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Selected Items from the Diary of Alice Lyon Hatch

transcribed by

Irene Hammond Crowley

with footnotes by Vivian Karen Bush

Alice M. Lyon was born 16 Jun 1854 in New Hudson, Allegany, New York, the daughter of Spencer D. Lyon and Lydia Ann Pratt.  She married on 31 Oct 1882, Alfred Duane Hatch, son of Benjamin F. and Nellie (Leary) Hatch.  A chart showing Alice's extended family is at the bottom of this page, showing the relationship to many of the people she mentions.


Jan. 11 - Bertha is 10 years old today.  Our presents to her are a piano, Mother Goose book, $10 gold piece, doll, silver spoon.

Jan. 17 - Fed 3 tramps, two stayed on back porch all the time we were eating supper.

Jan. 23 - Chet Lyon died today.

Feb. 1 - Mother Hatch is 68 today.

Feb. 2 - Aroused at 4 o'c by fire at St James Hotel. boys all went. Drying out boots all day.

Feb. 4 - Walter and Uncle Ezra here for dinner. Uncle's hair is nearly all white.

Feb. 15 - Big boat "The Main" blown up in Spanish waters.

Feb. 16 - Went to see St James' carpets, on sale, fire damaged.

March 25 - Earnest Hatch's house by the livery stable caught fire.

April 9 - Large circle around the moon with a strange light toward the east streaking wide about 2 1/2 last night.

April 13 - Otis Sykes blown up in explosion of glycerine.

April 16 - Mr. Briggs plumbed parlor, sitting room and chambers for gas.

April 21 - War is declared. Action has begun for our whole country. Makes us feel blue.

April 22 - Word has come that our people blew up 2 Spanish boats, took 1500 prisoners

April 26 - Two tramps whipped carpets for their breakfast. They were pleasant men, said they were joining 43 others who were leaving Olean for the Army in four days.

May 7 - Pa and Ma's 47th anniversary. Levada and Ivan to be married in Shongo next week.

June 16 - I am 44 years old today.

June 23 - Stevens barn by fairground burned, wind gale.

July 12 - White frost shis morning, soon dissapated in sun.

July 14 - Our flag floats in Santiago today.  Spaniards surrendered.

August 24 - Frank Reynolds girl, 14, accidently shot and killed by her cousin.

Aug. 30 - Started for Toronto with big crowd at 10 1/2 o'c. Jennie Larabee went only as far as Buffalo.  Took a boat at Lewiston at 2.  Out of sight of land for more than an hour.  Arrived at T. 5 1/2 o'c, found lodging near fairground.

Aug. 31 - Took long ride on electric car.  Grand fireworks at the fair depicted Fall of Santiago and much more.

Sept. 1 - Two o'c boat to Lewiston, electric car over gorge to Niagara.  Stayed at the Stafford House all night.

Sept. 2 - Started for home, arrived Hinsdale at 6 o'c and waited until after 7 for Loveridge's liver. Home tired, hungry, 9 o'c.

Sept. 15 - Brewery on Spring St. burned this noon. Big fire.

Sept. 20 - Big crowd at the hall to welcome Chas Adsit back from teh war.

Oct. 2 - Alfred is 42 today.  Aunt Diadame here for visit.

Dec. 25 - Attended church services both morning and evening for Christmas. Among my presents were stockings, bag, glove box, lovely picture, crumb brush and tray, slippers, doilies, pillow, sewing basket and gold peices from my loved one.


Jan 23 - Aroused soon after Alfred went to the store, little after 6 o'c by Mother crying Fire.  Found her stand on fire but we soon extinguished it without damage.

Feb 1 - Mother is 69 today.>

Feb 8 - Grace Lyon's baby Thelma died this morning.

Feb 9 - Mrs. Alice Lawrence died.  Very sad for her family.

Feb 10 - 16 degrees below zero all day.  Water pipes froze and bust.

Feb 16 - Grace and Frank rec'd telegram Aunt Diadame died.

April 10 - Mate Lyon died about 6 o'c tonight.

July 10 - Aroused at 3 1/2 o'c by fire alarm.  Gros Meat Market.

July 18 - Jury examined Paul Morgan and Gabriel Bishop incident.  Pa on jury but won't talk about it.

Aug 19 - Myra, Garry, Bertha, Alfred and I left here 6 o'c and arrived Chautauqua at 10. Large excursion.  Stayed at Mrs. Allen's.  Heard Gov. Rosevelt speak.

Aug. 21 - Left for home at 10 1/2 o'c.  Boat terribly crowded and they had to pump it hard.  Severe thunder, we were all very nevous.

Aug. 29 - Went to Pent Lyon's on local.  The old farm does not look very natural.  A new baby girl at the Alva Rogers.

Oct. 28 - Stevens hill all afire, awful sight.  They say it was set.

Dec. 16 - Total eclipse of the moon tonight.  Quiet beauty.

Dec. 18 - Went to Pearl Pratt's funeral today.  Sad.

Dec. 24 - Uncle Ezra here for Christmas.  What a jolly man.  We went to the Presbyterian church for Tree and excerises.


Jan. 11 - Ethel Lyon died today.

Jan. 13 - Eva, Wesley, Marcia Lyon all have mumps.  Ethel's funeral very sad.

