This Page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb site.

Allegany County, New York

Andover, New York - by MMills

Allegany County was formed April 7, 1806 from Genesee county. A portion of Steuben county was annexed March 11, 1808. Portions of Allegany county were set off to Genesee in 1811, to Wyoming and to Livingston in 1846. Another portion of Allegany county was set off to Livingston in 1856. Allegany county lies upon the south line of the State, west of the center.

The two western tiers of towns in this county were included in the Holland Land Purchase, and the remaining part belonged to the Morris Reserve. John B. Church became the owner of 100,000 acres of this tract. His son, Judge Philip Church, subsequently became the proprietor of one half, or 50,000 acres, and the pioneer settler of the tract at Angelica, in 1804. A few settlers had previously located at different points in the valley of the Genesee; and the settlement of the county may be said to have commenced with the century. [Source: J.H.French, Gazetteer of State of New York, 1860, p.168]

In 1806 part of Genesee was taken and organized into Allegany county. It included all the parts of Genesee county, beginning in the SE corner and running northerly 42 miles along the western boundary of Steuben and Ontario counties; westerly 38 miles along the dividing lines of townships 7 and 8; to the northwest corner of township number 7 in the 5th range of the Holland Land Company's land; southerly 40 miles along the eastern boundary of the 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3d, 2d, and 1st townships of the 5th range of the Holland Land Company's Pennsylvania line; easterly 38 miles along the Pennsylvania line to the place of beginning.

Allegany County Historian Address

Craig Braack
Court Street
Belmont, NY 14813
Telephone: 585 268-9293

Maps Showing the Progression of Towns in Allegany County

1771 map showing the placement of Allegany County:

Map showing the Proprietary Tracts into which its territory was divided prior to its formation April 7, 1806.

Allegany County in 1810:

Allegany County in 1820:

Allegany County in 1830:

Allegany County in 1840:

Allegany County in 1850:

Allegany County in 1860 to present day:

Allegany Co., History Page

Allegany Co., New York GenWeb Table of Contents

Last updated on July 16, 2006
©1999-2006 Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.