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Allegany County and Its People - Index

John S. Minard, Allegany County and Its People.  A Centennial Memorial History of Allegany County, New York. W. A. Fergusson & Co., Alfred, N.Y., 1896

Index typed by Karen Bush and Samuel Bush

Allegany County and Its People is on digital image at Cornell, New York Historical Literature

Allegany County and Its People is also available on CD.  Contact Charlie Barrett for information on obtaining the CD.

The book has also been microfilmed by the LDS Family History Library and may be obtained for viewing at a local Family History Center. Order film # 1000232 Item 2.

It is also available as a re-print by Higginson Book Company.


Abbey, , 422
Abbey, David, 510
Abbey, Henry, 756
Abbey, Jehiel, 510

Abbit, Daniel, 247

Abbott, Catherine, 619
Abbott, Charles, 81, 518
Abbott, Clark, 339
Abbott, D. F., 646
Abbott, Daniel, 614
Abbott, Elias, 614
Abbott, G. W., 520
Abbott, H. O., 667, 921
Abbott, Hiram, 712, 444, 457
Abbott, Horace, 248
Abbott, John, 614
Abbott, Jonatan, 518
Abbott, L., 322
Abbott, Levi, 853
Abbott, Salmon, 78, 322, 814
Abbott, Solomon, 712

Abeel, Henry, 53
Abeel, (O'Bail), John, 35, 39

Abel, Gordon, 742

Abell, David, 108

Abels, Benjamin, 819
Abels, Cynthia, 819

Aber, Amasa, 510

Abercrombie, , 497

Abernathy, May, 671
Abernathy, Patrick, 671

Ables, Benjamin, 815

Acherman, Ira, 427

Achilles, , 664
Achilles, Carl, 504
Achilles, Carrie, 504
Achilles, Christopher, 504, 674
Achilles, Dora, 504, 674
Achilles, Elizabeth, 504
Achilles, Henry, 499, 504, 668
Achilles, Louise, 504
Achilles, Minnie, 504
Achilles, Rose, 504
Achilles, Vinnie, 504

Acker, Milo, 587
Acker, W. H., 806
Acker, Will, 805

Ackerland, Annie, 219

Ackerly, Andrew, 834
Ackerly, Charles, 225, 824, 833, 834, 837, 839
Ackerly, Hosea, 834
Ackerly, J. E., 936
Ackerly, Sill & Co., 161, 817, 818, 830, 834, 836
Ackerly, W. B., 829, 837

Ackerman, Bernard, 455
Ackerman, Betsey, 404e
Ackerman, Byron, 404e
Ackerman, D. C., 858
Ackerman, Dewitt Clinton, 298, 328, 359, 377, 404e
Ackerman, Earl, 545
Ackerman, Eleanor, 404e
Ackerman, Elisha, 404e, 545
Ackerman, Everett, 888, 889
Ackerman, J. D., 857
Ackerman, Lewis, 298, 541, 545
Ackerman, Lucius, 545
Ackerman, Oliver, 97, 404e, 540, 545

Ackerman & Teft, , 452

Ackley, C. M., 225
Ackley, Edwin, 510

Acomb, , 246

Acorn, D. R., 231

Adams, 502
Adams, A. A., 330
Adams, A. L., 798
Adams, Abigail, 941
Adams, Abner, 97, 98
Adams, Albert, 825
Adams, Archibald, 798
Adams, Charles, 941
Adams, E. 843
Adams, E. B., 890
Adams, Edward, 818, 830
Adams, Elias, 891
Adams, Eliza, 244
Adams, Esther, 891
Adams, Eunice, 502
Adams, Frank, 666
Adams, George, 896
Adams, George, 918
Adams, H. A., 171
Adams, Hiram, 888
Adams, James, 86, 580
Adams, John, 255, 436, 466, 636, 831, 896, 941
Adams, Laurette, 891
Adams, Leonard, 875
Adams, Luna, 648
Adams, Mary, 465, 466, 641, 896
Adams, Naomi, 591
Adams, Nelson, 719
Adams, Prosper, 314
Adams, Rachel, 593
Adams, Ralph, 889, 896
Adams, Robert 326
Adams, Roswell, 484, 581, 597, 644, 645
Adams, Rufus, 620
Adams, S., 513
Adams, Samuel, 319
Adams, Simeon, 597
Adams, Sophia, 896
Adams, Sophrenia, 806
Adams, Thomas, 585
Adams, Viola, 806
Adams, W. H., 377

