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Eugene G. Snyder

On Friday last Eugene G. Snyder, a cousin of Dunkin Snyder of this village, met with an accident near Hinsdale, by which he was instantly killed. He had been down to Hinsdale and was returning to his home on the Haskell, riding one horse and leading another. He reached the railroad crossing just as the mail train was approaching. He crossed the track safely in advance of the train, but at that moment the engineer blew the whistle, frightening the horses, and they sprang back in front of the engine, which struck them. The entire train passed over Mr. Snyder, mangling him almost beyond recognition. One of the horses were also killed, and the other had a leg broken.

A death, even when heralded by a lengthened illness--when day by day the lamp of life fades and grows dimmer-- awakes in our bosoms earnest sympathy for mourning friends. But when a young man is struck down in the morning of bright manhood-- when [crease in paper] and ambitious hopes of future usefulness are crushed by some sudden and terrible accident--words of sympathy pale on the hearts of despairing friends.

Eugene G. Snyder had been a soldier. His brief history belongs with the thousand "boys in blue," to the nation, and as such deserves more than "the passing tribute of a sigh."

Among the first to respond to the call "To Arms!" he enlisted in a company then forming in this village, and which was afterwards assigned as Co. B., 23d Regiment, N.Y. Volunteers. Kind and generous, he won the hears of his associates, prompt and efficient, the respect and esteem of his officers. He met danger with fortitude, and dispelled the fatigue of a weary march with a laugh. Long indeed, was the march, and hard the fare when Eugene found fault.

He served honorably the period of his enlistment, when the mustering from the service broke the ties that united the little Company--ties strengthened by common dangers and hardships. Yet no matter what new ties may have been formed, the news of the sad fate of an old comrade will stir the fountains of grief in brave hearts, and tears of sympathy will flow from manly eyes for the young wife in her sad bereavement.

The Cuba True Patriot, Vol. V, No. 40, April 5, 1867.

Created on ... August 03, 2006

© Vivian Karen Bush 2006
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.