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1880 Mortality Schedule - Allegany County, New York

The 1880 Mortality Schedule, transcribed by Vivian Karen Bush


Alfred Allen Alma Almond Amity Andover
Angelica Belfast Birdsall Bolivar Burns Caneadea
Centerville Clarksville Cuba Friendship Genesee Granger
Grove Hume Hume Independence New Hudson Rushford
Scio Ward Wellsville West Almond Willing Wirt


Schedule 5. Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, in the town of Alfred, in the County of Allegany, State of New York.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF BpM BpOccupationMon
DiseaseResDisease PPhysicianTownNote
1Smith, Ashbel85MWmdConn.xxFarmerNovComa [Ulceration of Rectum]640Truman, Wm. M.Alfred
xSillman, Orpha65FWmdN.Y.xxHousekeeperJanDropsy of the Chest [Heart Disease]650Truman, Wm. M.Alfred C.
xSheldon, Gilbert52MWmdN.Y.xxFarmerAugInanition [Cancer ... Mouth]60H. P. SaundersAlfred
xBurdick, Almira42FWmdN.Y.xxHousekeeperJulyShock of Operation [Ovarian Trauma]200SaundersAlfred
xWells, Perry38MWmdN.Y.xxBlacksmithJanKilled by th R.R. - compression of the Brain240Crandall, Wm.Alfredfamily lived in Andover; In the case of Perry Wells NO. 5 the team after which he was riding was frightened by the sudden and near approach of the engine on the R. R. and a loud whistle at the same instant that he was thrown with great viloence from his carriage fracturing his skull from which he died in about.
8Cornelius, Elmer15MWsingleN.Y.xxLaborerNovDropsy [Consumption]x0Saunders & GreenAlfred
xGreen, Bertie1MWsingleN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.xOctAsphyxia [Croup]10Green & SheppardAlfred
4Burdick, Russel62MWmdN.Y.ConnConnFarmerMarUlceration of larnyx [Pneumonia]610GreenAlfred
3Sherman, Josiah77MWwidN.Y.R.I.R.I.FarmerFebComa [Congestion of Liver]400TrumanAlfred C.
12Burdick, Fanny81FWwidR.I.xxHousekeepingNovConsumption400SaundersAlfred C.
xBurdick, Amos85MWmdN.Y.xxFarmerMayFracure of the neck - general debilityx0TrumanAlfred C.
2Reller, Nancy64FWmdN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.HousekeepingJuneExhaustion [Rheumatism]30Coon & SaundersAlfred C.
2Renyond, Clark61MWmdN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.FarmingAprland]400Wm. Crandall of AndoverAlfred C.
2Sheppard, Wm. F.73MWwidN.J.N.J.N.J.CarpenterMayAsthma [Bright's Disease]50M. SheppardAlfred
7Coon, Jared82MWwidR.I.R.I.R.I.FarmerSepSuicided - Cutting throat600no attending P.Alfred
2Williams, T. Wayland24MWmdWis.N.Y.N.Y.Shirt & Overall ManufacturerSepHeart Disease100H.C. CoonAlfredthis entry was lined out; death was at Hornellsville, Steuben, N.Y.
T. Wayland Williams No. 17 dropped dead on the train as it was about to stop at the stat in Hornellsville. All attempts to recussitate him were unavailing.
8Witter, Laura77FWmdN.Y.xxHousekeepingFebCancer Tumor uterus700Saunders & CrandallAlfred
5Langworthy, Susan70FWwidN.Y.R.I.R.I.HousekeepingMayCancer of Ovarie [Ovarian Tumor]530Green E. C.Alfred
11Reynolds, Herbert E.2MWsingleN.Y.N.J.WisxJulyBrain fever20W. M. TrumanAlfred
5Benjamin, Martha45FWwidN.Y.ConnN.Y.TeacherFebAsthma [Cancer]390Sheppard MackAlfred
7West, Sarah[20]FWsingleN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.At homeFebDebility [Consumption]200Truman, Wm. M.Alfred
12Stillman, Abigail69FWwidN.Y.R.I.R.I.noneOctGeneral Paralysis [Heart Disease]650H. C. CoonAlfred
xSaunders, Wm. A.39MWmdN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.PainterFebPneumonis [Malarial fever]5Va. During the WarTruman & SheppardAlfred C.
PRTruchealis, C.1FWsingleN.Y.xxxOctCroupx0E. C. GreeneAlfred
PRHeart Disease"16mWsingleN.Y.xxxNovHeart Diseasex0E. C. GreeneAlfred
PRCoon, Julia Batead?68FWmdN.Y.xxHousekeeperDecHeart Diseasex0M. SheppardAlfred

