Two of Cuba's citizens, William J. Glenn and Frank B. Lyon, became doorkeepers of the House of Representatives. Both men were active in the Republican Party in Allegany County. William Glenn's reforms strengthen the party and in 1895 he was unaimously chosen doorkeeper of the House of Representatives in the 54th Congress. He held the office for four terms until his death. He was succeeded by his friend and collegue, Frank B. Lyon, who held the office from 1902 until 1910.
Below are references in books and newspapers for William J. Glenn and Frank B. Lyon:
William J. Glenn, son of Jefferson C., was born in Dansville, Livingston Co., July 2, 1862, and educated at Wellsville academy. In September, 1879, he went into the office of the Allegany County Reporter, and remained there three years. About this time he married Miss Jessie A., daughter of Dwight and Mary (Dunham) Goodrich. They have two children. Jan. 1, 1883, he, with W. J. Beecher purchased the Cuba Patriot of W. J. Stebbins. In 1887 Mr. Beecher withdrew, Mr. Glenn taking as partner S. C. Swift. The paper was continued under the name of W. J. Glenn & Co. Mr. Glenn was also partner with S. C. Swift in the Genesee Valley nurseries. He was appointed postmaster at Cuba, April 15, 1889, by President Harrison, and retained the position until March 1894. In 1886 he was elected secretary and treasurer of the Republican county committee and held that office four years. In 1890 he was elected a member of the Republican state committee and has since held that office. Mr. Glenn has taken active part in Allegany county politics, and been recognized as a leader of his party for years. Under his leadership the party has grown stronger, and it might be said that for eight years he has named every officer that has been elected. He put a stop to the old practice of candidates having to buy their nominations. At the Republican state convention held at Saratoga Springs, Sept. 16, 1895, this resolution was adopted: Resolved, That we unanimously indorse the candidacy of our fellow member, William J. Glenn, for doorkeeper of the house of representatives of The fifty-fourth congress, and, for his long and faithful service to the party, we are gratified to know that he is the unanimous choice of the Republican representatives of this state. At the opening of Congress in December, 1895, Mr. Glenn was elected as doorkeeper of the National House of Representatives, a position which carries much influence. Mr. Glenn is also proprietor of the Cuba Patriot. [Source: John S. Minard, Allegany County and its People. A Centennial Memorial History of Allegany County, New York., Alfred, N.Y., W. A. Fergusson & Co., 1896, p. 843
The hook and ladder company at Cuba has re-organized and elected F. C. Reynolds foreman, W. J. Glenn assistant foreman, S. C. Swift secretary, C. S. Davis treasurer and S. H. Morgan, W. J. Bucher and D. B. Whipple trustiess. [Source: The Olean Democrat, August 12, 1884, p. 6
Editor W. J. Glenn, of the Cuba Patriot, has been appointed postmaster at Cuba. The country editor's life is not all glory and metropolitan amusement, but he seems to stand in better with the Senate. [Source: The Olean Democrat, April 18, 1889, p. 5]
... Mr. Will J. Glenn, of the Cuba Patriot, is in Wellsville, dangerously ill with the typhoid fever. [Source: The Olean Democrat, Aug. 8, 1885, p. 1]
We are pleased to learn that W. J. Glenn, one of the proprietors of the Cuba Patriot, who has been for about a month lying seriously ill of typhoid fever in Wellsville, is convalescing. [Source: The Olean Democrat, Sept. 17, 1885]
Wellsville, N.Y., Aug. 31-- The Republican Convention of Alleghany [sic] County held to-day at Belmont was the largest in years. A full county ticket was nominated. Hon. C. H. Brown and the Hon. D. P. Richardson were chosen delegates to the Judicial Convention, favoring Hon. Hamilton Ward. The Senatorial delegates are Oscar A. Fuller, M. S. Blair, J. F. Rice, L. E. Hardy, B. P. Mapes, W. J. Garwood, C. K. Bacon, and Frank McGinty, solidly pledged to Charles A. Ball for Senator from the Twenty-seventh District. The delegates chosen to the State Convention are The Hon. A. W. Miner, W. J. Glenn, J. H. Rutherford, William E. Hammond, Charles B. Ricker, H. K. Holden, E. Willard Barnes, and M. Quinn. [Source: New York Times, Sept. 1, 1891, p. 1]
FOR DOORKEEPER OF THE HOUSE. W. J. Glenn of Cuba the Candidate of the New-York Republican Delegation to the Next Congress. Washington, Dec. 9 -- the twenty-nine gentlemen who will represent the Republican Majority of the New York delegation in The Fifty-fourth Congress are laying their plans carefully to secure the doorkeepership of the next House. Their candidate is W. J. Glenn, a newspaper editor of Cuba, N.Y.
