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Allegany Co., New York Wills Bk 1 - Index & Will Abstracts

by Vivian Karen Bush

Allegany Co., NY, Will Bk A, No. 1 of Wills; 1831-1841.  If there is no will abstract, then the Testator died intestate.

Testator's_NameAdministrator/ExecutorLetters of Administration grDate_of_WillTestator's_SpouseResidencePage#Will Abstract
Adams, WilliamEsther AdamsFeb 27, 1837   88 
Anson, JobAsa H. Anson, William HicksMar 22, 1836   73 
Atkinson, RobertLouisa AtkinsonMar 2, 1838   145 
Baker, MaryStorm A. L. BakerJan 17, 1832   8 
Bardwell, JoelSusanah Bardwell, Reuben Weed, Daniel MosesMay 19, 1840Oct 2, 1839Susanah BardwellGranger194Joel Bardwell of Granger. Bequests to wf Susanah; sn Joel Bardwell; gsn Willard Bardwell; dau Sally; sn Silas F.; sn Harrison; dau Salana Booth; sn Roger; dau Susanah; sn Palmer; wf Susanah and Reuben Weed and Daniel Moses executors. Wit- Aziya Reynolds, Wm. H. Botsford, Reuben Weed. Will proved 18 May 1840. Wit- Aziya Reynolds states Joel Bardwell d. 13 Nov 1839; Wm. H. Botsford; Rebuen Weed; Daniel Moses.
Bartlett, JohnNancy Bartlett, William VannoyJuly 13, 1839   164 
Benjamin, JohnStephen R. SmithDec 12, 1838Sep 9, 1838Kezia BenjaminAlfred158John Benjamin of Alfred. Bequests wf Kezia Benjamin, children Hannah Miller, Senthia, Clarissa and Samuel Benjamin. Mentions property in Steuben co. Stephen R. Smith executor. Wit- Chs. D. Langworthy, Charles Benjamin, Jerred Stillman. Will proved 12 Dec 1838. Wit- Charles D. Langworthy; Jarred Stillman.
Bennett, CromwellZeruah Bennet, Abraham LyonAug 10, 1833   42 
Bennett, NathanielLucy Benntt, David W. Bennett, Joseph LeonardAug 15, 1839May 1, 1839  168Nathaniel Bennett of Burns. Bequest to wf Lucy Bennett, sn William P. Bennett, children Luke R. Bennet, Guy E. Bennet, Daniel W. Bennet, Sidney D. Bennet, William P. Bennet, Polly Boylen and Abegail Van Scoter. Lucy Bennett, David W. Bennett and Joseph Leonard execs. Wit- Stephen Mundy, Erastus Walker and Morris Leonard. Will proved 15 Aug. 1839. Wit- Stephen Mundy; Erastus Walker; Morris Leonard.
Benton, IsaacRhoda BentonJune 29, 1838   146 
Berry, WilliamLawrence I. DeyJan 4, 1840Oct 17, 1839Polly BerryWest Almond185William Berry of West Almond. Bequests to wf Polly, sn Thomas, sn John, dau Rachel and her sn Rosal and daus Lydia, Rosina, Gelina and Amy; Asahel Palrun Jr. h. of Rachel; dau Lydia; dau Anna Potter's heirs, Alanson Burdick, Stephen S. Wheeler and John Berry sn of Wm. Berry; dau Elizabeth; sn William Berry Jr. hrs Marilla McNaught, Wm. Y. Berry, Patty Maria Goodrich and Thomas Berry; John and Thomas Berry. Also mentions Benjamin Maxson. Mentions property in Almond with boundaries on land owned by Wm. Doyl; land in Birdsall. Lawrence I. Dey executor. Wit- John J. Davison, Job Southard and Joseph I. Dey all of Birdsall. Will proved 4 Jan 1840. Wit- John J. Davidson; Job Southard; Joseph I. Dey.