Adams & Newcomb, 451

Addison, James 

Adelaide, Waity, 472

Agar, Aaron, 778
Agar, Absalom, 778
Agar, Ann, 778
Agar, Elmer, 778
Agar, Isabella, 778
Agar, Jane, 778
Agar, John, 778, 921
Agar, Joseph, 778
Agar, Mary, 778
Agar, Miltn, 778
Agar, William, 778

Agett, Hannah, 807

Aiken, John, 605

Ainsworth, Anna, 608
Ainsworth, Cyranus, 489, 604
Ainsworth, Jared, 599, 605
Ainsworth, Julia, 600

Aitken, Thomas, 440

Akers, Josephine, 770

Alanson, , 742

Alba, E. M., 213, 214, 215, 218

Albee, Dewitt, 524
Albee, Lovett, 747, 760

Albright & Kelley, 871

Albro, Maria, 429

Alcott, Chloe, 774

Alderman, Almond, 803
Alderman, Amby, 803, 804
Alderman, Arthur, 804
Alderman, Atha, 803
Alderman, Chauncey, 803
Alderman, Eluthera, 803
Alderman, Flora, 803, 804, 805
Alderman, Florence, 803
Alderman, John, 803
Alderman, Lois, 803
Alderman, Lutheria, 803
Alderman, Maryette, 804
Alderman, sophronia, 803

Aldrich, Abram, 444
Aldrich, Alonzo, 524
Aldrich, Amasa, 524
Aldrich, Arvilla, 524
Aldrich, Charles, 524
Aldrich, F. L., 380
Aldrich, Gideon, 524
Aldrich, L. C., 699
Aldrich, Linus, 524
Aldrich, M. K., 373
Aldrich, Marilla, 524
Aldrich, Marmaduke, 87, 520, 524
Aldrich, Mary, 524
Aldrich, Melissa, 528
Aldrich, Nelson, 524
Aldrich, S. T., 719
Aldrich, Sally, 524
Aldrich, Volney, 424

Aldridge, Benjamin, 455, 524
Aldridge, Charles, 522
Aldridge, S. H., 360

Alexander,  , 680
Alexander, B. W., 246
Alexander, Bradley, 877
Alexander, G. W., 822
Alexander, John, 875
Alexander, Leah May, 877
Alexander, Merta, 875
Alexander, Nelson, 840, 870
Alexander, Parker, 681
Alexander, Verne, 832, 840

Alford, Byron, 896

Alger, Adolphus, 739
Alger, Caroline, 402
Alger, Emma, 402
Alger, Geroge, 372
Alger, Gertrude, 770
Alger, Harvey, 340, 377, 402
Alger, Jarvis, 709
Alger, Lucina, 771
Alger, Nina, 774
Alger, Rebecca, 769