Mr. Glenn is about thirty-five years old, and is prominently connected with the politics of the Thirty-fourth District. He is said by the members of the New-York delegation to be a man of ability and admirably fitted for the position. They are arranging their combination with other State delegations, and claim to be satisfied of their ability to carry their candidate through. [Source: New York Times, Dec. 10, 1894, p. 1; also The Washington Post, Nov. 28, 1894, p. 6]
In Hotel Lobbies. Mr. W. J. Glenn, of Cuba, N.Y., doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, is at Willard's Mr. Glenn is a newspaper man by profession, and is a near fried of Congressman Hooker, of New York, who was a leading spirit in the famous "combine" that captured all the principal offices of the House when the present Congress was organized last December.
There was growling galore on the part of the defeated aspirants, and soreness great on the part of those members who failed to come into the "combine." The great State of Illinois, which had a candidate for clerk in the person of Gen. Henderson, was not in on the deal, and in the partition of the patronage was left out in the cold, not even a page being awarded to a single member of the delegation. Ever since there have been whispers about the Capital that if there is an extra session of Congress the "combine" will not be able to re-elect its present staff of officials. The extra session seems imminent, but the chances of a re-organization which would cause Mr. Glenn and his colleagues to lose their places are somewhat remote.
Allowed on the Floor Till Noon. Doorkeeper W. J. Glenn announced yesterday a restoration of the time-honored privilege of newspaper correspondents to remain upon the floor of the House till within two minutes of noon, the hour of meeting. On account of the abuse of the privilege by two or three men, not among the active correspondents, Speaker Henderson about two weeks ago directed that all must be excluded, the same as spectators. He has steadily refused to rescind the rule, but, on the appeal of Mr. Glenn, who agreed to be responsible for having the floor cleared by noon, consented to the modification mentioned. [Source: The Washington Post, Jan. 31, 1900, p. 4]
DOORKEEPER GLENN DEAD. Pneumonia Carries Off Employe of House of Representatives. Washington. March 12. -- W. J. Glenn, the doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, died here at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon from pneumonia, following an attack of grippe. He was thirty-nine years old. Mr. Glenn leaves a widow and two sons. His remains will be taken to his home in Cuba, N.Y., to-morrow evening.
Mr. Glenn had been Chairman of every delegation sent from Allegany County to New York State Republican Conventions during the past seventeen years. He was a stanch supporter of Senator Platt. He was a member of the State Republican Committee from 1890 until his death, and of the State Executive Committee during the past seven years. He was a printer on a local newspaper at an early age, and at twenty-one years of age started the Cuban Patriot, published in Allegany County, and had owned it ever since. this was his fourth successive term as doorkeeper of the House. [Source: New York Times, March 13, 1902, p. 9]
DOORKEEPER GLENN IS DEAD Fatal Illness of Pneumonia Following Attack of Grip. Remains Will be Taken to His Home at Cuba, N.Y., To-day, Accompanied by Committee of the House.
W. J. Glenn, the doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, died at the Dewey Hotel at 3:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon from pneumonia, following an attack of grip. he was thirty-nine years old. At the deathbed were a number of old Allegany County friends. Mr. Glenn leaves a widow and two sons. His remains will be taken to his home in Cuba, N.Y., this evening, and will reach there shortly after 7 o'clock the following morning.
Mr. Glenn had been chairman of every delegation sent from Allegany County to New York State Republican conventions during the past seventeen years. He was a staunch supporter of Senator Platt. He was a member of the State Republican Committee from 1890 until his death, and of the State Executive Committee during the past seven years. He was a printer on a local newspaper at an early age, and at twenty-one years of age started the Cuban Patriot, published in Allegany County, and had owned it ever since.
This was his fourth consecutive term as doorkeeper of the House, the longest period, it is said, during which the office has been held by any one man. Mr. Glenn came in with the Fifty-fourth Congress and proved himself a very efficient doorkeeper. He was one of the best political organizers in Western New York, was widely known throughout the State, and had gained much popularity since he came to Washington, especially with the members and employes at the Capitol.
Mrs. Glenn and their two sons, aged about fourteen and sixteen years, have been living in New York this winter. Mr. Glenn had not been at the Capitol for several days, but it was not thought his illness would terminate fatally.
Mr. Payne, of New York, the leader of the majority, announced the death of Mr. Glenn yesterday at 4:30 p.m., and the House adjourned as a mark of respect to his memory. The Speaker appointed Mr. Vreeland, whose constituent Mr. Glenn was, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Gillett, Mr. Alexander, and Mr. Wilson, of New York, and Mr. Loudenslager, of New Jersey, as a committee to attend the funeral.
In the interim, until the House, choses Mr. Glen's successor, it is probably that Mr. B. W. Kennedy, of Michigan, the assistant doorkeeper, will perform the duties of his office. There is some talk of promoting Mr. Kennedy, who has served a long time, and is thoroughly familiar with the duties.
