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Members of the

Woman's Christian Temperance Union

Source: Allegany County and Its People by John S. Minard

Woman's Temerance Christian Union Web Page

Officers, 1879-1895

County Officers - 1895

Department Superintendents

List of Unions with date of organization

Cuba, Oct. 26, 1880
Little Genesee, Nov. 18, 1880
Nile, Feb. 8, 1881
Friendship, Jan. 1882
Scio, Feb. 15, 1882
Belmont, Feb 1882Alfred Centre, Feb. 20, 1882
Andover, March 1, 1882
Richburg, March 2, 1882
Independence, July 1882
Rushford, Nov. 30, 1882-Oct. 27, 1887
Almond, March 1883-Jan 24, 1895
Angelica, April 28, 1883
Belfast, Oct. 1883
Bolivar, Dec. 6, 1883
Ceres, April 19, 1884
West Almond, July 2, 1884
Whitesville, Nov. 1884
Canaseraga, June 1885
Allentown, June 15, 1885
Stannard's Corners, 1885
Birdsall, No. 1, 1885
Birdsall, No. 1, 1885
Birdsall, No. 2, 1885
Caneadea, 1885
West Clarksville, 1886
Honeoye, 1887
Shongo, 1887
Houghton, May 17, 1887
Fillmore, June 8, 1888
Black Creek, Aug. 8, 1888
Hume, Nov. 16, 1889

Y Unions were established at: Bolivar, 1886; Cuba, 1887; Ceres, Scio, Wellsville and Allentown, 1888; Belfast, 1889

Conventions and Speakers

** Woman's Temperance Convention

[Source: Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No. 26, August 4, 1880]

The Woman's Temperance Union of Allegany county, convened in Academy Hall, at Friendship, at 2 o'clock p.m., Thursday, July 20th 1880. The delegates present were as follows.

Among the visitors were Mrs. Dr. Niles, of Hornellsville, and Mrs. Wells, of Oswayo, Pa., Mrs. H. M. Barker, President; Mrs. V. A. Willard, Secretary.

The session opened with reading of the Scriptures, and prayer by Mrs. Niles.  After the opening services the report of the Secretary was read and adopted.  An able address was delivered by Mrs. Dr. H. P. Burdick, of Alfred, upon the prenatal influence of intemperance to the ladies present.  After the address the various committees were appointed, after which the convention was entertained by Miss Fannie Lewis, of Wellsville, with select reading.  Among the business transactions the constitution was amended so as to make the fee of fifty cents requisite to membership.  A large audience was present during the evening session which was opened with prayer by Rev. M. Barker, and music by the choir.  Address by Mrs. Dr. Niles upon the subject of “Prayer and its Results,” which was an earnest and able argument in favor of asking God to bless our efforts in the temperance work, as well as in all of the work of life.  The choir then sang “Where is my boy to night.”  Mrs. B. C. Rude, of Wellsville, stepped to the front and in her own pleasing and effective manner addressed the “citizens” and especially the “fathers” who were present.  She used notes only, and without exception it was probably the most able effort of the kind ever delivered in this county.  The evening services closed with music and benediction.

The morning session, July 21st, was opened with religious exercises by Rev. Dr. Burdick and congregational singing.  A few religious temperance conference followed in which Dr. Burdick, Mrs. Niles, Mrs. Rude, Mr. Willard, Mrs. Hull, Mr. [sic] Renwick, Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Nash participated.  Mrs. M. A. Burdick, of Andover, read and original poem of great merit and appropriate to the occasion.  Mrs. A. B. Bradley read an excellent essay, “Women's Work in Temperance.”  Miss Minnie Barker read a poem entitled “Two Pictures.”  Mrs. Dr. Niles, chairman of the committee on resolutions, reported the following:

Resolved.  That in view of the seeming increase of intemperance among our youth it is our duty, as christian women, to exert a more radical influence to exterminate this monstrous evil.

Whereas.  The strong arm of the law has proved to be the most effectual means of restraining and controlling vice. -- Therefore,

Resolved.  That we as women must ever use our utmost efforts and influence to induce our husbands, sons and brothers to enforce more rigorously the laws already made, and to enact laws still more stringent to protect society against the terrible evils of intemperance.

And Whereas, The license law, already in existence, sends forth a desolating scourge into the land, to waste and destroy.  Therefore,

Resolved, That we as women use our utmost endeavors to introduce in its stead a prohibitory law, which shall strike at the root of this great evil, and seek to exterminate it at once and forever from our fair land.

Whereas, The indifference and neglect of temperance by the officers of the county has proved disastrous; we as temperance women, resolve to put forth every effort, and to use every influence to secure the election of such officers in the county as shall advance the temperance cause.

