(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)
Explanations to Directory:
Explanation -- The letter r following the P.O. address, signifies road, and the figures following it refer to the number of the road as designated on the map, in the fore part of the book. (not included on this website) Usually where no road number is given, the party resides in the Villages.
Adams, Edward, (Cuba,) groceries, provisions, flour, feed, crockery, glassware &c., Main. Adams, John C., (Seymour,) r 10, farmer 65. Agate. E., (Cuba,) prop. of Cuba brewery, Spring. Akerly, H. B., (Cuba,) (Akerly & Sill.) Akerly & Sill, (Cuba,) (H. B. Akerly and D. B. Sill,) cheese and produce dealers, 2nd floor Palmer’s Block. Main. Alexander, Wallace, (Seymour,) groceries. Allen Bros., (Cuba,) (Seneca and Otis,) physicians and surgeons and druggists. Main corner South. Allen, Otis, (Cuba,) (Allen Bros.) Allen, Seneca, (Cuba,) (Allen Bros.) AMSDEN, CHARLES D., (Cuba,) r 22, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 100. AMSDEN. FRANK H., (Cuba,) r 22, (with Ira.) dairy, 40 cows and farmer leases of Isaac Amsden 300. Amsden, George, (Seymour,) r 14, farmer 135. AMSDEN. IRA, (Cuba,) r 22, (with Frank H.,) dairy, 40 cows and farmer leases of Isaac Amsden 300. Amsden, Isaac, (Cuba,) r 22, farmer 300. AMSDEN, LEONARD S. (Cuba,) r 29, dairy, 36 cows and farmer 265. Amsden, Oscar H., (Cuba,) r 22, dairy, 20 cows and farmer 165. Armstrong, John, (Cuba) brick manuf. ARMSTRONG, R. S., (Cuba,) (Champlain, Armstrong & Russell.) *ARNOUT, J. HENRY. (Cuba,) undertaker. Main corner Maple. Ashley. Jabez, (Cuba,) r 25, carpenter and farmer 2. ASHLEY, J. J., (Cuba,) physician and surgeon, Main. Baldwin, George W., (Seymour,) r 8, (with Lonson,) farmer 160. Baldwin, Lonson, (Seymour,) r 8, (with George W.,) farmer 160. Baldwin, K. F., (Seymour,) r 8, farmer. Bandfield, David O., (Cuba,) r 28, farmer 57. Barber, P. G., (Cuba,) r22, (with Hiram B. Decker,) farmer leases of John Hubbel 500. Barnes, J. M., (Cuba,) furniture. Main. Bartholomew, W. H., (Cuba.) marble and granite monuments and tombstones, iron posts and fences for cemeteries, Main. BARTLETT, E. A., (Cuba,) (Bartlett & McKee.) BARTLETT & McKEE, (Cuba,) (E. A. Bartlett and James B. McKee,) fancy groceries, confectionery and fruits, tobacco and cigars, seeds, bulbs and flowers and Harz Mountain Canary birds. 7 Palmer Block. Bates, Abner, (Cuba,) carriage ironing and general blacksmithing, Main. Bebee, E. (Cuba) r 24, farmer 50. Bebee, Edwin (Cuba) r 33, farmer 115. Bebee, Marcus (Cuba) r 33, farmer 100. Bement, W. F. (Cuba) lawyer, Main. BIGELOW, J. B. (Cuba) (Curtindall & Bigelow) Bishop, J. (Cuba) cashier of Cuba National Bank. Blackford, L. P. Rev. (Cuba) pastor 1st Universalist Church. Bliss, Israel (Cuba) r 29, dairy, 13 cows and farmer 91. Bradford, S. C. (Cuba) livery