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Schedule 5, Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in Town of Allen in the County of Allegany, State of N.Y.,

Note:   In the cases of Harwood & Hooker the Physician W. S. Todd says he did not attend them through their sickness as stated by their friends.  So me, also Moot & Benjamin the same.  But by W. T. Rolston as appears above.  The cause death being correct as learend by hi through his associate Rolston.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF BpM BpOccupationMon DDiseaseResDisease PPhysicianNote
19White, Susan67FWMMassachusetts  Keeping HouseJulyCancer of Stomach40oWm. Smith 
45Freeborn, Hannah70FWSNew YorkR. I.Con.without occupationAprilPneumonia and Dease of Hart20oR. C. Waterby 
49Moot, Charles57MWMNew JerseyN.J.N.J.FarmerJulyDropsy of Hart30oRolston WT 
50Harwood, Emma22FWSNew YorkNew YorkNew YorkDomestic ServantSept.Sciatic Rheumatism; Dropsy of Hart15oWT. Rolston 
104Benjamin, Edward1MWSNew YorkNew YorkNew York MayDiptheria & Croup1 yroW. S. Todd 
104Benjamin, Winnifred*3FW New YorkNew YorkNew York 1880Diptheria & Croup3oW. S. Toddentry crossed out
117Hooker, Ruben84MWMVermontVermontVermontFarmerOctKidney Difficulty74oW. S. ToddDr.'s name crossed out
136Bradley, James69MWMVermontVermontVermontFarmerMayKilled by the falling of a tree55onone 
137Bernard, Nellie20FWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Keeping HouseMayChild Birth20oE. Hungerford 
149Mack, Effie65FWMPennsylvania  Keeping HouseJan.Dropsy & Cancer24oCharles Stewart 
166Myers, William2MWSNew YorkBadenHannover FebDiptheria 2oJohn Saunders 
PRLauber, Catherne43FWMGerman.Ger.Ger.HouseworkDecCancer UterusoW. D. Clark 

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Schedule 5. Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in the town of Alma, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, Job Vanderbeek.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF BpM BpOccupationMon DDiseaseResDisease PPhysicianNote
13Stives, Carrie A.1FWSNew YorkN.J.N.Y. NovSyphilis1 Dr. Merriam 
14Allen, Olive53FWWNew YorkVermontVer.Keeping houseApr.Paralasis53 Dr. Cutler 
23Furnald, Chilson W.58MWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Retail GrocerAugBlood Poisoning58 Dr. Elliot & Davidson 
24Elster, Delana77FWWNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. Jan.Typhoid Pneumonia77 Dr. Cutler 
46Easton, Gertrude F.12FWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. MarchDiptheria12WellsvilleDr. Gish 
46Easton, Lowell N.8MWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. Apr.Diptheria8 Dr. Nye 
46Easton, Horace B.5MWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. Mar.Diptheria5 Dr. Gish 
56Jager, Charles Jr.11MWSNew YorkHanoverHanover MarchDiptheria11 Dr. Gish & Merriman 
56Jager, George3MWSNew YorkHanoverHanover MarchDiptheria3 Dr. Gish 
57Herman, Henry18MWSHanoverHanoverHanoverCheese MakerMarchInflamation of Lungs10 Dr. Sandersentry was crossed out;
No. 10 died outside of the town in Belfast & I reported as given by the parents.
60Wyckoff, Mattie4FWSNew YorkNew YorkNew York Nov.Diptheria4 Dr. Nye 
68Burdick, Fannie M.3FWSNew YorkNew YorkNew York Apr.Diptheria3 Dr. Nye 
68Burdick, Joseph F.65MWWNew YorkNew YorkR.I.FarmerJuneHeart disease65 TrumanNo. 13. They had no Physician. He died before they could send for one.
118Johnson, Sally A.50FWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Keeping houseJuneConsumption of the B---50 Dr. Merriman & Gish 
182White, Blossom01/30FWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. FebInjuries rec'd at Birth01/30No. 15. No Physician in attendance reported as given by the Parents.  
190Scott, Bessie3FWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. MarchCroup and [Illigible]2 Dr. MasonCroup crossed out