In view of the fact of the increasing avenues of vice which are at present opening up in Allegany county, and in view of the resultant danger, especially to young men we earnestly recommend that the young men band themselves together in the formation of Anti-Treat Societies.

Resolved. That we earnestly, and in the fear of God, recommend the immediate organization of Women's Temperance Unions throughout the county, and that young ladies he earnestly invited to cooperate in this plan for a more complete and through work in the cause of temperance.

Resolved. That we extend our heartfelt thanks to the people of Friendship for their unbounded hospitality and entertainment; also to the choir for the excellent music furnished for the occasion.

The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

The executive committee to consist of the officers, ex-officio and Mrs. N.V. Hull, Mrs. M. L. Nash and Mrs. H. A. Yale. The convention adjourned to meet at Cuba, subject to call of executive committee.

Mrs. V. A. Willard, Secretary
Mrs. H. M. Barker, President.

From the Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No. 23, July 14, 1880:

Womens Temperance Convention

A meeting of ladies was called at the Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock to consider time and place for holding a W. T. Convention for Allegany Co.

The meeting was opened by reading of scripture, prayer and singing. Secretary was appointed.  Mrs. M. Barker, Pres. of the County Association, addressed the meeting showing why the convention could not be held at Wellsville and desiring an expression of the ladies present with regard to holding a Womans Temperance Convention in Friendship on Tuesday the 20th inst.

It seemed to be quite unanimously desired and the following committees were appointed:

A general committee meeting was called at the M. E. Church Parlors on Friday evening at seven o'clock.

A generous attendance is desired at Academy Hall on Tuesday July 20.

Those who come from out of town by train will be met at the depot by reception committee.  The who come by carriage are desired to report at the Hall where they will be assigned to places of entertainment.

The lecture on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Burdick is especially for women. All other meetings are for the public. By order of Pres.

H. A. Stevens.
Loc. Sec.

From the Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No. 27, August 4, 1880:

Womens Temperance Convention

The Women's Temperance Union of Allegany county, convened in Academy Hall, at Friendship, at 2 o'clock, p.m., Thursday, July 20th, 1880. The delegates present were as follows.

Among the visitors were Mrs. Dr. Niles, of Hornellsville, and Mrs. Wells, of Oswayo, Pa., Mrs. H. M. Barker, President; Mrs. V. A. Willard, Secretary

The session opened with reading of the Scriptures, and prayer by Mrs. Niles.  After the opening services the report of the Secretary was read and adopted.  An able address was delivered by Mrs. Dr. H. P. Burdick, of Alfred, upon the prenatal influence of intemperance to the ladies present.  After the address the various committees were appointed, after which the convention was entertained by Miss Fannie Lewis, of Wellsville, with select reading. Among the business transactions the constitution was amended so as to make the fee of fifty cents requisite to membership. A large audience was present during the evening session which was opened with prayer by Rev. M. Barker, and music by the choir.  Address by Mrs. Dr. Niles upon the subject of “Prayer and its Results,” which was an earnest and able argument in favor of asking God to bless our efforts in the temperance work, as well as in all of the work of life.  The choir then sang  “Where is my boy to night.”  Mrs. B. C. Rude, of Wellsville, stepped to the front and in her own pleasing and effective manner addressed the “citizens” and especially the “fathers” who were present.  She used notes only, and without exception it was probably the most able effort of the kind ever delivered in this county.  The evening services closed with music and benediction.

The morning session, July 21st, was opened with religious exercises by Rev. Dr. Burdick and congregational singing.  A few religious temperance conference followed in which Dr. Burdick, Mrs. Niles, Mrs. Rude, Mr. Willard, Mrs. Hull, Mr. Renwick, Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Nashparticipated.  Mrs. M. A. Burdick, of Andover, read an original poem of great merit and appropriate to the occasion.  Mrs. A. B. Bradley read an original poem of great merit and appropriate to the occasion.  Mrs. A B. Bradley read an excellent essay, “Woman's Work in Temperance.”  Miss Minnie Barkerread a poem entitled “Two Pictures.”  Mrs. Dr. Niles, chairman of the committee on resolutions, reported the following:

[Resoultions are the same as printed above]

The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:

The executive committee to consit of the officers, ex-officio and Mrs. N. V. Hull, Mrs. M. L. Nash and Mrs. H. A. Yale.  The convention adjourned to meet at Cuba, subject to call of executive committee.

Mrs. V. A. Willard, Secretary
Mrs. H. M. Barker, President

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Last updated on February 9, 2000
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.
© copyright 2000, by Vivian Karen Bush