(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)
Explanations to Directory:
Explanation -- The letter r following the P.O. address, signifies road, and the figures following it refer to the number of the road as designated on the map, in the fore part of the book. (not included on this website) Usually where no road number is given, the party resides in the Villages.
ALMY, A. S., (Ceres.) manuf. of carriages, sleighs &c., Main. Andres, E. N., (Ceres,) farmer 87. Antisdale, A. M., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 2-1/2, farmer 40. Armstrong, Andrew J.. (Portvil1e, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 11, dairy. 9 cows and farmer 74. Austin, Amos L., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10, farmer 55. AUSTIN, JEREMIAH, (Bolivar,) farmer 100. AUSTIN, JOHN W., (Ceres,) r 18, millwright and farmer 70. Barber, Alfred. (Little Genesee,) r2l, carpenter and owns 240 acres timber land. Barber, B. A., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12, farmer leases of John Langworthy 42-1/2 and owns 7 in Catt. Co. Baxter, Daniel B., (Little Genesee,) r 13, farmer 56. Bell, R. R., (Ceres,) r 16, farmer 150. Bennehoff, Lyle. (Portville, Cattaraugus Co..) r 12, farmer 63. Berry, Lewis, (Little Genesee,) r 6, farmer 90. Bixby, Gilbert, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 1. dairy, 10 cows, lumber jobber and farmer 100. BLISS, B. T., (Little Genesee,) r 13, dairy, 8 cows and farmer 100. Bliss, David E..(Little Genesee,) r6, sheep drover and farmer 182. Bliss, Ebenezer D., (Little Genesee,) r 6, farmer 60. Boothe, J. P., (Ceres,) eclectic physician and surgeon. Boss, Joseph Mrs., (Little Genesee,) r 19, resident. Bowler, Wm. L., (Little Genesee,) r 18, dairy, 12 cows and farmer 140. Braley, Benjamin B., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co..) r 14, farmer 81. Brock, Jacob E., (Ceres.) carpenter, Main. Brown, James C.. (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 11, resident. Brown, Thomas B. Rev., (Little Genesee,) pastor of First Seventh Day Baptist Church of Genesee. Bullock, J. C., (Little Genesee,) r 21, shoemaker and farmer 50. Burdick, A. H., (Little Genesee,) (B. F. Burdick & Sons.) Burdick, B. F. & Sons, (Little Genesee,) (A. H. and O. E.,) manuf. of sash, doors and blinds, brackets, moldings &c., own 5 acres. Burdick, Daniel M., (Little Genesee.) r 13, agent for nursery and farmer 75. Burdick, Edon P., (Little Genesee,) r 22, farmer 64. Burdick, I. J., (Little Genesee,) r 13, farmer 100. Burdick, Jabez, (Little Genesee,) r 6, dairy. 6 cows and farmer 120. BURDICK, JOEL A., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12. farmer 132-1/2. Burdick, O. E., (Little Genesee,) (B. F. Burdick & Sons.) Burdick, Silas, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 3, carpenter and farmer 20-1/4. BURDICK, WAIT S., (Little Genesee,) r13, dairy, 6 cows and farmer 150. Burton, B. C., (Little Genesee,) r 19, manuf, of Stannard’s patent clothes washer. Call, B. H., (Ceres,) custom boots and shoes. CARPENTER, ARTHUR N.,(Little Genesee,) millwright. Carpenter, Leroy, (Little Genesee,) stump puller and owns 60 acres of wild land. Case, George H., (Little Genesee,) r 18, farmer 400. Champlin, Albert B., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10. farmer 7. Champlin, John S., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10, farmer 140. Childs, B., (Bolivar,) r 5, farmer 50 in Clarksville. Childs, Charles L., (Clarksville,) a 5, farmer 86. Cole, John S., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12-1/2, farmer 63. Coon, A. B., (Portville. Cattaraugus Co.,) r 4, lumberman and farmer 391. COON, AVERY E., (Little Genesee,) r 22, farmer. Coon, Biol O., (Little Genesee,) r 18, commissioner of highways, dairy, 20 cows and farmer 140 Coon, D. L., (Little Genesee,) r 21, owns cider ill and farmer 50 and leases 200. Coon, John B., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 2, farmer and owns 100 in Bolivar. Coon, Lewis J., (Little Genesee) r 21, farmer 15. COON, RUSSELL A., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 