However, New York State is likely to claim the right to name Mr. Glenn's successor, and in that connection Mr. F. B. Lyon, the present superintendent of the folding-room, is mentioned. The office is one of the best in the gift of the House. [Source: The Washington Post, March 13, 1902, p. 4]
REMAINS SENT TO NEW YORK. Funeral of W. J. Glenn Will Take Place on Sunday. The remains of W. J. Glenn, the doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, who died here on Wednesday, were sent last night to Mr. Glenn's home at Cuba, N.Y., where the interment is to take place Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Messrs. F. B. Lyon, the superintendent of the House document room, and Clarence Ricker, personal friends, went on the same train.
The Congressional committee appointed by Speaker Henderson to attend the funeral will leave here Saturday afternoon. [Source: The Washington Post, March 14, 1902, p. 8
Allegany County Republicans Nominate. Belmont, N.Y., June 6. The Allegany County Republican Convention was held here to-day. The Hon. Jesse S. Phillips of Andover, was renominated for member of Assembly, and Charles Ricker was renominated for the fourth term as County Treasurer. The convention passed a resolution favoring Senator frank W. Higgins of Olean for Lieutenant Gov- [sic] the Hon. F. B. Lyon of Cuba are leaders of the State delegation elected. [Source: New York Times, June 7, 1902, p. 5]
F. B. Lyons for Doorkeeper of the House. Washington, March 17. -- A Republican House caucus held to-night designated F. B. Lyons of Cuba, N.Y., as Doorkeeper of the House to succeed the late Doorkeeper Glen. Mr. Lyons at present is Superintendent of the folding room of the House of Representatives. [Source: New York Times, March 18, 1902, p. 2]
F. B. LYON FOR DOORKEEPER. Superintendent of the House Folding-room Promoted to the Vacancy. At the close of yesterday's session of the House a caucus of Republican members was announced to take place immediately. It lasted hardly one minute after "Uncle Joe" Cannon had called it to order. In that time Mr. Sherman, of New York, nominated Mr. F. B. Lyon, present superintendent of the folding room, for doorkeeper, in place of W. J. Glenn, deceased. The nomination was made by acclamation, and will be ratified by the House at the session to-day. It is understood that the Democrats do not intend to put up any candidate against Mr. Lyon.
The nominee resides at Cuba, N.Y., which was also the home of his predecessor, but is well known to all members of the House, as he has served here for several years. Mr. Lyon is comparatively a young man, very courteous and gentlemanly in his bearing as a House official. His selection is almost universally approved at the Capitol. The office is one of the best in the gift of the HOuse. [Source: The Washington Post, March 18, 1902, p. 3]
Promotion for House Employes. Mr. J. R. Halvorsen, of Albert Lea, Minn., one of Representative Tawney's constituents has been appointed superintendent of the folding room in place of Mr. F. B. Lyon, lately promoted to the doorkeepership. Mr. Halvorsen has been chief clerk of the folding room for several years. Mr. Walter F. Scott, of Blassvale, N.Y. has been appointed to the place held by Mr. Halvorsen. [Source: The Washington Post, Mar. 22, 1902, p. 4]
"People Met In Hotel Lobbies. "Talking about weather," said Hon. Frank B. Lyon, doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, at the Riggs House, "the people of the District of Columbia haven't the faintest notion of what sure enough weather is. I'm just back from a trip to my home in Allegany County, New York, and you can say I encountered the real article up there. The warmest morning of my stay the therometer [sic] registered fifteen degrees below zero.
"Those who want milk for breakfast were accustomed to break it up in a pestle, and the sleighing was so good the farmers had practically abandoned all hope of using wheeled vehicles in the future. They had become convinced that neither a single swallow nor any collection of those birds of the air, nor any other agency, could produce a summer." [Source: The Washington Post, Feb. 7, 1904, p. E6]
Hon. Frank B. Lyon, Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, leaves for Atlantic City to-day, where he will sojourn a while preparatory to entering the campaign work in his own State. Mr. Lyon is influential in the Republican councils of interior New York, and enjoys the friendship of the party leaders of the Empire State. As Doorkeeper of the House he has won high popularity, largely by reason of always keeping his promises to members in the difficult matter of distributing patronage. [Source: The Washington Post, June 5, 1904, p. E4]
Former Doorkeeper F. B. Lyon Dead. F. B. Lyon, who was doorkeeper of the House of Representatives from 1901 to 1910, died yesterday in Pittsburgh of apoplexy, according to word received here last night. Funeral services will be held at his home in Cuba, N.Y., tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Lyon for nearly ten years was a favorite with all of the "old guard" Republican members of the House. He stayed in office until the last Democratic landslide in which the Democrats came into power. [Source: The Washington Post, Feb. 8, 1913, p. 4]
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