stable, Church. Bradley & Graham (Cuba) (John W. Bradley and James H. Graham) manuf. of Spring beds, Friendly Block. Bradley, John W. (Cuba) (Bradley & Graham) Bradley, Ulyses H. (Friendship) r 22, dairy, 17 cows and farmer 150. Brastead, Benjamin (Cuba) r 32, farmer 50. Breadon, Wm., (Cuba) r 22, dairy, 13 cows and farmer 117. Briggs, John (Black Creek) r 12, dairy, 17 cows and farmer 260. Briggs, Judson and Lloyd (Cuba) r 13, farmers 100. Bronson, Wm. R. (Cuba) commercial agent, Canal. Brown Bros. & Davidson (Cuba) (James and John Brown and Geo H. Davidson) founders, Maple. Brown, James (Cuba) (Brown Bros & Davidson) Brown, John (Cuba) (Brown Bros & Davidson) Bruce, Chas. M. Rev., (Cuba) justice of the peace and pastor of Baptist Church of Clarksville, Main. Burnham, U.A. (Cuba) groceries, provisions, crockery &c., Main. Burrill, Alonzo (Cuba) r 23, dairy, 21 cows and farmer 273. Burt, Amos (Cuba) r 29, farmer leases of S. S. Ayers 120. Callaham, John (Cuba) r 23, farmer 61-1/2. Campbell, James M. (Cuba) r 25, farmer 2. CAMPBELL, LUCIEN (Seymour) (with Wm.) r 14, farmer 340. CAMPBELL, WM. (Seymour) (with Lucien) r 14, farmer 340. Carman, A. J. (Cuba) groceries and bakery, Main. CARRIEL, WILLARD (Cuba) photographer, Main, corner Canal. Carrier, Ammi (Cuba) r 43, farmer 50. Carrier, Wm. (Cuba) r 23, farmer 50. Chamberlain, C. T. (Cuba) (Kirkpatrick & Co.) CHAMBERLAIN, QUINCY (Seymour) r 11, dairy, 20 cows and farmer 164. Chamberlain, Solomon (Cuba) r 18, farmer 20. CHAMPLAIN, ARMSTRONG & RUSSELL (Cuba) (M. B. Champlain, R. S. Armstrong, and S.M. Russell) law and loan office, Main, over Cuba Banking Co. CHAMPLAIN, M. B., (Cuba,) (Champlain, Armstrong & Russell) Charles, R. D., (Cuba,) harness manuf., up stairs, Slain. Cole, Jacob, (Cuba,) r 19, dairy, 18 cows and farmer 200. Cole, John B., (Friendship,) r 37, town assessor, dairy, :30 cows and farmer 237, Cole, Joseph, (Friendship,) r 23, farmer 260. Cole, Sanford, (Cuba,) r 43, farmer 300. Coller, Wm., (Cuba,) r 39, dairy, 14 cows and farmer 200. Cook, Horace E., (Seymour,) blacksmith. Cooke, E. Jay Rev., (Cuba,) pastor of Episcopal Church. Cooper, Philetus. (Cuba,) r 29, farmer 8. Corcoran, Patrick, (Seymour,) r 17, farmer 25. Crandall, Ethan G., (Cuba,) r 23, dairy, 13 cows and farmer 137. Crosby, John T. (Cuba,) manuf. of patent medicine, Pine. CUBA BANKING COMPANY, (Cuba,) Asher W. Miner, president; S. H. Morgan, cashier, Main. Cuba Brewery, (Cuba,) E. Agate, prop., Spring. *CUBA HOUSE, (Cuba,) A. Warner, prop.. Main corner Canal. Cuba National Bank, (Cuba,) E. D. Loveridge, president; J. Bishop, cashier. Currier, William, (Cuba,) town clerk, dealer in groceries, pictures and frames and farmer 165, Church. CURTINDALL & BIGELOW. (Cuba,) (J. Curtindall and J. B. Bigelow,) manufs. of carriages, buggies, lumber wagons, and