Bingham, ChancyLeverett WhitcomgOct 6, 1836   55 
Blanchard, MarkBenjamin Blanchard, Samuel Chapen, Jonathan LyonJan 10, 1839July 24, 1837Lydia BlanchardCenterville161Mark Blanchard of Centerville. Bequests to wf Lydia; sn Joel an infirm and decrepted boy; dau Sally, Albert Knight, children Mandy, Sally, Mark, Joel, Charles, James. Also mentions Joseph Knight, Joseph and Isaac Mead and Barnes Blanchard. Benjamin Blanchard, Samuel Chapen and Jonathan Lyon execrs. Wit- James McCall, Benj. Blanchard, Alanson F. Delano. Will proved 10 Jan 1839. Wit- James McCall of Rushford; Alanson F. Delano of Centerville; Benjamin Blanchard, states Mark Blanchard d. 10 Oct last [1838] at Centerville. L of A gr Jan 10, 1839. A-161
Bradford, Daniel R.Charles TillmanJuly 6, 1835   64 
Bramhall, WilliamRichard Charles, John WilsonAug 28, 1836Aug 29, 1836 Belfast83William Bramhall of Belfast. Bequests to daus Leapha Ann and Mary Eliza Bramhall, sn Moses, dau Sally, Revard Taylor, sons William and John; land description mentions Nelson Perry and deeded by Samuel S. Haight.; dau Sally's oldest sn (not named); Richard Charles and John Wilson named executors. Wit- Squire Dunn, Horatio N. Perry, John Wilson. Will proved 29 Aug 1836. William Bramhall d. 18 May last past [1836] in Belfast
Briggs, EphraimElisabeth BriggsOct 30, 1832   22 
Brown, JohnJesse Prior, William HoweNov 15, 1839Mar 30, 1839 Almond179John Brown of Almond. Bequests to sns John, Stephen and Charles; daus Olive, Abigail, Anna, Lucinda, Eliza; sn William (if living); Lydia Brookins; gsn Charles Duffis; dau Abaline. Friends Jesse Prior and William Howe executors. Wit- William Root of Almond, Orange W. M Cay of Almond; Joseph Peters of Almond. Will proved 15 Nov 1839. Wit- William Root; Orange W. M Cay; William Howe.
Brown, SilasElizabeth Brown4 Sep 1837   136 
Budd, SamuelAmelia Budd, Nelson BuddMay 24, 1839   167 
Buel, CyrusHannah BuelJuly 18, 1836Apr 22, 1836Hannah BuellRushford79Cyrus Buel of Rushford. Bequests to: wf Hannah Buel; eldest sn Joseph L. Buel; younger sn Roselba B. Buel; younger sn William Buel; youngest sn John E. Buel; eldest dau Mary Vaughan; youngest dau Luncinda Snow. Hannah Buel executrix. Wit- John Hammond, Andre Bennett, Ozial Taylor. Will proved 18 July 1836.
Burr, LymanLaura Burr, James CaldwellDec 1, 1831   5 
Cady, Rufus P.Lucy G. CadyFeb 9, 1840   198 
Carpenter, DexterJulia M. Carpenter, Allen NourseJan 3, 1839   160 
Clock, GideonWilliam ClockAug 14, 183   43 
Daniel BultonPermelia BultonNov 21, 1833   48 
Dowd, EdwardJoseph Phippin, Daniel ShawNov 10, 1839   184 
Dunning, JacobJohn Dunning, David Nickerson3 Sep 1834   53 
Elmer, Samuel W.Alson ElmerJan 20, 1840   150 
Estabrooks, WarrenMary EstabrooksJan 11, 1836   68 
Everest, DavidEleanor Everest, George BarlowJan 26, 1833   28 
Fitzsimmons, JeromeLewis FitzsimmonsMar 13, 1840   192 
Foster, LeviThomas ApplebeeMay 9, 1836   76 
Freeborn, GideonMary Freeborn, Rodman FreebornApr 28, 1837   134 
Gifford, SarahLyman HolcombApr 12, 1839   165 
Gorton, ThurstonWaite Clark, Henry MasonNov 12, 1838June 15, 1830Anna GortonBrookfield, Madison co., NY154Thurston Gorton of Brookfield, Madison co., NY. Bequests to wf Anna Gorton; adopted sn Truman Hall. Waite Clark and Henry Mason of Brookfield executors. Wit- William Clarke, Corenth Garratt, Lewis Bancroft. Will proved 28 June 1838. Wit- William Clarke of Caznovia, Madison co.; Corinth Garratt of Spencer, Tioga co.; Lewis Bancroft of New Berlin, Chenango co.
