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St. John's Episcopal Church - Wellsville, New York - Volume 2


Indexed by Vivian Karen Bush

This index is to Saint John's Episcopal Church Records, Wellsville, New York, organized in 1859. Volume 2 covers 1910-1917 Use this index to find the original record in the Parish Records on LDS Family History Library Microfilm #1420093 Item 8.


Parish History

NameDateNotepg #
Doane, Wm. Croswell (Rev.)May 23 1906 3
Mills, W. Howard (Rev.)June 29 1910Rector of St. John's; educated in Bridgeport, Conn.; attended St. Stephen's College, Annandale, NY; previous parishes were Fine, NY; Fort Covington, NY; Cairo, NY; Avon, NY3
Nelson, Richard H. (Bishop)May 23 1906ordained Rev. W. Howard Mills a deacon 3
Nelson, Richard H. (Bishop)May 9 1907ordained Rev. W. Howard Mills a priest 3


NameResidenceGift / MemorialDatepg #
Rockwell, J. Lester (Mrs.)Hornell, NYTwo Cruits1911140


SurnameNameNotespg #
AndersonMary Elizabeth (Mrs.)b. July 13 1856 Newbury, NY; d. Oct 23 1910, Wellsville, NY; son in Chattanooga, Tenn.4
ApplebeeHelen (Mrs.)nee Helen Duke, d/o Grant Duke; now Mrs. Davie4
BarnesEva (Mrs.)Mother (widow)5
BarnesE. WillardWarden 1909, 1910; son5
BarnesChas. M.son5
BarnesE. Willard (Mrs.)son's wife5
BarnesE. Willard Jr.grandson5
BaderGertrude (Miss) 5
BeckwithJacob C. 5
BeckwithJacob C. (Mrs.) 5
BeckwithArline 5
BurrittMable (Mrs.)conf. Nov 7 1902; transfer from St. John's Bayonne, N.J.5
BurrittDean C. 5
BurrittNorman 5
BurrittRalphd. Jan 29 19115
BlackmanGeo. 5
ColeAnson 7
ColeAnson (Mrs.) 7
ColeLois 7
ColePauline 7
ColeHarold 7
CrandallFarncis (Miss) 7
ChristianaD. D.Vestryman 1909-10-117
ChristianaMrs. D. D. 7
ChristianaLois 7
CornwallMrs. A. J. 7
CrownerMrs. John D. 7
ClarkRichard G.d. Feb 1 19117
ClarkMrs. Richard G. 7
Clark  7
ChurchGeorgie (Miss) 7
DamonF. C.Vestryman 1910-119
DamonMrs. F. C. 9
DamonWilliam 9
DamonLaura 9
DamonWinnie 9
DexterN. C. 9
DexterMrs. N. C. 9
DexterLin 9
DexterEva 9
DexterCarrie 9
DexterGladys 9
DexterNorma 9
DibbleFrances M. (Miss) 9
DevendorfElizabeth (Miss) 9
DeanN. Chas.Vestryman 1910-119
DeanMrs. Chas. 9
DeanElsbeth Hosley 9
DeanVirginia Hosley 9
DukeJosephd. Aug 23 19119
DukeJames conf. Dec 14. 19119
EverittW. L. 11
EverittMrs. W. L. 11
EdmundsL. R.trans. to St. Stephen, Olean11
EdmundsMrs. L. R. 11
FassettMrs. I. W.died13
FassettFred w.son, vestryman 1909-10-1113
FassettI. N. 13
FassettMrs. I. N. 13
FassettLeeVestryman 1910-11-1213
FassettMrs. Lee 13
FassettCynthia 13
FoxGeo. M. 13
FoxMrs. Geo. M. 13
FoxHelen 13
FarnumClarence A. 13
FarnumMrs. Clarence A. 13
FishFrank 13
FishMrs. Frank 13
FayChas. 13
FayMrs. Chas. 13
FayFay Smithson13
FreemanMillie (Mrs.) 13
