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First Congregational Church
of Wellsville, New York
In 1841 Angelica Presbytery appointed Revs. A. S. Allen of Andover, Benjamin Russell of Belmont and Elder Perry a committee charged with the special duty of organizing a Presbyterian church in Wellsville. This committee met 17 professing Christians of Wellsville, July 6, 1841, in the schoolhouse standing on the corner of Mill and Broad streets. These persons related their experience and became members:
- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Perry
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Conklin
- Mr. and Mrs. James Dunham
- Mrs. Perces Y. Johnson
- Mrs. Lucinda Gowdy
- Mrs. Betsey Ann Lee
- Mrs. Polly Shingler
- Mrs. Louisa Harmon
- Miss Betsey Bellamy
- Miss Sally Bellamy
- Miss Catherine Bellamy
- Miss Mary Dunham (Mrs. Dwight Goodrich)
- Miss Louisa Dunham
- Miss Charlotte Finn
The confession of faith of Phillipsville (Belmont) church was adopted. Prayer was offered by Rev. B. Russell. The charge was by Rev. A. S. Allen, and then A resolution made them the first Presbyterian church of Wellsville. James Dunham and Norman Perry were chosen elders, and Thomas Conklin clerk.
Members annexed by letter:
- Mrs. Dwight Goodrich (member in March 1895)
- John F. Godart and wife
- Josph Shaut and wife
- Geo. F. Ely
- Mrs. Hannah Purple
- Mrs. Emaline HIlls
- Mrs. Phoebe Taylor
- Miss Anna Reynolds
- Miss Margarette Pratt
- Miss Nancy Cole
- Mrs. Silas HIlls
- Mrs. John Captenter (member in March 1895)
- Mrs. John Dayton
- Mrs. Sarah Johnston
- Julius Hoyt (member in March 1895)
- Henry Lewis (member in March 1895)
- Myron Fuller
First Communion: Dec. 1842, Rev. Mr. Reynolds officating, when John F. Godard and wife united by letter.
First infant baptism: John L., son of John F. Godard, administered by Rev. Mr. Reynolds.
First addition by profession of faith: Myron Fuller
First death: Polly Shingler
First preparatory lecture: Nahaniel Hammond, 1847, when he became pastor. He continued in this relation until Feb. 26, 1853, when he delivered his last preparatory lecture, and, on the Sunday following, administered the holy sacrament for the last time to this church.
After the close of Mr. Hammond's labors only 14 members could be found. May 18, 1856, this small church invited Rev. Stewart Sheldon to preach in the Baptist church, and he became pastor May 25, 1856. July 1, 1856, a meeting was held in Metropolitan Hall (corner of Pearl and Loder streets) to re-organize as a Congregational church. Rev. Steward Sheldon was chosen chairman, and H. M. Sheerar secretary. Of the members were James Dunham, Julius Hoyt, Joseph Shuat and Myron Fuller. A resolution was passed bringing into existence the FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, and a constitution, articles of faith and covenant were adopted.
Charter Members:
- Julius Hoyt
- Myron Fuller, and wife
- Mrs. John Dayton
- Mrs. Silas Hills
- Miss Nancy Cole
- Joseph Shaut, and wife
- Mrs. John Carpenter
- Mrs. Sally Johnston
- H. N. Lewis
- Mr. and Mrs. James Dunham
- Mrs. Dwight Goodrich
Services were held from April 28, 1856, until Nov. 7, 1857 Metropolitan Hall. A church was built on the left bank of the Genesee river and dedicated Nov. 10, 1857.
- Rev. Stewart Sheldon, May 25, 1856 - May 6, 1860; 4 years
- Rev. Eusebius Hale, Nov. 18, 1860 - 1864; 3 1/2 years
- Rev. Charles Livingston, May 22, 1864; ordained an evangelist by the Genesee Valley Presbytery; resigned Nov. 14, 1867; preached farewell sermong Nov. 18, 1867
- Rev. T. H. Quigley, May 30, 1868 to April 30, 1870
- Rev. E. W. Brown, Aug. 20, 1870 - May 17, 1873
- Rev. F. W. Beecher, March 15, 1874 - June 26, 1892, 18 years 3 months; a new church was dedicated at the beginning of his pastorate.
- Rev. Edward A. Leeper, D. D., Nov. 6, 1892.
First Things:
- Prayer meeting - May 25, 1856, held in Metropolitan Hall.
- Sunday School session - May 11, 1856, H. M. Sheerar acting superintendant.
- Collection - July 15, 1856, $3.90
- Admission by letter - Aug. 1, 1856, Mrs. Sheldon
- Admission by profession - Polly Atwood
- Baptism - Aug. 24, 1856, Edith Sheerar
- Instrument used in any church service in Wellsville - bass-viol played by H. M. Sheerar in Congregational choir
- Meeting in Gesesee street church - Nov. 15, 1857
- Sunday school teacher's meeting - Jan 17, 1878 at Samuel Carpenter's house, H. M. Sheerar, leader
Source: John S. Minard, Allegany County and its People. A Centennial Memorial History of Allegany County, New York, W. A. Fergusson & Co., Alfred, N.Y., 1896, p. 354

Church Records of Allegany County


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Last updated on July 17, 2006
© copyright 1999, Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.