Schedule 5. Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in the town of Almond, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, Job Vanderbeek.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF BpM BpOccupationMon DDiseaseResPhysicianNote
27Wentworth, Giles F.06/12MWSNew YorkMass.New York AprilInflamation of brain06/12Geo. St John 
31Gross, Wilber E.11MWSNew YorkN.Y.New York Sept.Inflamation bowels10Z. Dildine 
43Gilbert, Harriett49FWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Keeping houseMarchPneumonia1J. E. Walker 
58Mapes, Abram6MWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. MayDiptheria6Geo. St. John 
58Mapes, Charlie2MWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. MayDiptheria cerebral effusion1Geo. St. JohnDiptheria crossed out
106Perry, schoolMayDiptheria19Z. Dildine 
117Wainwright, Johnathan84MWWN.Y.N. JerseyN.JerseyInfirmJany.Paralysis6Z. Dildine 
129Shambert, Casper1MWSN.Y.MecklenburgMecklenburg Jany.Scarlet fever1J. E. Walker 
146Harman, disease - old age65Z. Dildine 
160McIntosh, Daniel75MWMN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.FarmerFebyParalysis Inanition [?]75W. H. HagadomParalysis crossed out
166 [?]Straight, Amanda37FWMNew JerseyConn.N. JerseyKeeping houseMayChild Birth Premat. Septicomica2W. H. HagadomChild Birth Premat. crossed out
216Hiord, James C.74MWWNew YorkNew YorkN.Y.FarmerFebyDiabetes40Z. Dildine 
226Burdick, Lewis69MWMN.Y.Rhode IslandRhode IslandFarmerMarchDropsy of Bowels Inflamation of Liver32Z. Dildine 
306Prentiss, Harvey G.26MWSN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.ArtistAprilPneumonia26W. H. Hagadom 
313Straight, Edwin21MWSN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.GardeningMarchKideny Bright's Disease21L. D. Farnum 
Wright, Martin34MWMN.Y.   Jany.Typhoid fever Z. Dildine 
PRStedman, Isaac60MWMN.Y.  FarmerJuneDysentery L. D. Farnum 
PRThoefelt, Adelbert Eugene23MWSN.Y.  StudentMarchPulmonary Phe--- M. Sheppard 
PRDavis, [Illegible] Evan60FWWN.Y.  WidowMayObstruction of Bowels W. H. Hagadom 

Of the deaths reported above, All occurred in families who had been residents of the town one year at least previous to June 1, 1880.  As to “cause of death” I have taken every precaution to ascertain from family physicians and other sources the best information possible.


