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Mrs. Clarinda Swift

Aged Allegany County Woman Died Wednesday.

Wellsville, July 7. -- Mrs. Clarinda Swift, believed to have been the oldest woman in Allegany county, died Wednesday morning at her home in Allentown at the age of 103 years.

She had been in rather poor health for the past year following an illness. Death was due to a general breakdown.

Mrs. Swift was born September 15, 1828. Her husband, the late Norton Swift, died about 75 years ago and since then and until a few years ago she operated a large farm and was successful. She enjoyed unusually good health until about a year ago and attributed her longevity to hard work and plain living.

Mrs. Swift was particularly fond of motoring but had little use for the aeroplane. She always contended the modern age was a bit too speedy and her chief form of recreation was knitting in which she was most adept.

She was a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Allentown and for many years an active worker in its societies. She had lived in Allentown and vicinity for a number of years and was highly regarded.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Henry Howe, who is 76 years old, a grandson, Albert L. Howe, and a great grandson, Robert Howe, all of Allentown.

Funeral services will be held at the family home Friday at two-thirty o'clock and interment will be made in the Swift family plot in Allentown.

[Times Evening Herald, Olean, New York, July 7, 1932, p. 5]

Created on ... August 19, 2006

© Vivian Karen Bush 2006
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.