cutters, Main. CURTINDALL, J., (Cuba,) (Curtindall & Bigelow.) Curtis, Reuben S., (Cuba,) r 24, carpenter and farmer 10. Cutter, S. H., (Cuba,) physician, Cuba House. Cutter, S. K., (Cuba,) sash, doors, blinds and moldings, contractor and builder, Main. Davenport, Hiram, (Cuba,) r 43, dairy, 11 cows and farmer 170. Davidson, George H., (Cuba,) (Brown Bros. & Davidson.) Davidson, James, (Cuba,) r 40, farmer 50. Davis, Asa, (Cuba.) grocery, South. Day, E. S., (Cuba,) wholesale dealer in wines and liquors, Main. Dayton, Charles M., (Friendship,) r 33, farmer 200. Decker, Hiram B., (Cuba,) r 22, (with P. G. Barber,) farmer leases of John Hubbel 500. DE KAY, ALFRED S., (Cuba,) r 13. mechanic and farmer 62-1/2. De Kay, C. A., (Cuba,) news room, fruit, confectionery, cigars, teas, coffees, spices &c., and agent for Domestic sewing machine, Main. De Kay, George V., (Cuba,) r 41, carpenter and farmer 50. De Kay, Joseph R., (Cuba.) r 13, dairy, 16 cows and farmer 130. DICKINSON, WM. W., (Cuba,)r 40, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 123. Drew, S. C., (Cuba,) meat market, Canal. Dunning, Winthrop S., (Cuba,) r 39, laborer. Eaton, George, (Seymour,) foreman on public works. Ehman, F. J., (Cuba,) agent for Howe sewing machine, Main. Eldridge, George H., (Cuba,) postmaster and dealer in clothing, groceries &c., 4 Palmer Block. Everts, Wm. W., (Cuba,) r 22, dairy, 11 cows and farmer 123. FANNING, C. G., (Cuba,) custom furniture manuf. and repairer, Chapel. Ferris, Cyrus, (Seymour,) r 10, (with George L..) farmer. Ferris, George L., (Seymour,) r 10, (with Cyrus,) farmer. FOX, F. J., (Cuba,) r 22, dairy, 25 cows and farmer 200. Fox, John A., (Cuba.) r 23, mechanic and farmer .30. FRASER, ALEXANDER, (Cuba,) r 23, farmer 30. Friendly, Henry, (Cuba,) carriage manuf., South. FULLER, GEO. B., (Cuba,) r 11, cattle broker and farmer 44-1/2. Gallup, Giles, (Cuba.) r 23, farmer 45. Gallup, Giles F., (Cuba,) r 24. farmer leases. Gallup, Gordon, (Cuba,) r 19, (with Joseph,) farmer. GALLUP, JOSEPH, (Cuba,) r 19, dairy, 21 cows and farmer 150. Gardner, C. B. Rev., (Cuba.) pastor of Presbyterian Church, Main. Gates, F. G., (Cuba,) barber, gents’ furnishing goods, tobacco and cigars. Main. Gay, William, (Cuba,) carpenter and builder, Spring Gear, John, (Friendship,) r 33, farmer 70. Gear. Joseph, (Friendship,) r 33, farmer 75. German, Reuben, (Cuba,) r 41, farmer 200. German, Silas, (Cuba,) r 39, farmer 100. Gillett, George M., (Cuba,) physician and surgeon, Chapel. Gordan, Fortyce F., (Cuba.) r 27, farmer 107. Gowdy, Jabez, (Cuba,) r 18, carpenter. Grady, A., (Cuba,) (Grady Bros.) Grady, Bros., (Cuba,) (R.H. & A.,) manufs. of sash, doors and blinds, builders and lumber dealers, Chapel corner North Park. Grady, R. H., (Cuba,) (Grady Bros.) Graham, James H., (Cuba,) (Bradley & Graham.) GRAHAM, JAMES S., (Cuba,) r 34, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 65. Graves, Allen, (Cuba,) blacksmith, Maple. Green, Jabez, (Cuba.) r 24, farmer 30. Grover, John A., (Cuba,) r 40, farmer 110. GUILFORD, CHARLES, (Cuba,) r 18, dairy, 30 cows and farmer 220. Guilford, Samuel A., (Cuba,) r 18, farmer. Haberseat, Wm., (Seymour,) r 4, farmer leases of D. Perington 150. Hallack, J. H., (Cuba.) (Hallack & Nash.) Hallack & Nash, (Cuba,) (J. H. Hallack and E. R. Nash) drugs, books and stationery, Main. Halstead, .Jefferson, (Cuba,) r 24, farmer 280. HALSTEAD, THOMPSON, (Cuba,) r 24, farmer 82. Hand, L. C. Mrs., (Cuba,) dress and cloak maker, South. Hanes, Benjamin, (Cuba,) livery and exchange stables, Main. Hanes, John H., (Cuba,) r 40, farmer 60. Hanes, Thomas H., (Cuba,) r 40, farmer 100. Hardy. Lyman, (Cuba,) r 3, farmer 140. HELM, ABRAM, (Cuba,) boots and shoes, Commercial Block, Main, Helmer, Elijah, (Cuba.) r 23, dairy, 50 cow; and farmer 424. Hendryx, James, (Seymour,) r 6, farmer 106-1/2. Hicks, Joseph W., (Cuba,) r 23, (with Wm. H.) farmer 50. Hicks, Wm. H., (Cuba,) r 23, (with Joseph W.) farmer 50. Hills, M. A., (Cuba,) (R. Hills & Son.) Hills, R. & Son, (Cuba,) (M. A.,)wholesale and retail dealers in saddlery and coach hardware, boot and shoe findings, groceries, teas, tobacco, fruit jars, notions &c., Main. Holliday, Wm. W., (Cuba,) wagon maker, South. HORAN, MARTIN, (Cuba,) boots and shoes, Commercial Block. Main. Housel, Israel P., (Cuba,) r 18, farmer 14. Hoyt. E. E., (Cuba.) (Merrill & Hoyt,) Hubbel, John, (Cuba.) r 23, farmer 500. Hunt, S C., (Cuba.) wagon maker, Pine. Hyers, Samuel S., (Cuba.) r 29, farmer 120. Ingalls, Aaron, (Seymour,) r 18, dairy, 18 cows and farmer 100. Ingalls, John W., (Seymour,) r 17, farmer 128. Ingalls, Sylvester J.,(Seymour,) r 17, dairy, 16 cows and farmer 61 and leases of John W. Ingalls 128. Jordan, Alonzo H., (Cuba,) r 43, dairy, 18 cows and farmer 215. Jordan, Dewitt J., (Cuba,) r 43. laborer. JORDAN. JAMES O., (Seymour,) postmaster, dairy, 12 cows and farmer 90. *KEITH. NELLIE L, M.D., (Cuba,) physician, South corner Mill. Keller, E. H.. (Cuba,) (Rude & Keller,) farmer 100. KELLER, TILMAN (Cuba) r 42, dairy 11 cows and farmer 109. Kinne, E. M. & R. W., (Cuba,) harness, South. Kinney, Henry, (Seymour,) r 10, farmer 184. Kirkpatrick & Co., (Cuba,) (Wm. A. Kirkpatrick and C. T. Chamberlain,) prop. of Cuba flouring and custom mills. Kirkpatrick, M. J. Miss, (Cuba,) millinery, Main. Kirkpatrick, Wm. A., (Cuba,) (Kirkpatrick & Co.) Lafayette House. (Cuba,) J. N. McWhorter, prop., Main. Learn, Adam, (Cuba,) r 3. farmer 178. Lewis, S. E., (Cuba,) dentist, 2d floor, Empire Block. LITTLE, WM. G., (Cuba,) r 20, farmer 180. Lockwood, Martin, (Cuba,) r 3, farmer 25 LOVERIDGE, E. D., (Cuba,) (Loveridge & Swift,) president of Cuba National Bank. LOVERIDGE & SWIFT, (Cuba,) (E. D. Loveridge