FullerOscar A.Warden 1909-10-1113
FullerMrs. Oscar A.died13
FullerClara 13
FullerHattie 13
FrankGeo. 13
FrankMay 13
FrankFrancis 13
FrankLena 13
FrankMrs. Charles 13
FerrisMrs. Ella C.d. Mar 27 191113
FerrisNobel 13
GroverEmily (Mrs.)d. 191215
GroverLeonardin Buffalo15
HigginsMrs. Ida E. Stella 17
HurlburtHazel 17
HotchkissMrs. Martin(Niles Hill) Brooklyn17
HotchkissMartin 17
HoltornHenry 17
HoltornMrs. Henry 17
HuntThomas 17
HuntMrs. Margaret V. died17
HuntArthurmoved to Angelica17
HuntLoramoved to Angelica17
HuntMargaretmoved to Angelica17
HuntCharlesmoved to Angelica17
Harder LeRoy191117
JonesMrs. Wm. F. 19
KortzE. 21
KortzMrs. E. 21
KortzHerbert 21
KortzEmma(New York City)21
KortzRaymond 21
KortzRaymond Mrs.291121
KendallMrs. Cash 21
LeseurJames 23
LeseurMrs. Jamesmoved to Bolivar; trans. Dec 1, 191123
MillsRev. W. HowardRector June 28 1910-25
MillsMrs. Rev. W. Howard 25
MaddockMrs. Estinadied25
MadisonM. H. Mr. 25
MadisonM. H. Mrs.d. 191125
MartinMrs.Pleasnat St.25
MooreLeonard J. 25
MooreLeonard J. Mrs. 25
MooreHelen 25
NewmanJ. M. 27
NewmanMrs. J. M. 27
NewmanJohn Robert 27
NewmanHelen Elizabeth 27
NewmanAlice Dorthy 27
NewmanEmma Loised. 1903 27
NortonMrs. Ida 27
OppWm. 29
OppMrs. Wm. 29
OppTheda 29
OppAddie 29
OppMrs. Henry K.died29
OvesAnah Mrs.died29
Oves  29
Oves  29
Oves  29
Oves  29
PotterMrs. Betty 31
PlainAnna (Miss) 31
RoothB. George Sr. 33
RoothMrs. George Sr. 33
RoothK. Nettie 33
RoothB. George Jr.Treas. 1910-11; vesteryman 1910-1133
RoothB. Edward(Syracuse)33
RathboneEdward A.Vestryman 1910-1133
RathboneMrs. Kate 33
RathboneEstis Sr. 33
RathboneMrs. Estis 33
RathboneEstis Jr. 33
RichardsonRita 33
RiceClara Mrs. nee Kendal33
RobinsonAlexander Jr. 33
RobinsonGertrude 33
RobinsonMrs. Alex. (Anna M. B.) 33
RoosHarrington George 33
SutfinH. B. 35
SutfinMrs. H. B. 35
SutfinGarwood 35
SutfinRuth 35
SchwarbenbackJoe 35
SmithJ. P.(Buffalo)35
SmithMrs. J. P. 35
ScottMrs. RufusWidow35
ScottClaude R.died35
ScottMrs. Claude R.(nee Barnes)35
ScottRufus 35
ScottFlorence 35
ScottGertrude 35
ScottChas. T. 35
SheerarE. V. Dr. 35
SheerarE. V. Mrs. 35
SheerarWillardDied 190935
SheerarLeonard 35
SutherberMrs.attends M.E. Church w/ husband35
SadewasserSara Miss 35
SadewasserBessie1909; now Mrs. Geo. Slawson; rem. to Pa.35
TeepleHarry S.(dead)37
TeepleMrs. Harry S. 37
TaylorMrs. Cornelia 37
TaylorCharles O. 37
ThorntonLewis H.Vestryman 1900-191137
ThorntonMrs. Lewis  37
ThorntonJames 37
ThorntonKnight 37
YewdallWm. F. 39
YewdallMrs. Wm. F. 39
YewdallMarke [or Marlee?] 39
WeinhauerCarl F. 41
WeinhauerMrs. Carl F. 41
WardHarry 41
WardMrs. Harry 41
WardMrs. Edmund 41
WardMrs. Edmund Died 191041
WilsonMrs. J. G.California41
WalkerMildred Miss 41
WilsonJuliet Mrs. 41