Gray, WilliamJames M. CurcyMay 20, 1835   58 
Green, TimothyJabes Wyman, Jesse B. GibbsJan 17, 1840   149 
Greenman, AlansonMinerva Greenman, David StillmanMay 2, 1832   14 
Harrison, RusselPolly HarrisonFeb 9, 1840   199 
Hays, MiloAnnsetta Hays, Corkins Hays, Lazuras S. RathbunMar 13, 1832   13 
Heath, AsaAsa R. HeathApr 21, 1837   89 
Heydon, ElizabethWilliam C. HeydonAug 5, 1839   166 
Hickox, Asher PierceSamuel WindsorJuly 20, 18376 May 1837Polly WilcoxPike98Asher Pierce Hickox of Pike, age 40 upwards, names wf Polly, Asahel Nicholas Cole, aged 15 upwards adopted sn “who is now, and has been for several years a member of my family”. Samuel Windsor exececutor. Wit- Moses Smith of Pike; Asa Pride of Pike; Harley F. Smith of Pike. Will proved 14 June 1837.
Hinman, Anson June 27, 1833Nov 19, 1832Abigail A.Pike30Anson Hinman of Pike. Bequests- wf Abigail A.; ch- Lewis S., Porter T., Hellen Augusta, Augusta Abigail; g-sn Homer Emery. Mentions deceased sn Neilson; Jonathan Emery, f. of Homer Emery.Wit- Benson Owen, Simeon Capron, Simeon Heath all of Pike.Will proved 22 Apr 1833.
Holbrook, Lucius L.Mary Ann P. Holbrook, Ephraim SmithAug 11, 1836   77 
Houghton, LeonardTamson HoughtonMar 13, 1840   197 
Hudnut, Isaiah B.Sarah Hudnut, Solomon L. Hamilton, Nathaniel CoeJune 3, 1839   162 
Karr, JosephRufus Whitney, Jesse Angel21 Nov 1837Feb 19, 1835 Almond142Joseph Karr, of Almond, age 61 last Nov. Bequests to sn Joel age 25 last July; sns Isaiah age 32 March 19 last, Joseph age 8, June 16 last; daus Margaret Whitney age 34, wf of David Whitney and Lois Ferry age 22 Dec 12 last, wf of Philip Ferry; friends Rufus Whitney and Jesse Angel executors. Wit- Robert S. Faulkner of Almond, Robert H. Coleman of Almond. Will proved 12 Nov 1837. Joseph Karr d. 24 May last [1837]
Kelley, SmithElizabeth Kelley, Thomas McElhenyJan 6, 1832   6 
King, JamesKianah King, John KingMay 7, 1835   56 
Knight, DanielLydia KnightSep 18, 1833   45 
Lamb, MartinLydia Lamb, Caleb KnightFeb 26, 1839Nov 22, 1837Lydia LambWest Almond176Martin Lamb of West Almond. Bequests to dau Lovina, md woman; dau Cylinda, md woman; eldest dau Lydia md woman; younger dau Ruth, dead, heirs of; younger dau Zerviah md woman; only sn Martin Lamb Jr; youngest daus: Maria Lamb, Lucinda and Mary Lamb all single; wf Lyida Lamb and Caleb Knight sn-i-law excecutors. Mentions property in West Almond. Wit- Nathan Safford, Abiel Alton and Horace Hills of West Almond. Will proved 29 Jan 1839. Wit- Nathaniel Safford; Abiel Alton; Horace Hills; Caleb Knight states Martin Lamb d. 5 Oct last [1838].
