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History of the Presbyterian Church in Almond, New York

Source:  Allegany County and Its People. A Centennial Memorial History of Allegany County, New York., by John S. Minard, 1896, p. 686

About 1798 - The first church was organized in Almond in 1798 or 1799, and was first, a Dutch-Reformed church. It was organized by the Rev. Andrew Gray and he became it's pastor; Mr. Gray was the first pastor in Allegany county, and is described by Judge Philip Church as “a broad shouldered man of extraordinary muscular power and was a very earnest preacher.”

May 5, 1812 - It was re-organized into a Presbyterian church. There is no doubt but that this is the first church formed in Allegany county. At the re-organization, Rev. John Niles of Bath presided. The first members were:

In 1895 the church membership was 167, with a Sunday School of 125, and a Christian Endeavor Society of 40.  The church efifice that originally stood on the patrsonage lot was built in 1814 and sold for $25 to the late Thomas Major and is now a part of the barn of S. S. Karr.  The present church edifice was erected in 1835, enlargted in 1851, and again repaired in 1868.

Pastors of the Presbyterian Church of Almond were:

Rev. Robert Hubbardto 1829 divided his time between the Almond and Angelica churches
Rev. James Cahoon1829 - 1831-
Rev. Moses HunterJune 1832 - April 1839 At the first of his pastorate, about 35 members united with the church. 
Mr. Hunter left the church at his own request to found a mission
institute in Illinois in company with the Rev. D. Nelson, author of ’
Rev. Abial Parmeleeto April 1844-
Rev. Dr. Joel WakemanSept. 1, 1844 - 1865Under his pastorate the membership and influence of church largely increased.
He was the most noted pastor the church has ever had.
He was an earnest anti-slavery advocate, and contributed
largely to form the anti-slavery public sentiment
which made Allegany county Republican in 1856.
Rev. R. G. AllenJan. 1866 - 1876-
Rev. J. G. Ogden1876 - 1871-
Rev. Dr. Joel Wakeman1871 - abt. 1873-
Rev. D. K. Steeleseveral years-
Rev. L. S. Boyce-Young man from Ohio; graduate of Princeton; remained two years and later
went to Nebraska
Rev. Bradbury2 yearsDied in Howard.
Rev. J. D. Hillman2 years-
Rev. Frank H. BisbeeJune 1, 1894He was born at Deposit, N.Y., July 31, 1869, graduated from the
Deposit High school in 1889, afterwards attended Park College
and graduated from Auburn Theological Seminary May 10, 1894.
He was ordained at Cuba, N.Y., by the Presbytery April 18, 1894,
he was installed as pastor May 1, 1895.


Allegany County GenWeb Page

Last updated on July 20, 2006
© copyright 1999, Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.