willie6MW New York September Inflamation of Bowels
250Parker, Harvy64MWMVermont MayFarmerCongestion of lungs
261Crandall, Silas77MWWNew York MarchRetired Wool Manf.Inflamation of Stomach
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New Hudson

Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the town of New Hudson, in teh County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, H. H. Wakely, Ass't Marshall. p. 119; FHL 1415132

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
22Folsom, Erastus26MW New York MarchFarmerConsumption
26Vannoy, William79MWMNew Jersey AprilFarmerDropsy of heart
43Perry, Charles8MW New York July Typhoid fever
47Bennett, Nancy80FWWNew York March Consumption
74Compbell, Robert87MWWNew York FebruaryFarmerDropsy of heart
101Manning, Catharine14FW New Yorkparents fbSept Spinal Complaint
107Halsey, Susan M.45FWMNew York March Parallytic Fits
122Vanfleet, Solomon77MWWNew York JulyFarmerApoplexy
183Straight, Hopkins75MWMNew York DecemberFarmerHeart disease
197Taylor, Martha71FWMNew York April Paralysis
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st june, 1870, in Rushford, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, John M. Hammond, Ass't Marshal. p. 121

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
68Gilbert, Harris65MWMNew York AprilFarmerInflamation of Stomach
34Woods, Louisa63FWMVermont MarchTailoressDropsy of heart
81Griffin, Clarisah66FWMVermont OctoberKeeping HouseConsumption
89Blanchard, Benjamin82MWWVermont JulyFarmerDropsy of heart
90Burbanks, Harriet75FWMNew York JuneKeeping HouseHeart Disease
148Gordon, William80MWMVermont AprilFarmerOld Age
165Morgan,k Jane Ann7FW New York May Scarlet Fever
32Merrifield, Frank12MW New York March Typhoid Fever
234Huntingdin, Charles07/12MW New York February Inflamation of lungs
181Peters, Maybel1FW New York May Scarlet Fever
184Davis, William92MWMVermont MarchMillerCongestion of heart
247Lafferty, Alfred26MW New York DecemberFarm LaborerConsumption
270Talcott, Flora56FWWConnecticut OctoberKeeping HouseQuick Consumption
331Hillary, Ida May11FW New York March Scarlet Fever
343Tarbell, Carrie5FW New York June Scarlet Fever
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the Town of Scio, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Wm. H. Withy, Ass't Marshall. p. 123

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
88Wright, Catharine R.45FWMN.Y. FebKeeping HouseConsumption
106Johnson, Herbert A.03/12MW N.Y. Feb Inflamation of lungs
129Sherman, Peleg88MWMRhode Island Julywithout occupationHemorrhage from the Bowels
159Morgan, Maria21FWMN.Y. JuneKeeping HouseConsumption
177Carpenter, Infant01/12MW N.Y. Aug Nursing sore mouth and Diareah
211Weed, James70MWMN.Y. Augwithout occupationOld Age
229Rhodes, Ephram84MWWN.Y. Septwithout occupationOld Age
265Babcock, James W.32MWMN.Y. DecPhysicianSudden Death Family could not tell cause
281Harris, Benjamin66MWMN.Y. MarchCooperCongestion of the Lungs
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West Almond

Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Town of West Almond, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Ezra P. Crandall, Ass't Marshall. p. 129

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
5Hines, Samuel69MWMMassachusetts FebFarmerRheumatism
12Everts, Infant01/12MW New York Aug Fits
48Millard, William34MWMNew York SeptFarmerSpinal Disease
47Margeson, Mary62FWWNew York JulyKeeping HouseCancer
55Boyd, Huston47MWMIrelandparents fbOctFarmerConsumption
53Smith, Lydia M.42FWWNew York DecKeeping HousePalsey
72Wise, Lot J.81MWMEnglandparents fbMchFarmerConjestion of Lungs
169Pusce?, Jane10FW Wisconsin May Consumption
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Schedule 2. -- Persons Who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in Town of Ward, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me E--- Crandall, Ass't Marshall, p. 125

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
7Baker, James01/12MW New Yorkparents fbAprilInfantHooping Cough
8Hamilton, Randolph10MW New York Sept Kicked by Horse
10Utter, Infant01/12MW New York OctInfantLiver Complaint
22Davis, Oliver36MW New York MarchFarmerConsumption
40White, Daniel82MWWRhode Island AugFarmerHeart Disease
54Babbett, Joseph L.65MWMNew York SeptFarmerDropsy on heart
73Lewis, Infant M  New York Oct Still Born
110Muligan, Patrick35MWMIrelandparents fbNov[illegible]Killed by Cars
130Cartwright, Betsey90FWWRhode Island Nov Old age
131Crandall, Reba69FWMNew York MarchKeeping HousePhneumonia
140Reynolds, Cylinda92FWWNew York MarchKeeping HouseCongestion of lungs
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Schedule 2. -- Pesons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the town of Wellsville, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, S. Hackman?, Ass't Marshall. p. 127

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
11Mason, Sarah88FWWConnecticut Feb Old Age
80Rittenbark, Adam79MWMNew York AprilFarmerGravel
88Walters, Lorenzer54FWMNew York JanKeeping HouseHeart Disease
91Cornes?, Ada03/12FW New York May Dropsy on Brain
128Purdy, James1MW New York May Quinsy
316Molbonel?, Arthur40MW Ireland FebPriestLung Disease
226Armstrong, Phebe64FWMNew York April Consumption
253Hasting, Jeremiah??MW New York Aug ---- complaint
266Rose, Cathrine41FWMNew York AprilKeeping HouseParalysis
372Lary, Anna13FW New Yorkparents fbJune Rheumatism
369Baken, Hanah34FWMNew York JanKeeping HouseLung Disease
140?Hierzerme?, Henry1MW New Yorkparents fbFeb Scarlet Fever
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died in the Year ending 1st June 1870, in the town of Willing, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, F. H. Ackerman, Ass't Marshal. p. 131

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
131Darling, Hercules66MWMNew Hampshire SeptemberFarmerSoftening of Brain
143Fosbury?, Sarah3FW New York December Disease of Brain
212Watson, Abel68?MWMNew York DecemberFarmerConsumption
257Bery, Alise3FW New York Feb Scarlet Fever
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Schedule 2. -- Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, 1870, in the Town of Wirt, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, enumerated by me, Wm. H. Withey, Ass't Marshal. p. 133

Fam #NameAgeSexRaceMd/WdBirthplaceParentageMonth DiedOccupationCause of Death
55[Ryno?] Infant MW NY Dec not known
96Foster, Lydia A.41FWMNY SeptKeeping HouseSpinal Inflamation of the Brain
97Shaw, Stephen42MWMNY NovFarmerDropsy of the Chest
104Satterlee, Jane48FWMCanadamother fbAprKeeping HouseJaundice
112Perkins, George64MWMNY OctFarmerNumb Palsey
131Huff, Elmira11FB NY Janwithout occupationTyphoid Fever
133Peterson, Mary E.09/12FW NY March nt known
154Phillips, Thomas48MWMRhode Island JulyFarmerSuicide by Hanging
251Kenyon, Angie C.22FW NY OctSchool TeacherTyphoid Fever
260Newell?, Hannah66FWWVermont Septwithout occupationDropsy of the Chest
269McAllaster, David54MW NY Mar.FarmerDropsy of the Chest
23Smith, Nancy73FWW?? Aprwithout occupationInflamation of Lungs
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Allegany County GenWeb Page

Allegany County Census Page

Created on ... December 02, 2001

© copyright 2001 by Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.