Maxwell, ManningRuth Maxwell, Joel GriffinMar 16, 1840   193 
McNair, Hugh W.Sabrina M. McNairMar 19, 1834   49 
Miel, CharlesLucas E. MielAug 20, 1838   148 
Norton, JohnEbenezer Norton, Francis NortonJune 20, 1837wp 9 Mar 1837Ruth NortonAmity104John Norton of Amity. Bequests to wf Ruth Norton, sn Francis Norton, dau Lucenday Whitcomb and her h. Jeriah Whitcomb (land in Phillipsburgh, Mill Reserve); dau Elizabeth May; gd. Sarah Davis; gsn Joseph N. Waters; gsn Hail Whitcomb; bro. Ebenezer Norton and sn Francis Norton execsn Wit: Alvan E. Parker of Amity; Freeman sn Gorham of Amity; Bela Bartlett of Allegany co. Will proved 6, 9 & 29th Mar 1837.
Palmer, SimeonChloe PalmerJuly 3, 1837   95 
Phillips, John A.Chloe A. Phillips, James DoudJuly 26, 1837   102 
Pitts, AdamDorcas PittsApr 8, 1839Sep 13, 1838Dorcas PittsCenterville182Adam Pitts of Centerville. Bequests to wf Dorcas Pitts; two youngest sns William Pitts and Washington Pitts; dau Hannah W. Pitts. Dorcas Pitts executor. Mentions property in Centerville leased to Edward D. Wolf and Joanna his w. contracted for at N. Deveseau land office in Ellicottsville and land in Sidney, Maine. Wit- Orrin Pell, Hugh Gillis and Ezra M. Hopkins all of Centerville. Will proved 21 Mar 1839. Wit: Hugh Gillis; Orrin Pell; Ezra M. Hopkins.
Potter, NathanEleasinia Potter, Samuel LamphereJan 15, 1833   25 
Randolph, Micah F.Albert F. Randolph, Walter B. Gillettwp Sep 11, 1837July 4, 1837Anne RandolphBolivar137Micah Randolph of Bolivar. Bequests to wf Anne, daus Sally, Anne, Eliza, Rachel and Nancy, sns Jonathan, Albert F. Randolph and John R. Randolph; Albert F. Randolph and Rev. Walter B. Gillett executors. Samuel B. Ayers exec to act in Rev. Gilletts stead if he refuses. Wit- Warren Wellman, Calvin Messenger, Harvey C. Foster. Will proved 11 Sept 1837.
Raymond, DavidAnna Raymond, John DortOct 20, 1838   153 
Rich, EasauAnna RichAug 29, 1831   1 
Robinson, Richard W.Charlotte RobinsonNov 16, 1840   201 
Sanford, Elijah R.Jane M. Sanford, Daniel Bostwick, Nathaniel SanfordAug 30, 1832   17 
Scott, FriendMary Scott, Simeon ScottMay 2, 1834   51 
Sharp, GarrettTryphosa Sharp, Potter AustinAug 26, 1839   175 
Sheldon, Abram C.Miranda C. Sheldon, Ephraim SmithDec 21, 1835   67 
Sisson, AllenRebecca Sisson, Elijah Griswold Jr.Feb 18, 1832   11 
Smith, AgrippaBenjamin B. SmithNov 5, 1831   4 
Smith, CyrusJohn Burlingham, Joel J. SmithFeb 3, 1840   151 
Stearns, SquireLydia Stearns, Chauncey S. StearnsJan 11, 1841  Amity201 
Teater, John M.Samuel White, Peter B. Teater, Ambrose CoreyJan 15, 1840May 20, 1839Lydia TeaterIndependence188 John M. Teater of Independence. Bequest to wf Lydia; youngest sn John R. Teater; sn Horace K. Teater; sn William A. Teater; dau Lydia M. Teater; sn Peter M. Teater. Bro-i-l Samuel White and bro Peter B. Teater and Ambrose Corey executors. Wit- Martin Grover of Angelica; Joseph Corey of Independence; Samuel S. White of Indepenedence. Codicil bequests to two eldest sns Andrew and Peter, dau Lydia Melvina. Codicil dated 20 May 1839. Wit- Joseph Corey of Independence, Samuel S. White of Independence and John Lee of Independence. Will proved 6 Jan 1840. Wit- Martin Grover; Joseph Cory; Samuel S. White mentioned a Mr. Haskins.