17, farmer leases of Wm. R. Maxson 96. COON, S. B., (Little Genesee) r 22, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 70 and owns 450 acres timberland. Cooper, S. A., (Ceres,) r 16, dealer in sewing machines. Cowles, Newel, (Little Genesee) r 21, farmer leases 30. Cowles, Porter, (Little Genesee) r 21, manuf. of cheese. Crandall, Adelbert A., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 23, farmer 2. CRANDALL, ALBERT B., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12-1/2, farmer 75 and prop. of West Genesee cheese factory. Crandall, Albert K., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12-1/2, manuf. of lumber, shingles &c., and farmer 205. Crandall, Albert W., Little Genesee,) r 22, farmer 54. CRANDALL, CHARLES M., (Portville Cattaraugus Co.,) r 3, dairy, 13 cows and (with Joel A. Crandall,) 200. Crandall, Daniel L., (Ceres) r 16, farmer 47-1/2. CRANDALL, E. R., (Little Genesee) r 19, justice of the peace, dairy, 14 cows and farmer 169. Crandall, Geo. S., (Ceres) r 16, farmer 53. CRANDALL, HENRY C., (Little Genesee) r 18, dairy, 9 cows and farmer 118. CRANDALL, JAIRUS (Little Genesee) retired farmer 100. CRANDALL, JOEL, (Little Genesee,) r 22, retired farmer. Crandall, Joel B., (Little Genesee), r 22, dairy, 9 cows and farmer 106. CRANDALL, JOHN H., (Little Genesee) r 6, dairy, 8 cows and farmer 100 and leases 100. Cranston, Wm., (Little Genesee) r 6, lumber manuf. and farmer 5. CUMMINGS, GEO. W. (Little Genesee) r 19, dairy, 20 cows and farmer 85 and leases 128 of estate of J. Boss. Currier, L. C., (Ceres) lumber jobber. Daggett, Wm. R., (Clarksville,) r 5, farmer 141 and 31-3/4 in Clarksville. Danforth, John C., (Ceres,) resident, Main. Deming, Joseph, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 3, dairy, 20 cows and farmer works on shares 234 owned by Dusenbury & Co. Demming, Christie, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 16, farmer leases 33-3/4. Dickinson, Foster S., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12-1/2, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 187. Edwards, Daniel (Ceres,) r 18, retired farmer. Edwards, John (Ceres,) r 18, retired farmer. Ennis, Ellen G. Mrs., (Little Genesee) weaver. Ennis, Wm., Mrs., (Little Genesee) r 21, farmer 29. Fairbanks, Almond, (Little Genesee) r 13, farmer 25. Foster, E. C., (Little Genesee) r 13, farmer 35. Friar, Mathew B., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10, dairy, 9 cows and farmer 235. Frost, Wells D., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 1, farmer 4. Gleason, John B., (Ceres,) custom boot and shoe maker, Main. GREEN, BENJ. F., (Little Genesee) r 19, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 126. Green, Erastus A., (Little Genesee) r 6, dairy, 15 cows and farmer 250. GREEN, G. G., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 2, dairy, 11 cows and farmer, works on shares 155, also owns 53 acres timber land in Alma. Green, James A., (Little Genesee,) r 6, farmer 74-1/2. Green, John T., (Bolivar) r 6, farmer 100. GREEN, THOMAS H., (Little Genesee,) r 6, dairy, 9 cows, supervisor and farmer 117. GREENE, MATHEW, (Little Genesee,) r 19, cabinet shop and farmer 84. Grove, Hiram, (Little Genesee,) r 13, carpenter and farmer 13. Hall, Alfred J., (Little Genesee,) r 19, farmer 61. Hall, Diana B., Mrs. (Little Genesee,) r 19, farmer 73. Hall, Henry C., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 14, farmer 90. HALL, HIRAM R., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 14, farmer 60. Hall, Lydia Mrs. (Little Genesee,) owns 5 acres. Hall, Wm. H., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10, farmer 150. Hanks, Oscar, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) dairy, 11 cows and farmer 200. Hanks, S. A., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10, farmer 80. HARKNESS, KENYON, (Ceres,) r 18, farmer leases 300 of Amos Young of Olean. Harmon, Wm., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 16, farmer leases 10. Hatch, Leonard, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 