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Resolutions of Allegany Lodge 225

F. & A. M.

On the Death of Harmon Butts

At a regular meeting of Allegany Lodge, No. 225, F. & A. M., held at Friendship, August 18, the following resolutions were adopted expressive of the feelings of the Lodge, upon the death of Brother Harmon Butts, who departed this life, August 11th, in the 70th year of his age.

Whereas, It has seemed good to the Almighty Disposer of Events to remove from the light of our abode, and from the endearing associations of life, our venerable and worthy Brother Harmon Butts, who for nearly half a century has been a free and accepted Mason, and ever true to his Masonic vows; therefore

Resolved, That these fathers is Masonry are worthy double honor, for they were masons when it cost something to be known, as a member of the "mystic tie;" that, the moral courage which they evinced, is worthy of the men and the principles which they advocated.

Resolved, That having been so long and pleasantly associated with our venerable brother, we as a Lodge deplore his loss with deep feelings of regret, softened only by that assurance that his spirit is with those who having fought the good fight here, have obeyed the summons of the Great Master of the Universe, and now are enjoying everlasting refreshment in "that spiritual building, that house not made writh hands eternal in the heavens."

Resolved, That in the simplicity of his daily life, watch was, we believe, a life without guile, we see proof of his devotion to masonry worthy of all honor, and in his inflexible integrity and pure christian life, he has left an eloquent lesson which all, young and old, may read and profit.

Resolved, That we sympathize most sincerely with the afflicted children and other relations in their bereavement; that we feel the poverty of language to administer consolation, and can only oint them to the sublime truths of gospel grace, which their departed relative so rejoicingly believed; that we fervently commend them to "Him who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," and who holds us ever in his tender love and great thoughts.

Sure the last end

Of the good man is peace! How calm his exit!
Night dews fall not more gently to the ground,
Nor weary worn out winds expire so soft.
Behold him in the evening tide o' life,
A life well spent, whose early care it was
That riper years should not upbraid his green
By unperceiv'd degrees he wears away;
Yet like the sun, seems largest at its setting!
(High is his faith and hope,) look how lies arches
After the prize in view! And, like a bird
That, hamper'd struggles hard to get away!
Whilst the glad gates of sight are wide expanded
To let new glories in, the first fair fruits
Of the fast coming harvest.-- Then, oh then!
Each earth born joy grows vile, or disappears,
Shrunk to a thing of nought, --Oh! How he longs
To have his passport signed, and he dismissed!
Tis done! And now he's happy! The glad soul
Has not a wish uncrown'd.

F. M. Alvord

Julius Parish, Committee

Created on ... August 03, 2006

© Vivian Karen Bush 2006
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.