This Page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb site.

Allegany Co., NY GenWeb Census Page


1810 US Census - Allegany Co., New York

1850 US Census - Allegany Co., New York

1920 US Census - Allegany Co., New York

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US Census

1810 - Name of head of household, number of free white males and females in age categories: 0-10, 10-16, 16-26, 26-45, 45 upwards; number of free persons except Indians not taxed; number of slaves; town/district and county of residence.

1820 - Name of head of household, number of free white males and females in age cagegories: 0-10, 10-16, 16-18 (males), 16-26, 26-45, 45 upwards; number of free persons not taxed; number of slaves; number of persons not naturalized; number engaged in agriculture, commercial or manufacture; number of colored persons (sometimes in age categories); number of other persons except Indians; town/district and county of residence.

1830 - Name of head of household, number of free white mailes and females in age categories: 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-100, over 100; number of slaves and free colored persons in age cagetories, categories for deaf, dumb, and blind persons and aliens; town/district and county of residence.

1840 - Name of head of household, number of free white mailes and females in age categories: 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-100, over 100; number of slaves and free colored persons in age cagetories, categories for deaf, dumb, and blind persons and aliens, Revolutionary War pensioners and ages, number engaged in mining, agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, and trade, navigation of the ocian, navigation of canals, lakes, and rivers, learned professions and engineers; number in shcools, etc.; number in family over 21 who cannot read and write, and number of insane; town/district and county of residence.

1850 - Name of every person whose usual residence on June 1, 1850 was in the household; age; sex; color; profession/occupation; country/state of birth; whether married within the year; attended school withing year; if over twenty whether able to read and write; deaf, dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, convict; town/district and county of residence. *NOTE* The original county copy differs from the federal copy, which has some mistakes. Includes some lists of deaths, agriculture, industry and social statistics. FHC#462,866

1860 - Name of every person whose usual residence on June 1, 1860 was in the household; age; sex; color; profession/occupation; value of real estate; value of personal estate; country/state of birth; married within year; attended school within year; if over twenty whether able to read and write; town/district and country of residence. NOTE* The original county copy differs from the federal copy, which has some mistakes. Includes some lists of deaths, agriculture, industry and social statistics. FHC#462,867

1870 - Name of every person whose usual residence on June 1, 1870 was in the household; age; sex; color; profession/occupation; value of real estate; value of personal estate; country/state of birth; father of foriegn birth; mother of foriegn birth; month if born within year; month if married within year; attended school within year; whether can read or write; if eligible to vote; town/district and country of residence. *NOTE* County copy differs from federal copy. Includes some agriculture and industry records. FHC#462,868

1880 - Name of every person whose usual residence on June 1, 1880 was in the household; color; sex; age; month of birth if within year; relationship to head of household; single, married, widowed/divorced; profession/occupation; number of months unemployed during year; sickness on day of enumeration; blind, deaf/dumb, blind, insane, maimed-crippled, bedridden or other disability; attended school within census year; cannot read; cannot write; state/country of birth; state/country of birth of father; state/country of birth of mother. This census was soundexed for families that included a child under the age of 10.

1900 - Name of every person whose usual residence on June 1, 1900 was in the household; relationship to the head of family; color; sex; date of birth (month/year); age; single/married/widowed/divorced; number of years married; mother of number of children; number of those children living; place of birth; father's place of birth; mother's place of birth; citizenship (year of immigration, number of years in U.S., naturalized; occupation/trade (months not employed); attended school in year (number of months), can read, can write, can speak English; ownership of home (own/rent; own free/mortgage; farm/house; number on farm schedule)

1910 - Name of every person whose usual residence on April 15, 1910 was in the family; relationship to head of family; sex; color/race; age; whether sincle, married, widowed or divorced; number of years of present marriage; mother of how many children, number of children living; place of birth; father's place of birth; mother's place of birth; year of immigration to U.S., Naturalized or Alien; language spoken; trade/profession; general nature of industry/business; employer/own account; if out of work on Apr. 15; weeks out of work in 1909; read/write; attended school; home ownership (own/rent, own free/mortgage, farm/house, number on farm schedule; suvivor of Union/Confederate army/navy; blind; deaf/dumb.

1920 - Name of every person whose usual residence on January 1, 1920 was in the family; relationship to head of family; own/rent, own free/mortgage; sex; color/race; age; marital status; year of immigration to U.S.; naturalized/alien; year of naturalization; attended school, read/write; place of birth/mother tongue; father's place of birth/mother tongue; mother's place of birth/mother tongue; speak English; Occupation; general nature of occupation; employer/own account; number on farm schedule.

1930 - 1990 - not yet released.

New York State Census




1855 - number of dwelling in order of visitation; of what material built; value; family numbered in order of visitation; name of every person whose abode on June 1, 1855 was with the family; age; sex; color (black/mulatto); relationship to head of family; NY county of birth or state/country; married; widowed; years resident in town/city; occupation; voter (native/naturalized); alien; person of color not taxed; persons over 21 who cannot read/write; owner of land; deaf/dumb/blind.

1865 - number of dwelling in order of visitation; of that material built; value; family numbered in order of visitation; name of every person whose abode on June 1, 1855 was with the family; age; sex; color (black/mulatto); realtionship to head of family; NY county of birth or state/country; parent of how many children; number of times married; now married; now widowed; single; occupation; usual place of employment if not in this city/town; Voters (native/naturalized); alien; colored persons not taxed; owner of land; over 21 whether can read/write; deaf and dumb/blind/insane of idiotic; now in navy; now in army; formerly in army; formerly in navy. Additional information of Officers and enlisted men now in military or navy: regiment; date of entering service; first term of enlistment; first rank; promotions, transfers, or re-enlistment; unexpired term on June 1, 1865; name of present regiment; present rank; drafted; substitute; representative recruit. List of marriages that occured in the town during the year; List of deaths that occurred in the town during the year; list of deaths of officers and enlisted men that occured since 1861.

1875 - Dwelling (number of visitation, material built, value); family numbered in order of visitation; name of every person whose usual abode on June 1, 1875 was with the family; age; sex; color; relationship to head of family; NY county of birth or state/country; now married; now widowed; single; occupation; usual place of employment if not in this city/town; Voters (native/naturalized); alien; owner of land; over 21 and cannot read/write; deaf and dumb, blind, insane or idiotic. List of marriages that occured in the town during the year. List of deaths that occurred in the town during the year.

1892 - Name of each person in the town, sex, age, born in US, occupation.

1905 - Name of every person in the family, relationship to head of family, sex, age, born in US, Citizen, Occupation.

1915 - Name of every person in the family, relationship to head of family, sex, age, occuption. FHC #501,961.

1925 - Name of every person in the family, relationship to head of family, sex, age, occuption.

Allegany County, NY GenWeb

Last updated on January 10, 2002
© Vivian Karen Bush 2006
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.