14, thresher and farmer 120 and works 50. HATCH, W. R. (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) farm laborer. HENDRYX, N. A. (Ceres,) blacksmith, Main. Hewitt, Henry P., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 1, farmer 49. Hewitt, Palmer, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 1, thresher and farmer 50. Hill, Martin, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 5, farmer 122. HOLLY, JOHN, (Ceres,) farmer 88, Main. Hooker, Philander, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 2, dairy, 16 cows and farmer 200 and 50 in Portville, Catt. Co. Hooker, Wm. M., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 2, dairy, 18 cows and farmer 174 Hopkins, Geo., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12-1/2, dairy, 5 cows and farmer. Howe, Homer, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 13-1/2, farmer 60. Hulett, Daniel W., (Little Genesee,) r 21, carpenter and farmer 51-1/2. Humphrey, Susan Mrs., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 1, farmer 74. Huntington, Sally Miss, (Bolivar,) r 7, farmer 29. Irish, George.(Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 3. farmer leases 15. Jaques, Asa, (Little Genesee,) r 21. Carpenter, poormaster and farmer 5. JAQUES, WARREN W. (Little Genesee,) r 22, farmer 100. Jaques, Willoby, (Little Genesee,) r 22, farmer 42. Jenison. A. Mrs., (Bolivar,) r 5, farmer 26-3/4. Jones, Harris W., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 14, farmer 150. Jordan, I. A., (Little Genesee,) prop of Little Genesee Hotel. KELLER. JAMES M., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 9, dairy, 8 cows and farmer 100. Keller, Marion, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 2, manuf. of lumber and owns 4-1/2 acres and 50 in Clarksville. Kent, Dorcas Miss, (Ceres,) milliner and dressmaker, Union. Kenyon, Ethan, (Little Genesee,) r 21, dairy, 33 cows and farmer 650. KEYES, MYRON P., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12-1/2, dairy, 9 cows and farmer 130. LACKEY, PALERMO, (Little Genesee,) r 18, dairy, 6 cows, assessor and farmer 100. Lackey, W. H., (Ceres,) r 16. farmer 32. Lane, Altana Mrs., (Little Genesee, dressmaker. Langworthy, John A., (Little Genesee,) r 21, farmer 180. LEDYARD, J. A. Mrs., (Ceres,) r 16, farmer 35. LEWIS, CALEB, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 11, assessor, dairy, 24 cows and farmer 272. Lewis, Israel T. (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 3, dairy, 16 cows and farmer 300 and owns 160 acres of timber. Lewis, L. W., (Little Genesee,) r 22, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 211. Little Genesee Hotel, (Little Genesee,) I. A. Jordan, prop. Loop, Daniel.(Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 1, farmer 74. Maxson, A. L., (Little Genesee,) r 19, dairy, 6 cows and farmer 96. Maxson, Elias I., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) apiarian and farmer 88. MAXSON, JOEL C., (Little Genesee,) r 13, farmer 57. Maxon, Luke B., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r3. farmer 100. Maxson, Marshall L., (Little Genesee,) r 19,. farmer leases of Mrs. Henry Rogers 120. Maxson, Varnum, (Ceres,) r 17, farmer 70. Maxson, W. H., (Little Genesee,) r 13, agent for nursery and farmer 75. Merritt, Benjamin C., (Little Genesee,) r 6. groceries, provisions, dry goods &c., farmer 4 and 60 in Clarksville. Meritt, Charles H., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 5, dairy, 5 cows, stone mason and farmer 172. Millard, Clark, (Bolivar,) r 21, retired farmer 116-3/4. Parks, Moses K., (Bolivar,) r 6, farmer 60. Parsons, Amos, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 14, farmer 194. Peavy, Jerry S., (Bolivar,) r 8, farmer 48-1/2. Peavy, W. J., (Bolivar,) r 8, farmer 1. Peckham, Avery P. Rev., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 4, farmer 132. Persing, David, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 4, dairy, 6 cows and farmer 250. Prince, Lorenzo, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 11, dairy, 13 cows and