Alger & Son, 311

Alfred, John, 511

Allen, , 580
Allen, A. A., 190
Allen, A. L., 822
Allen, A. P., 784
Allen, A. R., 870
Allen, A. S., 96, 354, 355, 802
Allen, A. W., 600
Allen, Abigail, 170, 184, 185, 202, 204
Allen, Abner, 631, 646
Allen, Abram, 629, 641
Allen, Alberti, 118, 306
Allen, Alida, 786
Allen, Amasa, 670
Allen, Andrew, 706
Allen, Angeline, 531, 572, 574
Allen, Asa, 81, 86, 88, 95, 99, 125, 248, 296, 306, 315, 417, 581, 582, 585
Allen, Betsy, 648
Allen, C., 920
Allen, Calvin, 212, 232, 240, 271, 870, 871
Allen, Caroline, 574
Allen, Catherine, 865
Allen, Charles, 603, 617, 646
Allen, Clarilla, 670
Allen, Clinton, 555, 646
Allen, Cornelia, 670
Allen, D. Frank, 207
Allen, Darwin, 784
Allen, David, 141
Allen, Delos, 611
Allen, E. R., 600
Allen, Earl, 670
Allen, Ebenezer, 572, 574, 631, 646
Allen, Electa, 670, 895
Allen, Elmira, 170
Allen, Ethan, 593, 790
Allen, Ethel, 670, 673
Allen, Eugene, 300
Allen, F. R., 425
Allen, Frank, 524
Allen, Ferd, 428
Allen, George, 617, 629, 639, 646, 692, 870
Allen, Gideon S., 636
Allen, H. P., 717
Allen, Hannah, 493
Allen, Henry, 576, 577, 646, 828
Allen, Hiram, 538, 620
Allen, Ida, 646
Allen, James, 269
Allen, Jennie, 428
Allen, John, 257, 258, 629, 639, 641, 642, 746
Allen, Jonathan, 118, 136, 165, 167, 170, 174, 176, 177, 178, 184, 185, 190, 629, 630
Allen, Joseph, 702, 853, 854, 881
Allen, Julia, 898
Allen, Lydia, 581
Allen, Lyman, 624, 643
Allen, Margaret, 646
Allen, Marshall, 717
Allen, Martha, 648
Allen, Martha Mina, 314
Allen, Martin, 670
Allen, Mary, 202, 204, 576
Allen, May, 556
Allen, Melvina, 552, 919
Allen, Milo, 673
Allen, Minerva, 232
Allen, Myron, 550, 646
Allen, N., 822
Allen, N. F., 572, 646
Allen, Nathan, 636
Allen, Otis, 215, 231, 232, 233, 241
Allen, R. G., 569
Allen, Reuben, 574
Allen, Riley, 144, 150, 158, 298, 551, 553, 555, 556, 855, 912, 913
Allen, Rozette, 694
Allen, Sally, 861
Allen, Samuel, 670
Allen, Sanford, 692
Allen, Seneca, 230, 232, 241, 833, 870, 875
Allen, Solomon, 550, 551, 646
Allen, Sylvester, 637
Allen, V. M., 601
Allen, Victor, 196
Allen, W. D., 667, 668, 698
Allen, W. F., 549
Allen, Willard, 428

Allen & Coyle, 551, 553
Allen & Pease, 452
Allen & Taylor, 555
Allen & Thomas, 233

Allentown & Mills, 286

Allerton, A. B., 787
Allerton, Sarah, 763

Alles, Viana, 467

Alley, Moses, 718
Alley, Sam, 382
Alley, William, 105, 214, 218, 224, 240, 295, 424, 798, 805, 213

Allis, Lucilla, 941
Allis, Lucy, 592
Allis, Mercellia, 648
Allis, Silas, 648
Allis, Solomon, 941

Almy, A. A., 345, 378
Almy, Alexander, 890
Almy, Caroline, 890
Almy, Charles, 491, 890
Almy, Charlotte, 533, 859, 863
Almy, David, 890
Almy, George, 890
Almy, Jewett, 890
Almy, Mary, 354, 864, 890
Almy, Robert, 853

Alton, Jennie, 765

Alvord, F. M., 604
Alvord, Elias, 537
Alvord, Francis, 534, 708, 719, 823
Alvord, G. W., 608
Alvord, Sarah, 764

Alworth, Walter, 664, 675

Ambert du Petite-Thour, Aristide, 420

Amburg, Van, 419

Ames, Benjamin, 422
Ames, Elisha, 538
Ames, George, 538
Ames, Ira, 421
Ames, John, 538

Amidon, Walter, 566

Ammadown, Lydia, 354

Amsden,  161
Amsden, Alva, 840
Amsden, Arvilla, 840
Amsden, Charles, 681, 822, 825, 840
Amsden, Cynthia, 840
Amsden, Frank, 822, 840
Amsden, George, 825, 832, 840, 845, 851
Amsden, Ira, 840
Amsden, Isaac, 716, 840
Amsden, Mahala, 840
Amsden, Martha, 845
Amsden, Mary, 840
Amsden, Nellis, 930
Amsden, Ophelia, 840, 845
Amsden, Oscar, 825, 840
Amsden, Roy, 840
Amsden, W. J., 822
Amsden, Walter, 830

Anchor Co., 155

Anderson, , 110, 155, 523
Anderson, A. M., 464, 466
Anderson, Albert, 745
Anderson, Augustus, 802
Anderson, C. G., 120, 522
Anderson, Charles, 215, 216, 238, 239, 245, 451, 452, 462
Anderson, D., 802
Anderson, Daniel, 553
Anderson, E. A., 197
Anderson, James, 216, 462, 464, 468
Anderson, L. S., 155, 316, 351, 352, 358, 381, 390
Anderson, S. M., 464
Anderson, Sarah, 471