SurnameNameParentsBirthBaptism DateBaptism Placepg #
BarnesVirginia LeeE. Willard Barnes / LillianOct 1910, Wellsville, NYSep 3 1911Home of grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Lee76
BeckwithArleneJacob C. Beckwith Sunday 1910St. John's Church75
CrownerJ. D. (Mrs.)adultNewburg, NYNov 30 1910St. John's Rectory75
FreebornCharles S. age 73Feb 20 1912Home of daughter76
HallRobert Louis age 9mMar 17 1912St. John's Church76
HarderLe RoyE. L. Harderage 17Dec 14 1911St. John's Rectory76
HoltomMartha JaneadultScio, NYSep 22 1910St. John's Rectory75
HuntChas. P.Thomas J. Hunt / Margaret V. (d. Feb 12 1911)age 9; b. Chatam, CanadaFeb 15 1911St. John's Church75
HuntArthur L.Thomas J. Hunt / Margaret V. (d. Feb 12 1911)age 6; b. Angelica, NYFeb 15 1911St. John's Church75
HuntLura G.Thomas J. Hunt / Margaret V. (d. Feb 12 1911)age 4; b. Philips Creek, NYFeb 15 1911St. John's Church75
HuntMargarett D.Thomas J. Hunt / Margaret V. (d. Feb 12 1911)age 2; b. Wellsville, N.Y.Feb 15 1911St. John's Church75
HuntJ. Thomasadult Feb 16 1911St. John's Church75
McEnrosWilliam RussellWilliam Bruce McEnros / Mildred Oct 11 1917Church78
NyvellCharles Mortemer Nov 20 1839Oct 12 1912Residence77
ThorntonKnightLewis H. Thornton / Winifred K.age 1y _m; b. Wellsville, NYAug 20 1911Home of parents76
WeinhauerElizabeth GenevaadultScio, NYSep 22 1910St. John's Rectory75

Baptism Sponsors

SurnameNamePerson Baptizedpg #
ArmstrongJohn (Mrs. & Mrs.)Robert Louis Hall76
BarnesChas. M.Virginia Lee Barnes76
BrandonA. E. (Mrs. & Mrs.)William Russell McEnroes77
BurrowsArthurKnight Thornton76
ClarkHopieKnight Thornton76
ColeAnson B. (Mrs.)Arline Beckwith75
CooledgeE. G. (Mr. & Mrs.)Robert Louis Hall76
DamonF. C. (Mrs.)children of Thomas J. & Margaret Hunt75
DamonWm. children of Thomas J. & Margaret Hunt75
DexterLin AlvinLe Roy Harder76
FassettI. N. (Mrs.)Virginia Lee Barnes76
FoxGeo. M. (Mrs.)children of Thomas J. & Margaret Hunt75
FoxGeo. M. (Mrs.)J. Thomas Hunt76
HoltomWm. HenryMartha Jane Holtom75
HoltomWm. HenryElizabeth Geneva Weinhauer75
LeeWalter M.Virginia Lee Barnes76
McEwenChristinaKnight Thornton76
MillsW. H. (Mrs.)Martha Jane Holtom75
MillsW. H. (Mrs.)Elizabeth Geneva Weinhauer75
MillsW. H. (Mrs.)Mrs. J. D. Crowner75
MillsW. H. (Rev.)Mrs. J. D. Crowner75
MillsW. H. J. Thomas Hunt76
MillsW. Howard (Mrs.)Le Roy Harder76
MillsW. HowardCharles S. Freeborn76
NyvellEugenia R.Charles Mortemer Nyvell77
OstosJ. Antonio (Mrs.)Virginia Lee Barnes76
PlainAnna JaneMartha Jane Holtom75
PlainAnna JaneElizabeth Geneva Weinhauer75
SadewasserSara J. Thomas Hunt76
SpringerJohn (Mrs.)William Russell McEnroes77
TeepleHarry (Mrs.)Arline Beckwith75
TeepleMinnie F.Charles S. Freeborn76
TompkinsEstelleCharles Mortemer Nyvell77
WeinhauerCarl FrederickElizabeth Geneva Weinhauer75
WeinhauserCarl FrederickMartha Jane Holtom75