and H. J. Swift,) attorneys and counselors at law, over First National Bank, Main. Lyman, Frederick D., (Cuba,) r 20, inspector of election, dairy, 12 cows and farmer 105. Lyon, Ralph, (Black Creek,) r 11, dairy, 12 cows and farmer 227. Mackey, Byron G., (Cuba,) r 43, farmer leases of S. Cole. 300. Mars, Samuel, (Cuba.) r 18, farmer 1-1/2. Maxon, Rosell T., (Cuba,) railroad and express agent. Maxon, Stephen, (Cuba,) physician and surgeon, Main. McCaffery, Felix M., (Seymour,) r 6, farmer 25. McINTIRE, RICHARD, (Cuba,) barber, Canal. McKEE, JAMES B., (Cuba,) (Bartlett & McKee.) McKIBBIN, JAMES A., (Cuba,) publisher of The Weekly Herald. McKibbin, James Mrs., (Cuba,) millinery, &c., Main. McLaughlin, Wm., (Friendship,) r 33, farmer 100. McMonagle, James, (Cuba,) r 41, farmer 162-1/2. McWhorter, J. N., (Cuba,) prop, of Lafayette House, Main. Mead, H. A., (Cuba,) hardware, stoves, paints, oils &c., Main. Merrill & Hoyt, (Cuba,) (Orris Merrill & E. E. Hoyt,) dry goods and clothing, 1 Main. Merrill, Orris, (Cuba,) (Merrill & Hoyt.) Merrill. S. W., (Cuba,) r 28, farmer 110. Milham, Henry, (Cuba,) tailor, up stairs, Main. Miller, Ezra, (Seymour,) r 10, farmer 72. MINER, ASHER W., (Cuba,) president of Cuba Banking Company. Moore, Henry J., (Cuba,) r 25, farmer 40. Moore, Samuel C., (Cuba,) r 25, retired farmer. MORGAN, CARTER H., (Seymour,) prop. of Reservoir House, dairy, 30 cows and farmer 300. MORGAN, CONLEY M., (Cuba,) r 2, town assessor and farmer 100. MORGAN, SAMUEL, (Cuba,) r 2, farmer 50. MORGAN, S. H., (Cuba,) cashier of Cuba Banking Company. Moses, Calvin H., (Cuba,) r 37, farmer 130. Moses, S. J., (Cuba,) shoemaker, South. Moulton, Hiram, (Cuba,) r 39, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 200. Moulton, Wm. H., (Cuba,) r 40, farmer 76. Nash, E. R., (Cuba,) (Halleck & Nash.) Newton, E., (Cuba,) r45, farmer leases 175. Oldham, George, (Cuba,) painter, grainer and paper hanger, South. Oldham, George & Bro., (Cuba,)(Thomas,) drugs. patent medicines, stationery and wall paper, Warson Block. Oldham, Thomas, (Cuba,) (George Oldham & Bro.) Olive, J. D., (Cuba.) blacksmith, Orchard. O’Mara, Patrick Rev., (Cuba,) pastor of St. Bridget’s Church. ORMISTON, JAMES. (Cuba,) r 34, dairy, 30 cows and farmer 150 and leases of J. Armstrong 130. OTIS, C. NICHOLAS COL., (Cuba,) resident. Palmer, George, (Cuba,) cooper. Main. Palmer, Jasper, (Cuba,) formerly of the firm of Palmer & Stevens, Main. Palmer, Joseph, (Cuba.) prop. of Palmer Hall and Block, Main. Palmer, Joseph, (Cuba,) retired merchant. Park, G. W.,(Cuba,) groceries. provisions, crockery, notions &c., South. Parker, J. F.. (Cuba,) painter, South. Penny, W. J., (Cuba,) dry goods, boots, shoes &c., Main. Phelps, W. O., (Cuba,) tannery. Philips, John, (Cuba,) r 18, laborer, owns 1-1/2. PIERCE, EDWIN N., (Cuba,) r 41, dairy, 7 cows