Anderson, Otis & Co., 390, 554

Andres, Leman, 720

Andrew, Benjamin, 666

Andrews, , 215, 500
Andrews, Clara, 552
Andrews, Elizabeth, 623
Andrews, Henry, 537
Andrews, Isaac, 99, 870
Andrews, J. Orson, 421
Andrews, Lovinia, 939
Andrews, Lovisa, 532
Andrews, Nancy, 761
Andrews, Orson, 455
Andrews, Philetus, 495
Andrews, Stephen, 875
Andrews, Towner, 637
Andrews, William, 126, 550, 870

Andrus, Claire, 924
Andrus, Clara, 919
Andrus, Don, 924
Andrus, Elisha, 924
Andrus, Leman, 857
Andrus, Lowell, 924
Andrus, R. L., 931
Andrus, R. N., 912
Andrus, Ralph, 924
Andrus, Richard, 203, 910, 916, 918, 921, 922, 924, 928
Andrus, William, 550

Angel, , 828
Angel, Elizabeth, 567
Angel, Frank, 380, 489
Angel, H. C., 373
Angel, Jesse, 92, 95, 96, 126, 566, 567, 568, 571
Angel, Maria, 567
Angel, Wilkes, 99, 100, 108, 113, 253, 266, 367, 268, 270, 273, 280, 294, 295, 313, 424, 455, 827
Angel, William, 99, 101, 102, 118, 249, 250, 257, 258, 259, 266, 268, 270, 273, 274, 828
Angel, William Pitt, 98, 193, 268, 270, 274, 419, 827

Angel & Grover, 259
Angel & Jones, 287

Angell, Benjamin, 268, 270
Angell, F. C., 691
Angell, Texas, 387, 421

Angood, John, 589

Anis, , 670

Anson, Charlotte, 819
Anson, Job, 814, 819
Anson, Leonard, 819, 827, 828

Anstee, Floy, 786

Anthony, Henry, 538

Antony, Marc, 426

Apker, Jacob, 553

Applebee, Andrew, 350, 381, 404, 404a, 404c, 404d, 404e, 936
Applebee, Fitch, 404d
Applebee, James, 404c
Applebee, Jennie, 404d
Applebee, Kenyon, 372, 404d
Applebee, Levi, 404c, 853, 903
Applebee, Libbie, 404d
Applebee, Lydia Ann, 404d
Applebee, M. Lina, 404d
Applebee, Melissa, 166, 404a, 404c, 404d
Applebee, Minnie, 404d
Applebee, Philip, 84, 404c, 853, 854, 903
Applebee, S. S., 910
Applebee, Sheldon, 552
Applebee, Stephan, 404c
Applebee, Thomas, 347, 363, 404a, 404c, 404d, 404e
Applebee, William, 404d

Applebee & Fisher, 404d
Applebee & Rogers, 404d

Appleton, D. & Co., 283

Apsey, Grace, 492, 493, 531

Archibald, J. W., 457

Ardell, Hyra, 702

Argue, Rebecca, 805

Arms, A. G., 938

Armsbury, Martha, 609

Armstrong, 80, 167, 500
Armstrong, A. J., 892, 938
Armstrong, Abram, 573
Armstrong, Alfred, 570, 573, 575
Armstrong, Andrew, 646
Armstrong, Arrabella, 845
Armstrong, Charles, 600
Armstrong, Edward, 380
Armstrong, Eliza, 226
Armstrong, Elizabeth, 427, 428, 575
Armstrong, Frances, 667
Armstrong, Harriet, 839
Armstrong, James, 499
Armstrong, Jane, 427, 428, 697
Armstrong, Joanna, 845
Armstrong, John, 427, 428
Armstrong, Joshua, 573, 575
Armstrong, Philip, 845
Armstrong, Rachel, 864
Armstrong, Rebecca, 930
Armstrong, Robert, 280, 428, 839
Armstrong, Susan, 940
Armstrong, Thomas, , 169, 170, 171, 721, 896
Armstrong, Thomas Hoyt, 587, 714, 717
Armstrong, Todd, 280, 289
Armstrong, William, 286, 346, 360

