The first court session in Allegany county was held in November 1807, in the village of Angelica. This was a welcome relief to the early settlers in the in the region. Since 1802, they had been forced to travel over bad roads to Batvia. Before that, they had to travel to Canandaigua when called to jury duty.
Early judges in the court were Moses Van Campen, Everet C. Van Wickle and Philip Church.
Some of the first attorneys were Louns Clark, Cuthbut T. Harrison, Horation Waterhouse, Daniel Curger, William G. Taylor, and Phineas P. Eley.
PLEASE NOTE - there are no details given for these early court cases
Court Cases - names of persons named in 1806-1810
Jurors - names of jurors serving in Allegany Co., 1806-1810
Allegany Co., N.Y., Surrogate Court Box 1 Index
Allgeany Co., New York Wills Bk 1 - Index & Will Abstracts
Posted Wills and Will Testator Index in Allegany Co. NY GenWeb Archives
Online New York Probate indexes by David Samuelson - service for obtaining copies of wills