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St. John's Episcopal Church, Wellsville, New York


Indexed by Vivian Karen Bush

This index is to Saint John's Episcopal Church Records, Wellsville, New York, organized in 1859. Use this index to find the original record in the Parish Records on LDS Family History Library Microfilm #1420093 Item 7.


AlgerGeorge Choir; Bass SingerAug 5 187217
ArmstrongMrs.communionDec 3 186622
AxtellMrs.participated in communion w/ Mrs. JohnsonSep 4 186724
BalthazarA. D.VestrymanAug 5 187217
BalthazarMr.communionDec 3 186622
BalthazarA. D. signs letter for Rev. RayMar 5 187327
BarrowsN. (Rev.)Participated in serviceNov 25 186620
BeecherCharles M.WardenAug 5 187217
BeecherChs. M. Sunday School SuperintendantAug 5 187217
BeecherC. M.warden; signs letter for Rev. RayMar 5 187327
BooramS. D. of Hornellsville; service to parish as Lay RectorApr 1 186824, 25
BooramS. D. Lay readerSep 19 186825
BowmanJohn A. (Rev.)Missionary18591
BrownJamesof Williamsport, Pa.; gift of organ 15
CalhounRev. Dr.Confirmation serviceMay 25 186825
ChurchillHattiecommunionDec 3 186622
CoxeA. C. (Rev.)Bishop of DioceseAug 13 18663
CoxeBp.Confirmation serviceMay 25 186825
DaviesJamesRector 9
De MilleJ. H. H. (Rev.)preached sermonJan 24 186723
DeautremontMrs.communionDec 3 186622
DobynsRobert (Rev.)Missionary18641
FarnumC. A.ChoirAug 5 187217
FolandJohnelected clerkApr 22 186720
FurmanHattieChoirAug 5 187217
GlennCornelia baptizedDec 1 186721
GrangerFrancis (Rev.)assissted rectorDec 186521
GroverBurr (Mrs.)ChoirAug 5 187217
GroverIdlie?ChoirAug 5 187217
GroverLeonard (Mrs.)communionDec 3 186622
GrovesBurr (Mrs.)solicited funds for organ 15
HanksByronCommittee to move and repair ch. 15
HanksByronWardenAug 5 187217
HanksCoraOrganistAug 5 187217
HanksByram (Brigham)Treasurer of the ChurchAug 5 187217
HanksBrigham church officerApr 22 186720
HanksBrigham collectorApr 22 186720
HanksBrigham baptizedDec 1 186721
HanksB.treasurerSep 187226
HanksB.warden; signs letter for Rev. RayMar 5 187327
HelmeR. R.VestrymanApr 2 18661
HowardMr.donation; bro. of AdophusNov 2 187226
HowardAdolphusdonationNov 2 187226
HunterMr.Confirmation serviceMay 25 186825
JohnsonW. G. Senior WardenApr 2 18661
Johnson timber offered for new tower 15
JohnsonNathanielmemorial Chancel Window 15
JohnsonWm. G.VestrymanAug 5 187217
JohnsonW. G. church officerApr 22 186720
JohnsonW. G. communicantDec 186521
JohnsonW. G. (Mr. & Mrs.)communionDec 3 186622
JohnsonW. G. (Mrs.)adm. communion in extremisSep 4 186724
JohnsonW. G. participated in communion w/ Mrs. JohnsonSep 4 186724
JohnsonBelleparticipated in communion w/ Mrs. JohnsonSep 4 186724
JohnsonN. Delegate to Dios. Convention St. Pauls Buffo.Aug 9 186825
Johnson Mary Ann md to James. L. MackinMay 30 186723
JohnstonNathanielVestrymanApr 2 18661
JuddD. C.VestrymanApr 2 18661
JuddD. C.Vestryman18669
JuddD. C.Committee to move and repair ch. 15
JuddD. C.VestrymanAug 5 187217
JuddD. C.building committeeJune 17 187520
JuddDarius C.Junior WardenApr 22 186720
JuddD. C.treasurerApr 22 186720
JuddD. C.advanced money186522
JuddD. C.Delegate to Dios. Convention St. Pauls Buffo.Aug 9 186825
LagrungeJohnof Hornellsville; moved church bdg.187211
