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Naturalization Records, Common Pleas Minutes Vol. 1, 1807 - 1828
Allegany County Court House, Clerks Office
State of New York

The orignal records is also on microfilm through the LDS Family History Library - FHL #1006567

compiled Karen Bush, Jan. 1999
Includes naturalizations.

Armstrong, Robert Jun 1809George Renwickof Great Britian
Atherton, CorneliusCharles TownsendJune 1808 clerk assessed damages
to $33.64
Ayers, JamesJames ClarkJun 1809 ordered that the def. be
dishcharged from arrest
Ayers, JamesBenjamin Van CampenJun 1809John Stevens (p)
Benjamin Miles (p)
William Stevens (p)
Jacob Pottman (p)
James Green (d)
Cornelius Shoemaker (d)
John McIntosh (d)
Mathew McHenry (d)
Phineas Stevens (d)
William Higgins
jury finds def. guilty
asses damages at $150.06
Ayers, JamesBenjmain Van CampenJun 1809 stay until next Oct Term
Barr, Robert Nov 1807John Gibson
John Mullendel
ordered to be naturalized
Brown, JohnZephania HuffJun 1808 def. confessed to damages
to $56.68
Burnham, Samuel W.Joseph TaylorJun 1808 def. confessed damtes to $53
stay until 1 Oct next.
Cameron, JamesJohn FreemanJan 1810Asahel Hooker (p)
Martin Freeman (p)
John Hooker (p)
Luther Freeman (d)
find for the Ptff $114.95
Case, HoseaPaine TurnerJun 1809 parties settled, discontinued
Church, PhilipHiram MunsonOct 1808 discontinued
Church, PhilipEllis PearceJan 1809 judgement for $90.80
Church, PhilipHenry DavisJan 1809 cause go off on payment
Church, PhilipBenjamin DavisJan 1810Daniel Cruger (p)
Horatio Waterhouse (p)
William Higgins (p)
def. to pay pltff. $123.22
Church, PhilipSeth MarvinOct 1810 clerk to assess damages
Church, PhilipReuben RiggsOct 1809John Mullender (p)
George Renwick (p)
find for ptff $32.88
Church, PhilipSeth MarvinOct 1810 clerk assessed damages at $38.06
Church, Phillip & John B.Hiram MansonJun 1809 cause discontinued
Coe, ZachoriaDavid BowersJun 1809 damages to $34.18
Cook, Amos Jun 1808 ordered to pay $1 for not appearing
on the Grand Jury
Dautremont, Augustus Jun 1809 native of France
Dautremont, AugustusWilliam PinkertonOct 1810 def. confesses damages
to $51.91
Dixon, DavidPaine TurnerJun 1809 parties settled, discontinued
Dodge, DanielJosiah HammerOct 1809Samuel Field (p)
David Hunt (p)
Robert Jackson (p)
John Clark (p)
Eli Griffith (d)
Z.Z. Casewell (d)
Christopher Olden (d)
Asahel Newcomb (d)
def. guilty
damages at $25.50
DuPont, E. J.Cornelius BegordusJune 1810 clerk to assess damages
DuPont, E. J.Cornelius BorgadusJune 1810 def. confessed damages
to $51.67
DuPont, Eleuthere J.Luke GoodspeedOct 1810 clerk to assess damages
DuPont, EleuthereLuke GoodspeedOct 1810 clerk assessed $9.11 in cause
DuPont, VictorAsahel FranklinJune 1810 clerk to assess damages
DuPont, VictorSilas Knight
Asahel Franklin
June 1810 clerk to assess the damages
DuPont, VictorSilas Knight
Asahel Franklin
June 1810 def. confessed damages
to $48.58
Fields, SamuelPaine TurnerJun 1809 parties settled, discontinued
Freeman, JohnGeroge GrahamOct 1810 parties settled
Gat***, John Jun 1809George Renwicknative of Great Britain
admitted citizen of US
Graham, George Jun 1809John Gibsonnative of England
admitted citizen of US
Haight, Samuel S.Silas MarcyJune 1810  Judgement for $131.20
Henshaw, JoshuaDaniel HunterJan 1809 pltff confesses damages
to $30.72
Hooker, AshelJohn FreemanJun 1809 Arad Rice (p)
William Poole(p)
Martin Freeman (d)
Luther Freeman (d)
jury returned no cause;
find for the def.
Hooker, AzalJohn FreemanJun 1810 John Mullender
Asahel Franklin
find for the ptff $67.14
Hunt, ThomasPaine TurnerJun 1809 parties settled, discontinued
Lakin, GabrielJoseph McClureJune 1810 cause go off until next term
Lakin, GabrielJoseph McClureOct 1810 for pltff. $84.00
Lockword, George Nov 1807Joseph Carthalordered to be naturalized
Mapes, HenryIsaac RawsonOct 1808 discontinued
Mapes, HenryIsaac RawsonOct 1809 discontinued
McIntosh, JohnSilas Knight
Asahel Franklin
June 1810 def. confessed damages
to $186.33
McIntosh, JohnSilas Knight
Asahel Franklin
June 1810 clerk to assess damages
Melrose, William Jun 1809 native of England
Moor, OliverAlmiron SackettOct 1808 def. confesses plaintiff's
debt to $70
Morgan, Palatine Oct 1809 fined $1 for disturbing
the court
Mullender, JohnZebediah NoblesOct 1810 clerk to assess damages