BrooksJohn 58Belmont, NYJames Brooks / Sarah LauglinMay 14 1913St. John's ChurchKatie Maria Walther151
BurdickIva Arlene 24Alfred Station, NYE. E. & Alice J. BurdickJuly 19 1914Alfred Station, NYGarwood Berton Sutfin152
CadyClyde N.   Oct 11 1911St. John's RectoryJune E. Miller150
ChurchWalter S.29Scranton, Pa.L. S. & Mary ChurchDec 26 1916 Mary E. Lees154
ClarkBonnie S.31  Mar 16 1915home of Wm. Smith, W. Fassett St.Leland J. Coons153
CoatsHiram A.29Wellsville, NYWalter P. & Ida Davis CoatsSep 2 1914home of Chas. B. Hyslip, N. Main St.Lucy M. Seltzer152
CookThomas F.22Wellsville, NYAdam & Elizabeth CookMay 15 1915St. John's ChurchAda P. Stevens153
CoonsLeland J.23  Mar 16 1915home of Wm. Smith, W. Fassett St.Bonnie S. Clark153
CurtisGerald R.29Jamestown, NY Dec 16 1914St. John's ChurchSusan E. Emerson152
DawsonLaura A.20Wellsville, NYFred & Anna DawsonApr 28 1917 James A. Milligan154
DayGeorge L.21  Jan 8 1910St. John's RectoryNellie R. Knowles150
DexterEva Jane24Wellsville, NYNorman C. Dexter / Carrie A.Mar 26 1913St. John's ChurchAllen Raymon Fay151
DouglassHeman Franklin   May 16 1910Mrs. E. B. Turk's house, Wellsville, NYLillian Thurber150
EmersonSara Grace26 Mrs. U. A. EmersonDec 30 1914St. John's ChurchHorace P. Stone153
FayAllen Raymond24Wellsville, NYJohn Fay / Hattie L. Mar 26 1913St. John's ChurchEva Dane Dexter151
FayViva A. Wellsville, NYChas. FayOct 18 1913bride's house, Brooklyn Ave.Howard H. Hampton151
FerrisJeanne   June 17 1911St. John's RectoryChris A. Hornburg150
FoggLennox C.24Wellsville, NYChas. L. & Harriett FoggApr 26 1917 Elsa E. Yound154
HallFrank R.   July 24 1910Home of Mr. & Mrs. Fisk, Wellsville, NYEdnah M. Lewis150
HamptonHoward H. Niagara Falls, NYF. B. HamptonOct 18 1913bride's house, Brooklyn Ave.Viva A. Fay151
HartnettEdith M.19  June 10 1912St. John's ChurchStephen W. Mack151
HenryMary E. 24Wellsville, NYGeo. T. & Emma S. HenryMay 21 1915St. John's ChurchWalter L. Thomas153
HornburgChris A.   June 17 1911St. John's RectoryJeanne Ferris150
JanssenArthur August24Corning, NY Mar 15 1915home of H. B. SutfinFrancelia Sarah Metcalf153
KnowlesNellie R.22  Jan 8 1910St. John's RectoryGeorge L. Day150
Lalem [or Salem]Hiram R.24Wellsville, NYEd. T. & Lydia Lalem [or Salem]June 6 1917 Florence E. Ritter154