LewisS. S. (Rev.)Participated in serviceNov 25 186620
LewisL. S. (Rev.)assissted rectorDec 186521
LordPedora A.communionDec 3 186622
MackinJamesbought church lot187213
MackinMary (Johnson) (Mrs.)gift of Chancel Window for mem. 15
MackinJames to Miss Mary Ann JohnsonMay 30 186723
OppH. K.VestrymanAug 5 187217
OppMary EunicebaptizedDec 1 186721
OppH. K.VestrymanMay 25 186825
OppH. K.signs letter for Rev. RayMar 5 187327
RayJ. Wainwright (Rev.)RectorDec 8 187111
RayJohn WainwarightRectorAug 5 187217
RayRev.collectionSep 187226
RayJ. W. (Rev.)donation partyDec 5 187226
RayRev.ResignationMar 5 187327
RayJ. Wainwright (Rev.)end of rectorshipApr 13 187328
RumpffAdolphus F. (Rev.)Rector 9
RumpffChs.Clerk of the VestryAug 5 187217
RussellGeorgeVestrymanApr 2 18661
RussellGeo. O.VestrymanAug 5 187217
RussellGeo. W. church lotJune 17 187519
RussellGeo. officerApr 22 186720
RussellGeo. O.communionDec 3 186622
RussellGeo. O.participated in communion w/ Mrs. JohnsonSep 4 186724
RussellGeo. O.Delegate to Dios. Convention St. Pauls Buffo.Aug 9 186825
RussellGeo. O.signs letter for Rev. RayMar 5 187327
ScofiledM. (Rev.)of AngelicaAug 13 18665
SeymourS. (Rev.)Ass't.; Rector at Bainbridge, NY18669
SmithE. A.VestrymanApr 2 18661
SmithEmilysolicited funds for organ 15
SmithEmilyChoirAug 5 187217
SmithEphraim officerApr 22 186720
SmithE. A. (Mrs.)communionDec 3 186622
SmithSarahdau. of Mrs. E. A. Smith; communionDec 3 186622
SmithEmily (Mrs.)communionDec 3 186622
StauntonJ. A. Confirmation serviceMay 25 186825
StowellElijahJunior WardenApr 2 18661
StowellElijahSenior WardenApr 22 186720
StowellElijahcommunionDec 3 186622
StowellE. (Mrs.)participated in communion w/ Mrs. JohnsonSep 4 186724
StrongH. N. (Rev.)of OleanAug 13 18665
SweetLibbeusVestrymanApr 2 18661
SweetLetkusbuilding committeeJune 17 187520
SweetLebkus church officerApr 22 186720
TaylorO. P.VestrymanAug 5 187217
TaylorO. P.Collector of the ChurchAug 5 187217
TaylorO. P.signs letter for Rev. RayMar 5 187327
ThibouLewis (Rev.)of BelmontAug 13 18665
WalkerE. J. church lotJune 17 187519
WalkerElzivir officerApr 22 186720
WalkerMrs.communionDec 3 186622
WaterburyJulius Henry (Rev.)RectorAug 13 18665
WaterburyJ. H. (Rev.)Rector18667
WaterburyJ. H. (Rev.)RectorApr 22 186720
WaterburyJ. H. (Rev.)performed marriageMay 30 186723
WaterburyJ. H. (Rev.)visited Franklinville, etc.186824
WaterburyJ.Rector; confirmation serviceMay 25 186825
WaterburyJ. H.ResignationSep 25 186825
WilcoxH.$ pd on new purchast to187213
WilcoxHenrycontract assigned to Hiram YorkFeb 18 187326
WilliamsJ. L.VestrymanApr 2 18661
WilliamsJ. L.timber offered for new tower 15
WilliamsJos. officerApr 22 186720
WilliamsJ. L.VestrymanMay 25 186825
WinderMr.Confirmation serviceMay 25 186825
YorkHiram VestrymanApr 2 18661
YorkHiram Committee to move and repair ch. 15
YorkHiram VestrymanAug 5 187217
YorkH. building committeeJune 17 187520
YorkHiram church officerApr 22 186720
YorkH.advanced money; communion186522
YorkHiram assigned contractFeb 18 187326

Allegany County, New York Genweb


Wellsville, New York

Created on ... March 15, 2006

© 2006 by Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.