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Memorial Day

May 1880

Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 3, No. 4

We have been handed the following as as the official programme of the exercises set down for Monday next.

The procession will form in front of the Academy Hall in following order:

  1. Color Guard
  2. Bolivar Cornet Band
  3. Orator of the Day and Clergy
  4. Soldiers of the war of 1812
  5. Soldiers of late war
  6. Wellsville Cornet Band
  7. Sabbath School children
  8. Citizens

The procession will march to the Cemetery under direction of Marshals where appropriate Decoration ceremonies will be observed. After which the procession will re-form and march to the Grove, where the following order of exercises will occur:

The following Hymn for Decoration Day dedicated to the grand Army of the Republic by J. F. Lovering, Chaplain-in Chief, has been approved by the National department, and will be used generally on Decoration Day:

God of the living and the dead,
   We bow before Thy face;
Pleading Thy goodness and our need,
   We supplicate Thy grace.

As in the day that once was ours,
   In camp, in march, in field --
Our strength was in Thy mighty arm.
   They guardian love our shield.

As when the storm of battle lowered,
   Our courage was in Thee,
And for one country and one flag,
   We fought on land and sea.

As we have mourned with aching hearts
   The love of comrades brave,
And gather near to scatter flowers
   Upon each cherished grave;

So muster back our dead, and they
   With us our ranks may fill,
And stand in glad fraternity,
   Shoulder to shoulder still.

So give us faith in human rights,
   In justice and in Thee,
That we may hold those once our foes
   In Christian charity.

So make each patriot soldier's grave
   A sacred shrine to be,
That a high alter it may prove
   On a stalwart loyalty.

Then when the great inspection day
   Shall sound its bugle call,
May we in heaven's great parade
   Give answer one and all.

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Last updated on July 23, 2006
© copyright 1999, by Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.