LeesMary E. 23Scranton, Pa.Wm. & Mary LeesDec 26 1916 Walter S. Church154
LeonardHenry R.   May 20 1910St. John's RectoryOra May Strate150
LeonardEarl20Wellsville, NYFred LeonardMay 9 1914St. John's ChurchNora B. Mighall152
LewisEdnah M.   July 24 1910Home of Mr. & Mrs. Fisk, Wellsville, NYFrank R. Hall150
MackStephen W.25  June 10 1912St. John's ChurchEdith M. Hatnett151
MarinerClarence W.29Belmont, NYColerman & Susanna MarinerMay 22 1915100 Dyke St.Mary E. Shalene154
MetcalfFrancelis Sarah19Wellsville, NY Mar 15 1915home of H. B. SutfinArthur August Janssen153
MighallNora B.19Wellsville, NYWilliam & Clara MighallMay 9 1914St. John's ChurchEarl Leonard152
MillerJune E.   Oct 11 1911St. John's RectoryClyde N. Cady150
MilliganJames A.24Wellsville, NYD. J. & Anna MilliganApr 28 1917 Laura A. Dawson154
MuckeyLeon F.20Wellsville, NYF. D. & Sophia MuckeyJune 23 1917 Hattie R. Seager154
MyllardiFrank22Wellsville, NY Jan 13 1917 Angeline Osti154
OstiAngeline18Wellsville, NY Jan 13 1917 Frank Myllardi154
RitterFlorence E.25Wellsville, NYW. A. & Sarah RitterJune 6 1917 Hiram R. Lalem [or Salem]154
RootAsa P.   Oct 19 1911St. John's ChurchHelen M. Bishop150
SeagerHattie R.20Wellsville, NYSamuel & Leona SeagerJune 23 1917 Leon F. Muckey154
SeltzerLucy M.27Bloomfield, NJDavid K. & Mary N. SeltzerSep 2 1914home of Chas. B. Hyslip, N. Main St.Hiram A. Coats152
ShaleneMary E. 28Wellsville, NYJohn & Magdeline ShaleneMay 22 1915100 Dyke St.Clarence A. Mariner154
StevensAda P.21Wellsville, NYGeorge & Luella StevensMay 15 1915St. John's ChurchThomas F. Cook153
StoneHorace P.21 E. E. StoneDec 30 1914St. John's ChurchSara Grace Emerson153
StrateOra May   May 20 1910St. John's RectoryHenry R. Leonard150
SutfinGarwood Berton25Wellsville, NYH. B. & Elizabeth G. SutfinJuly 19 1914Alfred Station, NYIva Arlene Burdick152
ThomasWalter L.24Belvidere, NYWm. F. & Ida M. ThomasMay 21 1915St. John's ChurchMary E. Henry153
ThurberLillian   May 16 1910Mrs. E. B. Turk's house, Wellsville, NYHeman Franklin Douglass150
WaltherKatie Maria42Belmont, NYPhilip Walther / Amanda S. WoodMay 14 1913St. John's ChurchJohn Brooks151
YoundElsa E.22Wellsville, NYFred & Elizabeth YoungsApr 26 1917 Lennox C. Fogg154

