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Court News
transcribed by Vivian Karen Bush
The Cuba True Patriot, Vol IV, No 34, February [23], 1866
Court Proceedings
Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer held at Angelica last week and this....
The great feature of the Court was the trial of Jerome Curtiss, charged with murdering his wife, by poison. There was a host of people in attendance during the trial which occupied three days. Some are anxious that the prisoner should be condemned regardless of evidence; others equally anxious for an opposite result, whether innocent of guilty; while the more considerate and unprejudiced awaited calmly the result of the trial. All the evidence was received that could possibly have a bearing either for or against the prisoner, counsel argued the case fully, and Judge Marvin charged the jury with his usual clearness and impartiality. The jury composed of intelligent and candid men, retired and considered the evidence for about an hour and a half, when they returned into court with a verdict of not guilty. On taking the first vote, after retiring the jury were unanimous. The Cuba True Patriot, Vol IV, No 34, February [23], 1866
Summons for Relief. Supreme Court County of Allegany. Oliver L. Mather, Pl'ff agst. Dorothy Shives, Jordan Shives, George Shives, Jacob Shives, Charles Shives, Joel E. Shives, Caroline Garrison and E. B. Garrison, her husband, Amelia Doty and James Doty her husband, Albert A. Shives, Helen S. Shives, & L. B. Shives, deft.
[CTP, Vol. V, No. 5, August 3, 1866]
May 5, 1880 from the Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No. 1
The Hoodwinked Goddess
How the County Scales of Justice are Related
The County Court and Court of Sessions met at Belmont last Monday, Hon. James S. Green, County Judge, presiding. Lawyers were more plentiful than criminals and but slow progress was made.
In the County Court no case of special interest was on the docket except the test case of Wisner vs. Brainard of this place in which the plaintiff was beaten, thanks to the superior bulldozing powers of Hon. Horace Bemis who assisted A. L. Elliot, for the defendant. The following is a resume of the cases tried by the Court of Session.
- Patrick Cannon, Andover, plead guilty to violation of Excise laws, fined $35.
- Bryan Miles, Andover, on a similar charge, fine $20.
- Almeron Baldwin, Wellsville, found guilty of disposing of mortgaged property. Fined $75 and committed until paid.
- Simon A. Holt, Independence, plead guilty of Larceny, sentenced to States prison with hard labor for two years.
- Thos. C. Cartwright indicted at a former court and sent to this Court for trial charged with stealing a beehive and honey from Wallace T. Smith, Bolivar.
- W. E. Reynolds of Belmont made his maiden effort and made a good impression. The accused was found guilty by the jury but released from custody by the Judge on account of some technical error in the indictment. What were the lawyers about?
The Scales of Justice
Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No., 20, June 26, 1880
Judge Barker presided at the Circuit and Special term of Supreme Court opened on Monday, 7th inst: There were 137 cases of the calendar. Five cases were settled without coming before the Court, 17 were refered and 40 put over.
- Hardy vs Cole, both of Rushford, arising out of a patent right. Jury decided, no cause of action.
- Aaron G. Waters vs J. Miller Brundage and Chapen S. Manning. False imprisonment; removing mortgaged property. No cause of action.
- Alvirus Snyder vs Alvin Middaugh of Friendship. Malicious prosecution. This was another phase of a long pending hay rake suit. Verdict for plaintiff $100.
- Thomas J. Sweeney vs James Sweeney and Martin Sweeney -- all of Wellsville parties. Case of assault and battery by sons on their father. Verdict $45, quite a small amount for such paternal disrespect.
- Adrian R. Larabee vs John Bradt of Belmont, for services rendered. Judgement $171.92
- Sarah A. Mapes vs Caleb Thomas, Belvidere. Assault and battery. Verdict, no cause of action.
- Otis Whipple vs Patrick Shehan, both of Belfast. Action on promissory note; defence of usury. Jury disagreed.
- Jesse M. Camberlain of Wellsvile vs. Phoenix Insurance Co. Verdict for plaintiff $420.61.
- Emma Phinney vs Robert Hall of Grove. Verdict for Plaintiff $75.
- Frank Clemmons vs Ralph White of Wellsville, for adultery with plaintiff's wife. This case came up for trial a second time, the former jury having disagreed. This was a most nauseous investigation and the witnesses groveled in extensive filth. Jury disagreed as to guilt of defendant but were unanimously of the opinion that it was too disgusting an affair for the consideration of decent people.
In the Court of Oyer and Terminer:
- The People vs Orrin Root, grand larceny plead guilty and sentenced to Auburn for 5 years.
- The People vs James McKendrick the Wellsville burglar and grand carcener, plead guilty. Auburn, 4 years
- The People vs Stephen Lyons. The individual who fifteen puzzled W. H. Flint of Friendship to the extent of $40. A hard case. Plead guilty, Auburn 4 years.
- The People vs Edward D. Rogers of Grove. Burglary in 3rd degree. Plead guilty and sentenced to Erie Penitentiary for 4 months.
Court History
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Last updated on June 1, 2000
© copyright 1999, by Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.