Mullender, JohnZebediah NoblesOct 1810 clerk assessed damages at 455.13
Neilson, William Jun 1809George Renwicknative of Great Britain
admitted citizen of US
Nobles, JedediahWilliam BurnetOct 1810 writ of inquiry issued
Nobles, JedediahWilliam BurnettOct 1810 parties settled
O'Ferril, JohnEphraim & David SanfordJan 1809 rule enlarged 40 days
from end of term
O'Ferril, JohnDavid SanfordJan 1809 rule enlarged 40 days
from end of term
O'Ferril, JohnDavid SanfordOct 1809William Kogen (d)
Jedediah Nobles (p)
John Henry (p)
Loring Francis (p)
Benjamin Littleton (p)
Ephraim Sanford (p)
Squire Haskins (d)
John Woodward (d)
Asa Woodward (d)
Ephraim Sanford (d)
def. guilty
damages at $26.95verdict
O'Ferril, JohnEptraim Sandford &
David Sanford
Oct 1809Loring Francis (p)
William Pinkerton (p)
John Henry (p)
Caleb Frisby (p)
John Woodward (p)
William Kogen (p)
Benjamin Littlejohn (p)
Benjamin Chambers (p)
John Chambers (p)
find for ptff. $48
Paine, EnochJames JenningsJun 1809 damages assessed at $35.79
Parker, ParleyCornelius ShoemakerOct 1809Henry Brown (p)
John Pers (p)
William Van Norman (p)
John Mullender (p)
Daniel D. Thornmaker (d)
John Van Campen (d)
William Stephens (d)
John Gibson (d)
non suit
Patton, AlexanderDavid BowersOct 1808John Gibson (p)
Daniel Cruger (p)
for Plaintiff, $33.40
Peas, William Jr.Isaac RawsonJune 1810 settled and discontinued
Pratt, IraZepheniah HuffJun 1808 def. confessed to damages
to $39.45
Renwick, GeorgeJames SanfordOct 1809David Woodward (p)
James F. Haskins (p)
William Haskins (p)
John Chambers (p)
Nehemiah Seirs (p)
Nathaniel Reynolds (p)
Benjamin Chambers (p)
Ephraim Sanford (d)
Benjamin Chambers (d)
find def. guilty
asses damates at $50
Robson, John Jun 1809John Mullindernative of England
Ryuss, John P.William Pinkerton,
Silas Knight,
Stephen Waterman
who are impleded w/
Charles Townsend,
William Higgins
June 1810  default; writ of inquiry ordered
def. confessed damages
to $60.53
Sacket, AlmeronJohn LewisJun 1809damages to $31.58native of France
Sanford, EphraimJohn HenryOct 1809 def. confessed damages
of $50
Shute, John & WilliamWilliam SimsOct 1808 clerk ordered to assess damages
Shute, John & WilliamWilliam SimsOct 1808 damages assessed $51.20
Sims, WilliamReuben RiggsJune 1810  
Smith, JamesJoseph BaileyOct 1808 cause referred to
the detemination of
David Sanford,
Samuel Woolcutt
and Chirstopher Olen
Smith, JamesDodge, AlpheausJan 1809 James Bush (p)
Obadiah Ayers (p)
Moses Van Campen (p)
Adam Ripenburg (p)
George Renwick(p)
William L. Haydon (d)
Benjamin Harding (d)
Victor Dupont (d)
Thomas Hunt (d)
jury finds for pltff. $62.40
Smith, JamesDodge, AlpheausJan 1809  ordered that S.S. Haight
be made attorney of record
Smith, JamesEbenezer SlawsonOct 1809Robert Jackson (p)
John Bunnel (p)
George Renwick (p)
Z.Z. Caswell (p)
James Bush (p)
John Woodward (p)
David Didon (p)
James Hunt (d)
Jonathan Dodge (d)
Daniel Dodge (d)
Joseph Bailey (d)
Nathan Dixon (d)
Caleb Moore (d)
Nehemiah Seirs (d)
for ptff. $30 plus costs
Smith, James Jun.Zephaniah HuffOct 1809Wanzer Hendricks (d)
James Clark
Smith, James Jun.Richard N. PorterOct 1809 special warrant confessing
debt to $200
Smith, SamuelEbenezer SlawsonJune 1809 cause go off
Spencer, William H.Caleb Moore  Caleb Moore freed;
estate assessed for $123.84
Stacy, OliverPaul NewcombOct 1810Solman Simonds (p)
Thomas Dole (p)
Arnold Sikes (p)
Levi Brandige (p)
Aaron Fuller
John Griffith (d)
Eli Griffith (d)
Judah Warden (d)
find the def. not guilty
Van Campen, SamuelSquire ManningOct 1808 parties settled
Van Campen, WilliamAbraham BakerOct 1808 parties settled
Waterman, StephenCoomer WatermanJan 1809 judgement for $124.54
Wells, Henry & Benj.Ebenezer HudsonJan 1809 judgement for $49.81
White, Ansel Jan 1809 Petitions the court
to appoint
Almeran and Rachel Sackett
his guardian until he
reaches age 21.
White, ElishaCharles TownsendJun 1809 judgement of non pross.
Whiting, JosephJohn HollenbackOct 1809 costs to def. for not
procceding to trial
Wickinson, JohnJoseph TaylorJun 1808 plea of abatement insufficient
Wilkinson, JohnJoseph TaylorJun 1808 def. confessed to damages
to $33.90
Wilson, James Oct 1809George Renwicknative of Great Britain

Court History Page

Allegany County, NY GenWeb

Last updated on October 27, 1999
©1999 Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.