Marriage Witnesses

SurnameNameMarriagepg #
Abeson?WalterClarence W. Mariner / Mary E. Shalere?154
AckermanLloyd John Brooks / Katie Maria Walther151
BlackmanGeorgeClyde N. Cady / June E. Miller150
CaryJ. C.Stephen W. Mack / Edith M. Hatnett151
ChurchL. S. (Mrs.)Walter S. Church / Mary E. Lees154
ChurchGeorgiaWalter S. Church / Mary E. Lees154
CianspoiT. W. Frank Myllardi / Angeline Osti154
CooeyJames G. Stephen W. Mack / Edith M. Hatnett151
CookThomas F. & Ada P.Walter L. Thomas / Mary E. Henry153
DayGeo. L. Henry R. Leonard / Ora May Strate150
DayNellie R.Henry R. Leonard / Ora May Strate150
DexterNorma E.Allen Raymond Fay / Eva Jane Dexter151
EbelingWm.Chris A. Hornburg / Jeanne Ferris 150
EmersonUrsula A.Gerald R. Curtis / Susan E. Emerson152
FayHoward D.Allen Raymond Fay / Eva Jane Dexter151
FiskJohn (Mr. & Mrs.)Frank R. Hall / Ednah M. Lewis150
GeeE. FarnumLeland J. Coons / Bonnie S. Clark153
GravesCecile B. George L. Day / Nellie R. Knowles150
HallR. StanleyArthur August Janssen / Francelia Sarah Metcalf153
HarderRoyJames A. Milligan / Laura A. Dawson154
HatchHerbert A.Garwood Berton Sutfin / Iva Arlene Burdick152
HenryMary E.Thomas F. Cook / Ada P. Stevens153
HepinstallC. EstherGarwood Berton Sutfin / Iva Arlene Burdick152
HepperFrank (Mrs.)Chris A. Hornburg / Jeanne Ferris 150
Ives or Jones[illigeible]James A. Milligan / Laura A. Dawson154
JanssenEllen P.Arthur August Janssen / Francelia Sarah Metcalf153
Le GrangeJ. H. (Mrs. & Mrs.)Hiram A. Coats / Lucy M. Seltzer152
LeonardFredEarl Leonard / Nora B. Mighall152
LeuzzerToneFrank Myllardi / Angeline Osti154
MighallMyraEarl Leonard / Nora B. Mighall152
MillsW. H. (Mrs.)Clyde N. Cady / June E. Miller150
MuckeyF. D.Leon F. Muckey / Hattie R. Seager154
MuckeyOliveLeon F. Muckey / Hattie R. Seager154
MyerA. E. Hiram R. Lalem (or Salem) / Florence E. Ritter154
ReesAlma E.Gerald R. Curtis / Susan E. Emerson152
RitterJ. D. (Mrs.)Hiram R. Lalem (or Salem) / Florence E. Ritter154
Shalbeve?Elizabeth Clarence W. Mariner / Mary E. Shalere?154
SmithFayHoward H. Hampton / Viva A. Fay151
SmithFlorence R.Leland J. Coons / Bonnie S. Clark153
StoneE. E. (Mr. & Mrs.)Horace P. Stone / Sara Grace Emerson153
StorerDora M.Lennox C. Fogg / Elxa E. Yound154
StorerH. D. Lennox C. Fogg / Elxa E. Yound154
StraightAthalene M.Asa P. Root / Helen M. Bishop150
ThomasWalter L.Thomas F. Cook / Ada P. Stevens153
TullarBayard C.Asa P. Root / Helen M. Bishop150
TurkE. B. (Mrs.) (bride's aunt)Heman Franklin Douglass / Lillian Thurber150
TurkH. B. (Miss)Heman Franklin Douglass / Lillian Thurber150
WalbrathGertrude D.George L. Day / Nellie R. Knowles150
WardJuin [?]Howard H. Hampton / Viva A. Fay151
WinderLenaJohn Brooks / Katie Maria Walther151