Schedule 5. Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in the town of Amity, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, Job Vanderbeek.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF BpM BpOccupationMon DDiseaseResDisease PPhysicianNote
32Littlefield, Mary (75)FWWMass.R.I.Mass AugParalysis9Cortland Co.NoneNo. (1) Did not call a dr. untill a short time before death.
61Crandall, Frances(54)FWMConnConnConnKeeping houseDecHeart Disease Unknown(28) Dr. C. G. AndersonHeart disease crossed out;
(2) The same as (1) [did not call a Dr. untill a short time before death.] but it was reported Heart Disease.
114Allen, Charles33MWMN.Y.N.Y.Vt.FarmerMayPeritonitis33 D.B. Norton 
115Whitcomb, Elisabeth A.(49)FWMN.Y.EnglandN.Y.Keeping houseAprSoftening of the Brain49 Dr. F. N. Smith 
164Benjamin, Lucy M.30FWMN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.Keeping houseAugBlood Poisoning28 Dr. B. Norton 
170Gardiner, Betsy C.72FWWVt.   AprilConsumption Pneumonia07/12 Dr. B. NortonConsumption crossed out
191Cooley, Eliza A.59FWMN.Y.   Octunknown Dr. B. Norton 
191Hildreth30FWMN.Y.  Keeping houseNovHepatitus25 Dr. C. G. AndersonNo. (8) can not now assertain given name, Dr. C. G. Anderson has reported the case, and says he has not her name.  Mr. Hildreths name is Alanson.
195Gorton, Sharlotte72FWWN.Y.   JulyDiarrhrea  none 
209Allen, David77MWWN.Y.  FarmerSeptChronic diarrhrea  Dr. Pearl 
234Thorp, ----03/12MWSN.Y.N.Y.Penna. Marunknown  Dr. F. N. Smith 
238Bullock, Harry74MWMVt.Vt.Vt.Post MasterFebyBright's Disease27 Dr. W. Todd 
375Waters, Kesiah64FWMN.Y.  Keeping houseAugEntoritis50 Dr. C. G. Anderson 
388Bower, Orinda33FWWN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.Hous KeepingOctConsumption Intergolosis [?]33 Dr. J. P. Trumanage 34 or 33 written over
435Milke, Benjamin80MWWN.Y.N.Y. CarpenterJuneHeart disease Dropsy9 Dr. C. G. AndersonHeart disease crossed out
481Simonds, Carrie9FWSN.Y.N.Y.N.Y. JanyScarlet Fever9 Dr. J. P. Truman 
482Simonds, Mary A.29FWSN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.School TeacherSeptPneumonia29 Dr. J. P. Truman 
495Eagan, James26MWSN.Y.IrelandIrelandNo. (18) was in same condition as (2) reported on Sched 167 under head Idiots.SeptBladder Disease26 none 
552Feathers, Catherine81FWWN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.WeaverOctParalysis50 noneentry crossed out
559Wilson, Loisa42FWMN.Y.N.Y.N.Y.Keeping houseJuneMorphine Poisoning42 Dr. C. G. Anderson 
Ray, Marshall(25)MBM   Farm HandOctExcessive [illegible]  Dr. C. G. Anderson[name reversed?]
PRFox, Sarah6FWSN.Y.   JulyHeart Disease   W. S. Todd 


Scedule 5. Persons who Died during the year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in Andover, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, John C. Cartwright. p. 207

Note: Deaths No. 1, 7 & 11 I have reported as given to me by their families and the names of attending physician, viz. D. W. W. Crandall. Dr. Crandall disclaims having attended them professionally in their last sickness and so does either of the other settled physicians in this town hence I can procure no further information concerning them.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF birthplM birthpOccupationMonthCauseResPhysicianNote
53Dixon, Catherin57FWSIrelandIreIreServantJan.Inflamation Bowels27W. W. Crandall
443Whiple, Austin80MWWVermontVerVerFarmerDecParalysis1W. W. Crandall
443Wheton, Almira20FWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.ServantDecPhithisis20Norm Brainard
443Lamphier61MWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.FarmerDecPhithisis61N. P. Brainard
181Magee, Sidney42MWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.R.R. AgentAprInured by cars42W. W. Crandall
443Davis, Elizabeth56FWMVermontGerGerKeeping houseFebParalysis stomach & bowels40Dr. Brainard
235Diffin, James71MWMIrelandIreIreFarmerFebGrargl [?]50W. W. Crandall
256Odell, Mary J.32FWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Keeping houseNovPhithisisNorman Brainard
298Dunigan, Hannah31FWMNew YorkIreIreKeeping houseAprilChild BirthDr. WilliamsonEntry crossed out; Death occurred in Greenwood, Steuben, N.Y.
Note:  Death No. 9 case was attended by a physician in an adjoining county hence I am unable to procure further information concerning it.
290Clark, John68MWMIrelandIreIreFarmerNovAubro Spinal [illeg.]Dr. E. Stillmansymptoms span 7 [illeg.]
297Baker, Michel84MWMIrelandIreIreFarmerMayParalysisW. W. Crandall
312Berch, Martha88FWWNew YorkN.Y.R.I.Keeping houseFebChronic BronchitisN. Brainard
323Coock, Biancy23FWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.At homeFebDiabetes MellitusN. Brainard
396Horn, Sarah84FWWIrelandIreIreKeeping houseMayChronic Hepatitis16N. Brainard
400Wood, Hanah42FWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Keeping houseFebCanser the brestThaddeus Baker
410Wells, Pery G.38MWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Black SmithJan.Killed ty CarsDr. StilmanEntry crossed out
75Green, George A. W.03/12MWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.&npbs;OctCholera InfantumW. W. Crandall


Schedule 5.  Persons who Died during the year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in Angelica, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, Edwin P. Blanchard. p. 209