Arnen, J. H., 465

Arnold, 681
Arnold, A. O., 35, 669
Arnold, Albert, 830, 831, 836, 838, 839, 840
Arnold, Alfred, 664, 762
Arnold, Anson, 664
Arnold, Bertha, 762
Arnold, Charles, 413, 417
Arnold, Christian, 380
Arnold, Daniel, 749
Arnold, Florence, 840
Arnold, George, 540
Arnold, Gilbert, 840, 877
Arnold, Grace, 762
Arnold, Grover, 762
Arnold, Hector, 515
Arnold, J. C., 423
Arnold, Jacob, 379, 380
Arnold, Loette, 877
Arnold, Meletiah, 840, 877
Arnold, S. W., 719, 921
Arnold, Wait, 59

Arnold & Ellis, 357

Arnout & Sons, 837

Arthur, 278, 382, 478a

Ashburner, Charles, 144

Ashely, 805
Ashley, Amelia, 850
Ashley, Billy, 680
Ashley, Daniel, 294
Ashley, J. J., 230, 231
Ashley, Jabez, 850
Ashley, Jane, 805
Ashley, Laomi, 443
Ashley, Lola, 850

Ashurst, A. P., 640

Atchison, Fuller, 802

Athelstane, King, 478a

Atherton, 682
Atherton, Daniel, 81, 322, 511
Atherton, Ed., 118
Atherton, Florence, 877
Atherton, James, 682

Atkins, Dwight, 805

Atwater, Addison, 605
Atwater, Fanny, 846
Atwater, Jared, 88, 501

Atwell, James, 599

Atwood, E. J., 586, 588
Atwood, Freeman, 260, 522
Atwood, M. T., 870
Atwood, Philip, 522
Atwood, Polly, 357

Ault, Peter, 868
Ault, sevilla, 849

Austin, Alpheus, 606
Austin, Asa, 905
Austin, Charles, 601, 606, 889
Austin, Clara, 606
Austin, Ephraim, 606
Austin, George, 463, 466
Austin, Hannah, 606
Austin, Harriet, 493
Austin, Henry, 606
Austin, Herman, 606
Austin, John, 890, 891
Austin, Livonia, 606
Austin, Louisa, 891
Austin, Lovilla, 532
Austin, Luella, 606
Austin, Luther, 85, 493, 853, 888, 890, 904
Austin, Nathan, 632
Austin, Oliver, 81
Austin, Owen, 606
Austin, Philip, 380
Austin, Reuben, 467
Austin, Sara, 606
Austin, Sarah, 891
Austin, Seward, 466
Austin, William, 457, 493, 606

Averill, Isaac, 449, 466
Averill, I. V., 465
Averill, Julius, 424, 428, 429, 450, 466

Avery, G. H., 379
Avery, Horace, 621
Avery, Mary, 574
Avery, Sarah, 694

Avery & Ross, 775

Axtell, Aaron, 76, 701, 704
Axtell, Chauncey, 853
Axtell, Harry, 701
Axtell, Harvey, 725
Axtell, Hyra, 854
Axtell, John, 282
Axtell, Luther, 702
Axtell, Mary, 282
Axtell, Polly, 725
Axtell, Susan, 725

Ayars, alvin, 639
Ayars, Jacob, 641

Ayde, David, 743

Ayer, David, 845
Ayer, Ebenezer, 776
Ayer, Mary, 845

Ayers, Absalom, 743
Ayers, Burdett, 768
Ayers, Daniel, 217
Ayers, E. W., 215
Ayers, Edith, 720
Ayers, Edwin, 762
Ayers, Harriet, 475
Ayers, Hattie, 768
Ayers, Jackson, 566
Ayers, Jacob, 900
Ayers, James, 314, 624, 819
Ayers, John, 71, 87, 99, 406, 407, 410, 424
Ayers, Joseph, 768
Ayers, L. D., 887
Ayers, Mary, 900
Ayers, Murray, 425
Ayers, Peter, 906
Ayers, Samuel, 88
Ayers, Sarah, 776
Ayers, Susie Evelyn, 217
Ayers, Wilson, 475
Ayers, William, 96

Aylesworth, R. C., 541

Aylor, Ellen, 504
Aylor, Emma, 504
Aylor, Florence, 504
Aylor, Frank, 504
Aylor, George, 504
Aylor, Henry, 504
Aylor, Jacob, 538
Aylor, James, 540
Aylor, Lawarence, 540
Aylor, Minnie, 540
Aylor, Norman, 504

Ayrault, George, 522, 528, 762

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