SurnameNameDeath DateLast ResidenceBurial DateAgeBurial PlaceRemarkspg #
AllenLida (Mrs.)Nov 25 1911Jamestown, NYNov 26 191153Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvillewf of Eugene R. Allen; sister of Mrs. Betty Potter226
AndersonMary Elizabeth (Mrs.)Oct 23 1910Wellsville, NYOct 26 191054Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvilleb. Newburg, NY; d. Chattenooga, Tenn.224
ArnoldJ. FredOct 19 1916Wellsville, NYOct 22 1916 Wellsville, NY 228
BakerEmma Hilton (Mrs.)Dec 30 1910Alma, NYJan 2 191153Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvilledau. Mrs. Hotchkiss, Niles Hill224
BassettJohn E.Apr 26 1916Wellsville, NYApr 29 1916 Arkport, NY 228
BurrittRalph HarmonJan 29 1911Alfred AcademyJan 31 191116Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvillelived in Wellsville224
ClarkRichard G.Feb 1 1911Wellsville, NYFeb 3 191139Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvilled. Binghamton, NY; father-in-law, Mr Smith224
ColbyA.Dec 28 1916Wellsville, NYDec 31 1916 Wellsville, NY 230
ColeAsher P.Apr 26 1917Brooklyn, NYMay 1 1917 Wellsville, NY 230
DukeJoseph Aug 23 1911Wellsville, NYAug 31 191123Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvilled. in Havana, Cuba, Hotel Plaza; grandmother Mrs. O. P. (Cornelia) Taylor226
FassettHarriet Amelia Smith (Mrs.)July 24 1911Wellsville, NYJuly 26 191173Woodlawn Cem., Wellsville 224
FerrisElla Catherine (Mrs.)Mar 27 1911Wellsville, NYMar 191162Woodlawn Cem., Wellsville 224
FerrisMyron J.July 1 1912Wellsville, NYJuly 3 191268Woodlawn Cem., Wellsville 226
FoxEsther A. D.Nov 14 1916Wellsville, NYNov 16 1916 Wellsville, NY 230
FrankAdora RumpffMar 10 1913Wellsville, NYMar 12 191351Woodlawn Cem., Wellsville 228
FrankGeo.Aug 1 1915Port Allegany, Pa.Aug 3 1915 Wellsville, NY 228
FrankGeorge Chas.Feb 20 1916Wellsville, NYFeb 22 1916 Wellsville, NY 228
FreebornCharles S.Mar 11 1912Wellsville, NYMar 13 191272Andover Cem., Andover, NYdau. Mrs. Harry Teeple226
GroverEmily G. (Mrs.)Apr 7 1912Wellsville, NYApr 10 191279Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvilleoldest communicant to date226
HenryMary A.Apr 9 1917Wellsville, NYApr 11 1917 Wellsville, NY 230
HigginsDorothyMay 8 1911Wellsville, NYMay 10 19114Friendship Cem., Frindship, NYdau. of Harrol S. Higgins224
HowardJ. C.Aug 23 1914Canadagua, NYAug 25 1914 Wellsville, NY 228
HuntMargaret V. (Mrs.)Feb 1911Wellsville, NYFeb 15 191127Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvilled. at Wellsville Hospital224
JackotMatildaJan 2 1914Wellsville, NYJan 4 1914 Belvidere, NY 228
JohnstonSaraMar 13 1916Cuba, NYMar 16 1916 Wellsville, NY 228
LummeryJohn (Mrs.)June 28 1917Wellsville, NYJune 30 1917 Wellsville, NY 230
MadisonEmma S. (Mrs.)Oct 30 1911Wellsville, NYNov 2 191157Woodlawn Cem., Wellsville 226
MageeWm. Mar 18 1916Wellsville, NYMar 1916 Wellsville, NY 228
MajorThomas Aug 6 1915Wellsville, NYAug 9 1915 Scio, NY 228
MonroeAlbert A.Mar 28 1912Wirt, NYMar 24 191230Sweden, Pa.later res. of Wellsville; Odd Fellow226
NortonRobertAug 19 1916Boston, Mass.Oct 11 1916 Wellsville, NY 228
OppMary (Mrs.)Feb 1912Wellsville, NYFeb 25 191268Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvillefuneral at Mrs. Foland226
OvesAnah Thedora (Mrs.)May 30 1911Wellsville, NYJune 2 191125Woodlawn Cem., Wellsville 224
PalmerCalestiaOct 30 1914Wellsville, NYNov 1 1917 Wellsville, NY 228
PlainThos. July 4 1917Wellsville, NYJuly 7 1917 Wellsville, NY 230
PoolerErastus P. (Mrs.)Apr 4 1911Findlay, OhioApr 7 191160Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvillefuneral at Chas. A. Ball's224
PrestonOrvilleSep 7 1916Wellsville, NYSep 10 1916 Wellsville, NY 228
RiceMilfordJan 24 1917Wellsville, NYJan 27 1917 Wellsville, NY 230
RichardsonCharles H.June 8 1911Wellsville, NYJune 11 191170Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvillefather of Miss Reita Richardson224
RiderGeorgina D. (Mrs.)Apr 30 1912Wellsville, NYMay 2 191265Woodlawn Cem., Wellsville 226
RogersPeterNov 2 1913Wellsville, NYNov 5 1913 Andover, NY 228
RoosJuliaMay 12 1916Wellsville, NYMay 17 1916 Buffalo, NY 228
RoothAnna BerrymanMar 23 1914Wellsville, NYMar 26 1914 Wellsville, NY 228
ScottClaude R.July 17 1912Hemlock Lake, NYJuly 19 191245Woodlawn Cem., Wellsvillemother Mrs. Rufus Scott; Vestryman 19019-1912226
ShieldsL. M. (Mrs.)Mar 30 1915Alma, NYApr 1 1915 Wellsville, NY 228
TaylorCorneliaSep 15 1913Wellsville, NYSep 18 1913 Woodlawn Cem., Wellsville 228
WardJessieJuly 31 1915Wellsville, NYAug 2 1915 Wellsville, NY 228
WarnerEdgarDec 23 1914Wellsville, NYDec 26 1914 Wellsville, NY 228