You will perceive that I am unable to give the Physicians statement as requested of the following Numbers as the Physicians are not residents of this place. -- Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 24 W. M. Smith Health Officer New York City. Nos. 8, 18, 19, 20, Benjamin Norton resident Belmont. Nos 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 A. W. Smith residence Short Tract, N.Y. Nos. 21 C. J. Saunders, resident Belfast. No. 25, L. H. Herbert resident Stanford, Con. No. 23, Dr. Morris resident Eldred, Pa.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF birthplM birthpOccupationMonthCauseResDisease plPhysicianNote
9Weir, John A.15MWSNew YorkNew YorkNew YorkFarmingNov 13Diptheria15 William M. Smith 
9Weir, Victor2MWSNew YorkNew YorkNew York Oct 27Diptheria2 William M. Smith 
39Reary, Sylvanus D.77MWMNew JerseyPensylNew JerseyFarmerMarch 28Fatty Heart60 B. C. Wakely 
103Norton, Mose20MWSNew YorkNew YorkNew YorkWorking on FarmMay 8Diptheria20 Dr. W. S. Todd 
105Hammond, Geo.85MWWRhd. Island  FarmerDec 1Heart Disease60 Wm. Smith 
112Davis, frankie8MWSNew YorkNew YorkNew York Jan'y 19Kicked by horse8 Wm. Smith 
123Burns, Hattie20FWMNew YorkNew YorkN.Y.ServantNov 7Diptheria17 W. S. Todd 
162Brodie, Elvira J.20FWMNew YorkNew YorkN.Y.House wifeJuly 2Childbirth20 Benjamin Norton 
175Bowen, Hiram70MWMVermont  FarmerAug 7Paralysis [illegible]39 W. S. ToddHeart Disease crossed out
183Graham, Hannah80FWWEnglandEnglandEngland July 19Old Age40 W. M. Smith 
194Ames [?], George Anna25FWSVermontVermontVermontAt HomeMay 3Inflamation Stomach24 W. M. Smith 
359Trusdell, Chauncy F.58MWMOhioOhioOhioInmate Co. HouseJune 18Dropsy08/12OhioA. W. Smith 
359Knight, Phebe[70]FWWNew York  Inmate Co. HouseSept 3rdTumor in sideNew YorkA. W. Smith 
359Lorrow, John68MWWPennsylvania  Inmate Co. HouseSept 4Old Age A. W. Smith 
359Bradley, George38MWMNew YorkNew YorkN.Y.Inmate Co. HouseOct 20Softning of Brain38 A. W. Smith 
359Taylor, William52MWMEngland  Inmate Co. HouseNov 1Dropsy7 A. W. Smith 
359Tolls, Norman[60]MWSUnknown  Inmate Co. House Debility A. W. Smithwas only in County House three days before death.
359Bradford, Lorin79MWWNew York  Inmate Co. HouseJany 9Choked to death40 Benj. Norton 
359Stout, Hannah C.50FWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Inmate Co. HouseMay 6Rheumatism10 Benj. Norton 
359Ball, Aron69MWWMassachuesetts  Inmate Co. HouseMay 12Old Age69 Benj. Norton 
121Fox, Henry P.20MWSNew YorkIrelandIreland May 7Dieabetus20 Dr. Saundersentry crossed out; died Belfast, Allegany, N.Y.
254Hills, Mary E.47FWMNew YorkConnConnHouse wifeApr 14Inflamation Lungs Pneumonia30 Dr. B. C. Wakely 
274Lightfoot, Robert5MWSNew YorkScotlandIreland Nov 23Diptheria5Eldred, Pa.Dr. Morrisdied Eldred, McKean, Pa.
319Benham, Julia H.68FWMNew YorkConnConnHouse wifeNov 13Pneumonia25 Dr. W. M. Smith 
349Kendall, Mary09/12FWSNew YorkConnConn Oct 20Cholera inflamationStanford, Conn.L. H. Herbertentry crossed out; died Stamford, Fairfield, Conn.
PRHawwood, Emma26[?]FWMN.Y.   Sept.Nephritis W. T. Rolston 
PRMrs. Whittlerly73FWMN.Y.   FebCancer M. S. Todd 


Schedule 5.  Persons who Died during the year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in Belfast in the County of Allegany, State of New York, J. E. Histed, p. 211

