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Saint Paul's Episcopal Church of Angelica, Allegany Co., New York

John S. Minard, A Centennial Memorial History of Allegany County, New York, W. A. Fergusson & co., Alfred, N.Y., 1896, pp. 113-

Rev. Davenport Phelps, a missionary, was the first to hold Episcopal services in Angelica, and in 1821 the Right Rev. John Henry Hobart, D. D., held services in the court house which was then quite new.  Rev. Caleb Hopkins however was the first to establish regular services.  In 1827 the parish was duly organized with Philip Church and James Wilson wardens, during the ministrations of Rev. William W. Bostwick.  In 1828 he ceased his labors here and the same year Bishop Hobart preached in the court house confirming thirty persons.  Rev. Bostwick was succeeded by Rev. M. P. Bennett, who resigned in 1830, and, in 1831, Rev. Lewis Thibou assumed the charge of the parish, and in August, 1832, Bishop Onderdonk visited the parish, confirming nine persons.  In 1833 the church, partly completed, was damaged by lightning.  August 30, 1834, the edifice being completed consecration services were held by Bishop Onderdonk, and may 1, 1835, Rev. Thibou resigned, after which for a time Rev. N. F. Bruce conducted services.  Rev. Thibou again became rector May 1, 1838, continuing until the spring of 1857.  Fire destroyed the church Feb. 10, 1847, and July 23, 1848, a new structure, the present one, having been completed it was consecrated, Right Rev. William H. Delancy, D. D., oficiating.  Rev. Robert Horwood became rector in June, 1857, and resigned June 13, 1863.  He was followed by Rev. M. Schofield, who resigned Feb. 10, 1867.  From 1867 to 1870 Rev. Joseph Hunter was rector, and Rev. J. C. L. Jones officiated as rector from 1871 to 1872, followed by Rev. John Leech 1872-74. March 19, 1876, Rev. Schofield again took the rectorship, supplying Christ Church, Belvidere, half the time.  In succession, since 1879, as their names occur, the rectors have been Revs. A. J. Warner, W. F. Shero, Dwight Galloupe, and F. W. Beecher, the present incumbent.  During the pastorate of Mr. Galloupe, a society was organized at Belfast and a beautiful little chapel erected.  The present officers of St. Paul's church are C. D. Buchanan, senior warden; Lewis Branson, junior warden; A. T. Wilson, L. T. Hooker, Dr. H. E. Cooley, W. S. Gibson, W. G. Graham, N. H. Curtis, H. B. Warner, George Graham, vestrymen.  In the floursihing Sunday school of this church, the singing, rendered by a child's choir organized by Mr. Galloupe, is exceptionally fine.

Within the past fifteen years a new pipe organ costing $1,300 has been put in, and extensive repairs to the church have been made. The edifice is beautiful and attractive within, and embellished by gifts from members and others.  Mrs. Schofield gave it a beautiful screen, and placed within it a memorial plate to her father, Rev. Lewis Thibou.  The Sunday school has given a memorial window to the memory of “Mary Welsh, Mary Davidson and the dear departed of the Sunday school,” and expects soon to have in place a window to the memory of Thomas C. Thornton, long it's superintendent.  Mrs. D. D. Gardiner put in a window to the memory of a niece, Miss Caldwell.  Mr. W. C. Hooker left a fund to procure a memorial window for his father and mother.  Mrs. Dr. Wakely placed a memorial window to the memory of her mother, Mrs. SchofieldMrs. Grover placed a marble slab to the memory of her sister, Miss Clara WhitmoreMiss Emily Whitmore placed a memorial window to Mrs. Emily Grover, and Mr. Lewis T. Hooker one to the memory of his wife.  Richard H. Charles left $5,000, the interest of which is devoted to The support of the church.

  • History of St. Paul's Episcopal Church
  • Membership List
  • Baptisms
  • Sponsors & Witnesses to Baptisms Index
  • Confirmations Index
  • Marriage Index
  • Marriage Witness Index
  • Index of Burials
  • Allegany Co. New York Churches

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    Created on ... May 02, 2004

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