SurnameNameDatepg #
BabcockLillianMay 24 1916277
BoydDorothyMay 24 1916277
BoydHildaMay 24 1916277
ButtsWiltonMay 24 1916277
ButtsLawrenceMay 24 1916277
ChristianaLoisJan 26 1914275
ColePaulineJan 26 1914275
ColeA. B. Jan 26 1914275
CrownerJohn D. (Mrs.)Nov 30 1910275
DibbleBessie F.May 24 1916277
DibbleMargaret (Mrs.)May 24 1916277
DukeJames D.Dec 14 1911275
EnglderBertha Dec 14 1911275
FerrissH. NobleJan 26 1914275
FerrissH. Noble (Mrs.)Jan 26 1914275
FitchBlanchMay 24 1916277
FitchMaggieMay 24 1916277
FrankFrances H.Dec 14 1911275
FrankChas.May 24 1916277
FrankKatherine (Mrs.)May 24 1916277
FreemanTho. Jan 26 1914275
FreemanAnna (Mrs.)Jan 26 1914275
HarderLe Roy Dec 14 1911275
HarderLeeMay 24 1916277
HoltomW. HenryNov 30 1910275
HoltomW. Henry (Mrs.)Nov 30 1910275
HotchkissMartin (Mrs.)Nov 30 1910275
KortsRaymond E. (Mrs.)Dec 14 1911275
LeeWm.Jan 26 1914275
LeeAnnaJan 26 1914275
LeeBuelah (of Coudersport, Pa.)May 24 1916277
LeeGlenn (of Courdersport, Pa.)May 24 1916277
MarshGrover (Mrs.)Jan 26 1914275
McCutcheonR. A.May 24 1916277
McDweittAlberta L.May 24 1916277
MessMary L.May 24 1916277
MessElizabeth H.May 24 1916277
MessCharstine M. I.May 24 1916277
MooreJ. LeonardDec 14 1911275
MooreJ. Leonard (Mrs.)Dec 14 1911275
MyersMarieJan 26 1914275
NeffCharles C.May 24 1916277
NeffNettie E.May 24 1916277
NewmanJohn Jan 26 1914275
NewmanHelenJan 26 1914275
PhillipsRosilaMay 24 1916277
PlainAnna J.Nov 30 1910275
RiderBetsy AlleyDec 14 1911275
RoosG. HarringtonDec 14 1911275
SchallenElizabethMay 24 1916277
SmithRuth O.Dec 14 1911275
SmithClarence N.Dec 14 1911275
SmithSarah (Mrs.)May 24 1916277
SmithCharles H.May 24 1916277
StruchanSylvia E.May 24 1916277
SwarthoutEdithJan 26 1914275
SwarthoutCecilaMay 24 1916277
WagnerGladysMay 24 1916277
WardIna JaneMay 24 1916277
WeidnerMaudMay 24 1916277
WeinhauerCarl FrederickNov 30 1910275
WeinhauerCarl Frederick (Mrs.)Nov 30 1910275
WhiteBessieJan 26 1914275
WhiteHarry (Mrs.)Jan 26 1914275
WinchellFlorenceMay 24 1916277
YoungKatherineMay 24 1916277

Allegany County, New York Genweb


Wellsville, New York

Created on ... March 15, 2006

© 2006 by Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.

Created on ... March 17, 2006

This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.