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF birthplM birthpOccupationMonthCauseResPhysicianNote
15Gee, De Rozel85MW MNew YorkNew YorkNew YorkFarmerMayCatarrhal Consumption36None 
89Brown, William87MWWNew York  FarmerFebParalysis40Saunders, Chas. M. 
124Swift, Rebecca A.62M_WMNew YorkConn.Conn.Keeping HouseOctHeart Disease55Allen, Otis 
158Crawford, Jane66FWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Keeping HouseMarchSuicide & Hanging55none 
182Hopper, Edward C.63MWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.FarmerFebConsumption63Todd, William Jr. 
207Markham, John W.24MWSNew YorkIrelandIrelandFarmerSept.Abdomen Collapse17Saunders, Chas. W. 
234Shorter, Hattie10/12FWSNew YorkEnglandN.Y. AprilDropsy of Chest10/12Deming, J. S. 
265Austin, Hannah81FWWNew YorkunknownunknownKeeping HouseMayBrain Disease6Saunders, Chas. M. 
281Cook, John W.20MWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.MillerJulyTyphoid Fever2Todd, William S. Jr. 
302Hanks, Olive48FWMNew YorkN.Y.N.Y.Keeping HouseMayApoplexy, coma42Saunders, C. W. & J. H.Apoplexy crossed out
348unnamed05/24MWSNew YorkN.Y.N.Y. Sept.Asphyxia Saunders, Chas. W.died in Angelica
322Fox, Patrick Henry21MWSNew YorkIrelandIrelandBook KeeperMayDiabetis coma21Saunders, Chas. W.Diabetes crossed out; died in Angelica; Note:  No. 12 was a resident of the Town of Angelica; he died at his Sister's in Belfast; Angelica enumerator requested me to report his death; J. E. Histed.
354Johnson, Benjamin F.69MWMNew YorkunknownunknownLumbermanDecAstonia36Saunders, John H.Note:  No.13 was a resident of the Town of New Hudson; he died at his Son-in-laws in Belfast.  Deceased widow said his death was not reported in New Hudson.  J. E. Histed.
 Thurston, Katie1FWSN.Y.   MayDiptheria Saunders, John H. 
 Thurston, Nellie6FWSN.Y.   MayDiptheria Saunders 
 Herman, Henry18MWSHanover   MchInflamation of Lungs Saunders 
PrInfant11/12FWSN.Y.   MchConvulsions Dearing, C. C. 


Schedule 5. Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in the town of Birdsall, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, Philo E. D..ed.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF BpM BpOccupationMon diedDiseaseResDisease PlNote
64Charles, W.9MWSNew YorkNew YorkNew York MayBrights disease  [entry faint]
 Hildreth, Maggie34FWMdVt   OctLiver   Additon to Allegany Co. from Supplimental Schedules SD No 2 ED no 126 Michigan


Schedule 5. Persons who DIED during the Year ending May 31, 1880, enumerated by me in the town of Bolivar, in the County of Allegany, State of New York, W. H. Johnson.

Fam #NameAgeSexColorMaritalBirthplaceF BpM BpOccupationMon diedDiseaseResDisease PlNote
Halbert, Hannah57FWSNew YorkMassMassKeeping houseJulyErysipalas40y  
Fritts, Hasy [?]73MWMdNew YorkNYNYWool CarderMayParelysais41y  
Finch, Deborah62M_WMdNew YorkNYNYKeeping houseOctCholera Mibeus [?]40y  
6 [?]Rockwell, William45MWMdNew YorkNYNYFarmerJanInjuries [rest illeg.]   
Williams, Fredd8MWSNew YorkNYNY AugTyphoid Spinal ...8y  
Williams, Clara J.10FWSNew YorkNYNY Sept[illeg] Dyptheria10y  
7Barnes, Elgene12FWSNew YorkNYNY AugDyptheria5m  
7Pire, Claudie6mMWSNew YorkNYNY AugCholera infantum6m see note
[Pire], Clydia6mMWSNew YorkNYNY AugCholera infantum6m see note
[Pire], Cora4FWSNew YorkNYNY AprCroup4y  
Coon, Endion55MWMdNY  FarmerMarchInflamation [illeg.]   

NOTE:  The enumerator was wrongly informed about the two cases on the lines 14 & 15 (Claudie & Clydia Pire) the deaths have occurred prior to the census year.

Allegany County GenWeb Page

Last updated on October 10, 2001

Created on June 30, 2001

© Vivian Karen Bush 2006
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.