Jan. 31 - William Gordon buried today.

Mar. 11 - Bertha's things all packed and left for Syracuse.  Her piano went first.  Seems very lonesome here.  She is 22.

May 18 - Sat up until after 12 o'c watching Halley's comet.

June 16 - I am 56 years old today.

Sept. 5 - Bertha taken sick at 2 o'c.  Nurse Mrs. Wheat came at 6 and Dr. at 8 o'c.  Baby boy born at 12:50 oc Sept. 6. 9 lb.

Sept. 29 - Elnora Smith has a baby girl.  Named her Florence.

Oct. 6 - Came home on Pennsy. Hated to leave Bertha, Royal is so cross to her.

Oct. 26 - Mary Holden and George Bartholomew married.

Dec. 6 - Bertha and baby Alfred came home on noon train.  There is talk of divorce.


Jan. 6 - Went ot Cazenovia then to Syracuse.  Had long talk with Royal and Mr. and Mrs. Schiele.  We cannot solve their affairs.

Jan. 11 - Dark gloomy day, Bertha's 23.  Agnes Rooney and Mildred Sisson came to call but bertha still very sad.

Feb. 1 - Had telephone put in.  Caled Eva right away and some friends.

Feb. 6 - Alfred S. is 5 months old.  Weighs 15 lb 11 oz.

Mar. 3 - Went to public opening of new schoolhouse.  It is fine.

Mar. 11 - To Black Creek for Phebe Allen's funeral.  Pent and Eva took us to the cemetery and back to Aunt Sylvia's for tea.

April 22 - To Pent's for over night, all went to Amelia's burial.

May 16 - Ladies Aid Scoial, Lena Hammond chairman.  Made $55.

June 24 - Two years ago today was Bertha's wedding.  How sad it did not work out well.  But she has Baby.

June 17 - Alfred S. has second tooth.  Has been some worrisome.


Jan. 24 - Eclipse of the sun.  Very clear and beautiful.

Jan. 26 - Jennie Larrabee died.

Feb. 28 - Earthquake along Atlantic coast felt here but lightly.

March 4 - Heard President Coolidge on radio.

April 25 - Maude married Ward Hopkins.

June 15 - D. Hitchock barn struck by lightning.

June 29 - Earthquake and tidal wave disastrous to Santa Barbara at 6:44 a.m.


April 21 - Paul Morgan shot himself.

Feb. 15 - Alfred H. fell from Mr. Bartlett's roof, broke his leg. He's in hospital.  Dr. charged $71 because of complications.

May 15 - Alfred S. to work steady for Mr. Conrath.  When school is out he will be apprentice for 3 years to learn trade.

June 25 - Paid corporation tax $115.67

July 26 - Commenced work on lot at the corner to build a new Catholic Church.

Aug. 5 & 6 - Firemens Convention.  Some men very noisy turn town topsy turvy.

Aug. 30 - Sherrill and Elnora went back to New Rochelle home.

Sept. 12 - Laid cornerstone in new Catholic church.  List of things put in the hollow stone is made public.

Alice Lyon Hatch died on 1st November 1926 at the age of 72.

Chart showing the extended family of Alice Lyon Hatch.

The names at the top of each column are the children of Spencer and Betsey (Ricker) Lyon.  Below them is each of their children.  Names in bold, except for the names of Spencer and Betsey's children are those mentioned in Alice's diary.

Spencer Lyon (1797-1873) and Betsey Ricker (1793-1870)
Henry Jonathan
no issue
Mary Ann
Wm. A. Gee

Sarah Elizabeth Gee

Lucius S. Gee
Lemuel Ralph Sr.
Diadama Peterson

Amelia Lyon

Olive B. Lyon
b. 1845

Henry J.

Alvina Diadame Lyon

Mary Eva Lyon
b. 1853

Lemuel Ralph Lyon
Mary H. “Mate” White
Spencer D. Lyon
Lydia Ann Pratt

Alfred Duane Hatch
son of
Benjamin F. Hatch
Nellie Leary

Bertha Lillian Hatch
Royal Schiele

Alfred F. Schiele
Lucius B. Lyon
Susan M. Upham

Frank B. Lyon
Grace Rowley

Mable Lyon
Lena Lyon
Thelma Lyon
Walter Spencer Lyon
Marsha Ann Rogers

Emma Jane Lyon

Myron Chester Lyon

Otis Spencer “Pent” Lyon
Mary Eva Brown

Alberta Lyon

Children of Pent & Eva Lyon:
Ethel (1888-1910)
Wesley (1884-1930)
Jennie (1892-1977)
Marcia (1899-1965)
Helena “Lena”
Elizabeth M. “Libbie”
David W. Truax

Judson Truax
Ada Truax
Alma Truax
Sylvia J.
George D. Rogers

Allen Calvin Rogers
Elizabeth Carpenter
Levada Rogers

George Alba Rogers
Alva Russel Rogers
Altha Jane “Jennie”
md. Burdette Larrabee

Sylvia md. 2nd
Stephen D. Gay
Clement Stephen Gay

Allegany Co. History Page

Allegany County GenWeb Page

Last updated on July 22, 2006
© copyright Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.