and farmer 81. POWERS, J. M., (Seymour,) r 10, dairy, .30 cows and farmer 160. Randolph, S. S., (Cuba,) blacksmith, Chapel. Renwick, A. G., (Cuba,) dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes &c., Main. Reynolds, Calvin J., (Cuba,) physician and surgeon, Canal. Reynolds, F. C., (Cuba,) groceries, provisions and produce, Main corner Canal. Reynolds, Hiram P., (Cuba,) r 23, (with John.) farmer. Reynolds, H. L. Miss, (Cuba,) milliner, Main. Reynolds, John, (Cuba,) r 23, farmer 85. Reynolds, L. A., (Cuba,) justice of the peace, 2 Main. Rice, Herman, (Friendship,) r 37, cheese buyer and farmer 360. Rice. W. H., (Cuba,) deputy postmaster. Richardson, Henry, (Cuba,) miller. Rinker, Jacob, (Cuba,) r 3, farmer 60. RINKER, SAMUEL P., (Cuba,) r 29, dairy, 15 cows and farmer 100. Robert, Henry, (Cuba,) r 17, farmer leases of A. M. Scott 119. Roberts, Philo, (Cuba,) boots and shoes, up stairs, Main. Rook, Joseph, (Black Creek,) r 11, dairy, 13 cows and farmer 200. Rowley, Hartson A., (Cuba,) r 4.3, (with Ransom,) farmer. ROWLEY, RANSOM, (Cuba,) r 43, dairy, 12 cows and farmer 112. Rude, C. M., (Cuba,) (Rude & Keller.) RUDE, F. A., (Cuba,) r 31, farmer. Rude & Keller, (Cuba,) (C. M. Rude and E. H. Keller) hardware, stoves, tinware, agricultural implements &c., South. RUDE, M. T. Mrs., (Cuba,) r 31, farmer 100. Rude, T. F., (Cuba,) watches, clocks, jewelry, silver and plated ware &c., Main. RUSSELL, S. M., (Cuba,) (Champlain, Armstrong & Russell.) Savage, Seth B., (Cuba,) r 20, farmer 231-1/2. Savage, Ward, (Cuba.) r 20, (with Seth B.) farmer. Schermerhorn, Alexander, (Cuba,) barber, Main. Scott, Abel M., (Cuba,)r 18, dairy, 20 cows and farmer 160. Scott, John, (Seymour,) r 10, farmer leases 93. Scott, L. L., (Cuba,) blacksmith and wagon maker, Pine. Seeley, Isaac C. Rev., (Cuba,) pastor of Baptist Church, South. SHAFFER. CHRISTOPHER, (Cuba,) r 31, dairy, 24 cows and farmer leases of Joseph Shaffer 180. Shaffer, Joseph. (Cuba,) farmer 180. Sharp, W. F., (Cuba,) boots and shoes, Main. Sheldon, Adelbert, (Cuba,) telegraph repairer, Pine. Sheldon, Gardner, (Cuba,) farmer 400, Main. Sheldon, I. N., (Cuba.) produce dealer, supt. of 8 cheese factories and farmer 50, Main. Shewman, Halsey, (Cuba,) carriage and wagon manuf., Maple. Sibley, Freeman L.. (Seymour,) r 18, dairy, 20 cows and farmer 135. Sill, D. B., (Cuba,) (Akerly & Sill.) Sisson, Lorenzo D., (Cubs,) r 25, farmer leases of Edward Johnson 222. Smalley, Andrew J., (Friendship,) r 37, farmer 112. Smith, Addison, (Cuba,) saw and planing mill. Canal. Smith, Curtis, (Cuba,) r 22, cheese manuf. SNYDER, TOBIAS, (Cuba,) r3, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 100. SNYDER, T. PHALISMER,( Cuba,) r 27, carpenter and farmer 103. Starkey, Hiram, (Friendship,) r 37, farmer 100. STEVENS, A. S., (Cuba,) hardware, stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Smith’s Block, Main. Stevens, W. P., (Cuba,) tannery, Canal. Stone, Edmond G., (Cuba,) r 38, farmer 100. Story, James A.. (Cuba,) dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, hats, caps &c., 3 Palmer’s Block. Story, S. Jr. estate of, (Cuba,) dry goods and gents’ furnishing goods, corner Main and South. STOWELL, L. DANA. (Black Creek,) r 12, dairy. 