The object of the association as set forth in its constitution is by union and concert of action to improve the character and efficiency of the Sunday-school work, and extend its influence to every part of the county. The 21st annual convention of the association in its present form was held in the M. E. Church at Wellsville on the 14th and 15th of May, 1895. At this meeting the county secretary's report of work for 1894 showed that 73 schools in the county had made reports of their work, showing these totals; number of officers and teachers 957, pupils 7,661, average attendance 3,815, number of conversions 342, amount of contributions $3,276.18. The present officers of the Association are:
[John S. Minard, Allegany County and its People. A Centennial Memorial History of Allegany County, New York., W. A. Fergusson & Co., Alfred, N.Y., 1896, p. 203
All the ladies and gentlemen of the choirs of the different churches in town and any others who are willing to assist are respectfully requested to meet in Baxter's Hall to-morrow, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock prompt. A Full attendance is earnestly desired. [Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No. 3, May 5, 1880]
A large gathering from all parts of the county of those interested in Sunday School work is expected at the County Convention, which is to be held in the Academy Hall here on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The following is a copy of the programme which has been issued.
The musical exercies will be under the direction of Professor James Baxter, of the Friendship University of Music.
An earnest invitation is extended to all Pastors, Superintendents, Teachers and all interested in Sunday School work to attend, and every possible arrangement for the accommodation and comfort of visitors will be made by the local committee,
Synopsis of Exercises
There was a good attendance at the opening session of the Allegany County Sabbath School Association held in Academy Hall in this place [Friendship] commencing on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 18th. The walls of the Hall presented quite an animated and attractive appearance, being adorned with a large number of fae simile pictures of Oriental subjects animals, costumes, panoramas, maps, implements, vehicles, &c., &c.
President A. J. Wellman, introduced Dr. H. M. Sherar (sic) of Wellsville who took charge of the meeting, R. C. Hill being appointed Secretary. The choir sang How glorious are thy tents O Israel. Rev. Taylor Crum made an impressive inaugural prayer. As President Wellman was suffering from a severe throat affection his address of welcome was read by R. C. Hill.
Mr. Sheerar (sic) as Secretary of the County Association briefly reported upon previous meetings &c. The choir then sang Let the lower light be burning,after which Wagons from the townships were unloaded to Wagon Master Sheerar. Brief reports in regard to their various schools were made by
The choir sang in a very excellent manner I had a vision. The session closed by Mr. A. O. Van Lennep, in Turkish costume giving some practical Biblical illustrations of means of articles actually or formerly in use in the Orient.
On Tuesday evening the Hall was well filled to witness the Exhibition of Oriental Manners and Customs given by A. O. Van Lennep and a corps of assistants clad in costumes brought from Palestine illustrative of various phases of eastern life. The exhibition proved exceedingly interesting, entertaining, instructive and not a little amusing. The receipts were about $65.
The attendance this morning was very good and great interest was manifested by all present. The following was the order of exercises, interspersed by singing by the choir and congregation:
The final session of the convention this afternoon opened with a prayer by Rev. J. J. Payne.
There was a very large attendance, the largest in fact of any of the sessions manifesting the unabated interest felt in the work of the convention. The choir again did good service during the afternoon. The other exercises were as follows:
Votes of thanks were given to those who had attended the Convention from outside towns, to those who had entertained visitors and to the choir.
Wellsville was designated as the place for the next Convention in 1881, with Rev. F. Beecher as President and H. M. Sheerar Secretary.
The Convention has been deeply interesting to all who have attended and may fairly be regarded as having proved as successful in its general work as any yet held.
Source: The Friendship Chronicle, Vol. 1, No. 3, May 19, 1880
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