farmer works on shares 149, owned by A. B. Crandall. Prindle, Almira Mrs., (Little Genesee.) resident, leases 4 acres. Prindle Bros., (Little Genesee,) (R. and Julius B.,) general merchants. Prindle, Julius B., (Little Genesee,) (Prindle Bros.,) postmaster and notary public. Prindle, R., (Little Genesee,) (Prindle Bros.) Prosser, Isaac, (Little Genesee,) r 21, justice and owns 135 acres in Wirt. Rice, Charles S., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 9, farmer 72. RICE, S. C., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 9, farmer. RILEY, M. F., (Ceres,) hardware dealer and manuf. of tin and copper ware. Roberts, John J. Jr., (Ceres,) general merchant, Main. Robinson, Andrew J., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 11, (with Caleb Lewis,) farmer. Robinson, Horace, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 9, farmer works 40. Root, E. F., (Bolivar,) r 1, farmer 157. Root, Leroy, (Bolivar,) r 8, farmer 15. Rose, Henry A., (Ceres,) (Smith & Rose.) Rounds, Charles, (Ceres,) r 16, prop. of stage route from Friendship to Portville and farmer 83. SANFORD, JOHN, (Portville. Cattaraugus Co.,) r 9 carpenter and farmer 86. SAUNDERS, BILLINGS, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10, carpenter and farmer 60. SAUNDERS, JOHN, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10. farmer 83. Seaver, Auldin D., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 14, farmer occupies 46. Slade, Jasper N., (Little Genesee,) (with Lyman O. Slade,) thresher. Slade, Lyman O., (Little Genesee,) farmer 93 and (with Jasper N. Slade,) thresher. Smith, A. M., (Little Genesee,) r 18, farmer. Smith, Daniel, (Little Genesee,) r 6, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 132. Smith, Geo. N., (Ceres,) (Smith & Rose,) farmer 50 and half interest in 700 acres timber land. SMITH, JOHN J., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) dairy, 9 cows and farmer 115. Smith & Rose, (Ceres,) (Geo. N. Smith and. Henry A. Rose,) lumber manufs. and lumbermen. Spencer, Job, (Little Genesee,) r 21, farmer 100. Spencer, Mary A. Mrs., (Clarksville,) r 5, farmer 50. Stephens, A. A.. (Ceres,) farmer. Stevens. Arthur, (Ceres,) r 16, farmer leases. Stillman, Joel P., (Little Geneses,) r 13, farmer. Stillman, Joseph D.,(Little Genesee,) r 13, dairy, 9 cows and farmer 150. Stillman, Joseph L., (Little Genesee,) r 13, book agent. Stillman, W. H., (Little Genesee,) r 6, shoemaker and farmer 75. Swarthout, J. A.,(Bolivar,) r 8, farmer 112. Tensler, D., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 14, boatman and farmer 89. Torrey, Edward. (Ceres,) allo. physician and surgeon, Main. Tyler, Arthur, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12-1/2, farmer 173. VanWormer & White, (Ceres,) (F. M. VanWormer & Leonard P. White,) props. of flouring mill, lumber manufs., lumber men and 420 acres. VanWormer, F. M., (Ceres,) (VanWormer & White.) Vincent, Sylvanus, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co ,) r 11, farmer 78. Wales, Eliza Mrs., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12-1/2, 1 acre. Wales, Lemuel M., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co..) r 10, farmer 95. Walker, Nathaniel, (Ceres,) farmer 76. Walton, Horace, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 12, farmer 3 and 50 in Portville. Walton, Minor, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10, farmer 50. Warner, Charles A., (Ceres,) harness maker. WELLS, HARRIET J. Mrs.,(Little Genesee,) tailoress. Wells. Samuel Mrs., (Little Genesee,) milliner. Wells, S.. (Little Genesee,) (S. & S. D. Wells,) farmer 72. Wells, S. & S. D., (Little Genesee,) blacksmiths and farmers 120. Weymer, Daniel, (Little Genesee,) r 14, farmer 27. WHITE, LEONARD P., (Ceres,) (VanWormer & White.) Wilbur, Milton P., (Little Genesee.) r 18, manuf. of lumber and farmer 12. WILLARD, WARREN W., (Little Genesee,) r6, farmer 100. Young, Elkanah, (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 10, farmer 100. Young, James W., (Portville, Cattaraugus Co.,) r 4, dairy, 6 cows and farmer 218.