50 cows and farmer 290. Sullivan, Dennis. (Cuba,) marble shop. Sweetland, Oliver, (Cuba,) r 41, farmer leases 26. Swift, G. H., (Cuba.) groceries, Main. SWIFT, H. J.. (Cuba,) (Loveridge & Swift.) Swift, Jeremiah, (Seymour,) r 6, farmer 50. Tait, D. L., (Cuba,) machinery and cheese factory supplies. Maple. *THE WEEKLY HERALD, (Cuba,) James A. McKibbin, publisher. Thomas, A. L., (Cuba,) r 19, dairy, 40 cows and farmer 467-1/2. Thompson Bros.. (Cuba,) (Robert and David,) props. of meat market, Main. Thompson, David, (Cuba,) (Thompson Bros.) Thompson, Robert, (Cuba,) (Thompson Bros.) THURSTON, RUSSELL, (Cuba,) gun smith, dealer in guns, pistols &c., Chapel. TRUE, ALONZO J., (Cuba,) r 27. dairy, 10 cows and farmer 57-1/2. Vanhorn, J. C.. (Cuba,) veterinary surgeon and blacksmith, Church. Vanhorn, Lafayette, (Cuba,) r 43, farmer leases of S. Palmer 170. Vanness, John R., (Cuba,) r 23. farmer 75. *WARNER, A., (Cubs,) prop. of Cuba House, Main corner Canal. Wasson, Robert, (Cuba,) r 19, carpenter and farmer 50. Waterbury, Aura, (Friendship,) r 32, carpenter. Waterbury, Ephraim, (Friendship.) r 22, farmer leases 140. Waterbury, Wm. H., (Cuba,) r 32, farmer 65. Watson, Charles H., (Cuba,) r 42, farmer 100. Webster, A. B., (Cuba,) groceries, provisions, floor, feed, meal, salt, lime and plaster. Canal. Webster, Erastus, (Seymour,) r 10, dairy, 11 cows and farmer 105. WELLS. HIRAM, (Cuba,) watchmaker and jeweler, Slain. Whipple, Bros., (Cuba.) (Gardner & Dallas,) dentists, Empire Block. Whipple, Dallas, (Cuba.) (Whipple Bros.) Whipple, Gardner, (Cuba,) (Whiple Bros.) White, Thomas, (Friendship,) r23, farmer leases of Joseph Cole 260. Wilder, Charles, (Cuba,) r 23, farmer leases of Kendall Wilder 118. Wilkinson. Lucian B., (Friendship,) r 37, farmer 52. Williams, E. B. Rev.. (Cuba,) pastor of M. E. Church, Spring. WILLIAMSON, CALVIN, (Cuba,) r 22, dairy, 8 cows and farmer 75. Wilson, A. B., (Cuba,) dry goods and clothing.,2 Main. Wise, John, (Seymour,) r 18, farmer 6-1/2. Wisner, A. W. Mrs., (Cuba,) r 42, farmer 50. Witter, Joseph D., (Cuba,) r 45, dairy, 15 cows and farmer 153. Wood, Frank L., (Cuba,) manuf. of cigars, Main. Wright. Ralph N., (Cuba,) r 34, dairy, 16 cows and farmer 160. WYCKOFF, CHARLES S., (Cuba.) .r 22, farmer 90. Wyckoff, John, (Cuba,) r 22, dairy, 22 cows and farmer 100. Wyckoff, Wm., (Cuba,) r 22, resident. Young, John C., (Cuba,) physician, Main.
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