Town, StephenAnson Hobart, Carolin HobartFeb 14, 1832   10 
Van Allen, John P.Betsey Van AllenJuly 30, 1838   147 
Wait, ThomasAmanda W. Wait, Levi Lesner, Pliny L. EvansMar 24, 1836   74 
Weaver, JacobAurrilla Weaver, Henry McHenryFeb 22, 1836   70 
Weld, Daniel C.Hartly WeldOct 8, 1833   46 
Wells, Daniel D. May 22, 1835wp 9 Apr 1835  59Bequests to eldest sn William C. Wells, oldest dau Sarah Ruth Wells, dau Eliza Ann Hanson, sn James Wells, sn David Wells, daus Catherine Morina Wells, Ellen Rosanna Wells, Margaret Marina Wells, sn John Wells, youngest dau Phebe Philena Wells, William Mark and Azel Fitch named guardians of minor ch. Wit- A. C. Chipman of Nunda, N. Olney of Portage.
Will proved 9 Apr 1835.
Wells, JosephLydia Wells, Daniel Edwards Jr.July 12, 1837   97 
Westfall, GeorgeNancy WestfallSep 21, 1839   171 
Whitney, ScevaEsau WhitneySep 3, 1832   19 
Wilcox, EzekielAlathiah Wilcox, Roswell WilcoxSep 24, 1839Apr 29, 1839Alathia WilcoxOssian172Ezekiel Wilcox of Ossian. Bequests to wf Alathia, children not named. Mentions contracts with Bartholomew Hogaboom, Harman and William Gardner, James M. White and Putnam Sisson and Alvan Francis of Elk Creek, Erie co., PA. Mentions property in Ossian and Elk Creek, Pa. wf Alathiah and bro Roswell Wilcox of Sparta, Livingston co. executors. Wit- Isaac L. Endress of Sparta, Livingston co., NY; Edward O'Brien of Sparta. Will proved 23 Aug 1839. Wit- Isaac L. Endress; Edward O'Brien.
Wilcox, NathanielMairah Wilcox, Seymour Wilcox, Hulbert WilcoxApr 24, 1837July 24, 1835Mariah WilcoxScio91 Nathaniel Wilcox of Scio. Bequests to wf and ch.; wf Mariah Wilcox, Seymour Wilcox and Hulbert Wilcox executors. Wit- John Simons, Batholomew Coats, Geo. B. Jones. Will proved 20 Mar 1837.
Willard, JohnSabra Willard, Ira S. WillardJuly 10, 1835   65 
Willard, JonathanTammey Willard, John M. BurlieghOct 5, 1838   152 
Willis, GilesDaniel ShawDec 19, 1832   23 
Wright, ElijahSarah Wright, John L. WrightOct 29, 1832   19 
Wright, SarahJohn F. Wright, David BrownDec 28, 1838   157 
Wygant, JohnPhebe Wygant, Reuben ChadwickAug 6, 1832   16 

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