(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.)
Explanations to Directory:
Explanation -- The letter r following the P.O. address, signifies road, and the figures following it refer to the number of the road as designated on the map, in the fore part of the book. (not included on this website) Usually where no road number is given, the party resides in the Villages.
Ackerman, Lewis H., (Shongo,) r 37, supervisor and farmer 174 and (with J. S. Lee,) owns 316 acres timber land. Ackerman, Lucius*; (Stanards Corners,) r 14, farmer 100. Ackerman, Oliver, (Wellsville,) r 16, farmer 67 and (with J. J Lee,) owns 159 acres timber land. Ackerman, S. Miss, (Wellsville,) r 16, school teacher. ALDRICH, JOHN, (Wellsville.) Aldrich, Wm., (Wellsville,) r 19, owns 96 acres timber land. Amidon, Charles A., (Shongo,) r 48, farmer 3. Babcock, Lucas, (Hallsport,) r 8, farmer 200. BABCOCK, WM. A., (Hallsport,) postmaster, blacksmith, stonemason and farmer 30. BARNEY, ORVILLE L., (Shongo.) allo. physician and surgeon and farmer 30, Main. Bartlett, Jacob, (Wellsville,) r 20-1/2 farmer 78. Beach, Azariah (Shongo,) r 39, carpenter, millwright and farmer 75. Beach, Columbus, (Shongo,) r 39, farmer 203. Beach, S. A., (Shongo,) r39, carpenter and school teacher. Berry, Geo., (Shongo,) r 49, jour. shoemaker and farmer 2. BERRY, G. F., (Shongo,) laborer. Bess, Daniel, (Shongo,) general merchant, wagon shop, farmer 120, and in village 4. Bess; John, (Shongo,) r 33, farmer 54. Bierman, Charles, (Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer 50. Bierman, Fred., (Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer 87. BIERMAN, JOHN C., (Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer 50. Billings, A. N., (Shongo,) farmer 25. BILLINGS, W. E., (Shongo,) farmer 52. BINGLEY, FRANK B., (Shongo,) r 41, farmer 125. BLAIR, NATHANIEL, (Shongo,) carriage shop and farmer 50 in Independence. Brandze, Henry, (Hallsport,) r 8, farmer 36. Briggs, Malcolm D., (Shongo,) river pilot and farmer 81. BROIUS, JOSEPH, (Shongo,) r 46, farm laborer. Burdick, Paul M., (Whitesville,) r 26, farmer 94. Burlingham, Gee N.. (Stanards Corners,) r 4, farmer 50. Burritt, Truman, (Shongo,) resident, Main. BURROUGH, WARD, (Stanards Corners,) r 28, farmer 56 and 88 acres timber in Potter Co. Pa. BURROUGH, WARREN D., (Stanards Corners,) r 28, farmer 52. Butler, Azariah, (Shongo,) r 48, farmer 127. BUTLER, LUTHER, (Whitesville,) r 42, farmer 74. Byam, Simon, (Shongo,) r 48, farm laborer, CANFIELD, LEONARD, (Wellsville,) r 36,. farmer 13. Cantine, Frank. (Stanards Corners,) r 8, farmer leases 68. Cantine, Wm., (Hallsport,) r 10, shoemaker and grocer. Cate, Gee. W., (Hallsport,) r 10, farmer 45. Chalker, O. J., (Wellsville,) r 19, farmer 40. Champlin, John B., (Wellsville,) r 2, farmer 46. CHAMPLIN, JOSEPH, (Wellsville,) r 2, farmer 20-1/2. Champlin, Marvin, (Wellsville,) r 2, farmer 69. Chapman, Leander, (Shongo,) r 47, farm laborer and owns 15. CHAPMAN, ORLANDO, (Shongo,) r 46, farmer leases 52. Clark, Lewis, (Hallsport,) r 25, farmer 39. Clark, Martin, (Hallsport,) r 25, farmer 39. Cline, C. F., (Hallsport.) (with O. T. Perkins,) dairy. 7 cows and farmer 234. COATS, ANDREW J., (Whitesville,) r 26-1/2 farmer 94. CORNWELL, AVERY,(Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer 3. CORNWELL. DANIEL E., (Stanards Corners,) r 19, farmer 30. Cornwell, Reuben, (Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer. Corwin, Matthias & Hiram L., (Hallsport,) r 26, live stock raisers and dealers and farmers 76. Crandall, Anna. Miss, (Wellsville,) school teacher. Cunningham, James, (Shongo,) r 36, farmer 152. Cunningham, Owen, (Shongo,) r 51, farmer 70. Cunningham, Peter, (Shongo,) r51, farmer 100. DALEY, CHARLES, (Wellsville,) r 18, farmer 25. Daley, Eugene, (Wellsville,) r 1, farmer 100. Darling, Gershom, (Hallsport,) r 11, farmer leases 200. DAWLEY, ROBERT, (Hallsport,) r 12, farmer leases of John Styles 60. Dexter, Clinton, (Hallsport,) farmer 112. Dexter, Smith Jr., (Stanards Corners,) r 4, farmer 84 in Wellsville. Dickinson, A. Mrs., (Wellsville,) r 2, farmer 41. Dickinson, Azariah, (Stanards Corners,) Dickinson, Isaac W., (Shongo,) r 33, farmer 94. DRAKE, H. M., (Shongo,) shoemaker. Dunigan, Thomas, (Hallsport,) r 25, farmer leases ill and owns 29 in Andover. Eastman, Edwin L., (Wellsville,) r 27, farmer 60. Eastman, George, (Wellsville,) r 27, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 100. Eastman, Thomas C., (Shongo,) r 45, farmer leases 130. Elmwood Hotel, (Wellsville,) L. Shaw, prop. ELLSWORTH, GEORGE, (Stanards Corners,) r 17, laborer. Fanton, Benjamin, (Stanards Corners,) r 13, farmer 88. FANTON, CHARLES, (Stanards Corners,) r 14, farmer leases 100. Fanton. David, (Stanards Corners,) r 17, farmer 120. FANTON, ELI, (Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer 61. Fanton, Isaac, (Stanards Corners,) r 16, farmer 100. Fanton, Lewis, (Stanards Corners,) r 8, farmer 70. FARNHAM, EDGAR C., (Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer 27. Farnham, Wm. H. Rev., (Wellsville,) r 7, M. E. clergyman. FENTON, LYMAN K., (Wellsville,) r 3, carpenter and farmer 38. Fish, Lewis B., (Shongo,) carpenter, Main. FISH, R. H., (Shongo,) r 37, carpenter and joiner. Flannagan, Christopher, (Shongo,) r 44, (with Nicholas,) farmer 130 and leases of Thomas Cain 100. Flannagan, Nicholas, (Shongo,) r 44, (with Christopher,) farmer 130 and leases of Thomas Cain 100. Fortner, Leonard, (Stanards Corners,) r 6, farmer leases of Robert A. Crittenden 137. FORTNER, N. H., (Hallsport,) r 24, blacksmith, veterinary surgeon and farmer 51. FOSTER, ANTHONY R.. (Shongo,) r 43, dairy, 10 cows and farmer 125. Foster, Edward R., (Shongo,) r 40, farmer 75. Fowler, Jerry. (Wellsville,) r 28, farmer leases of John J. Rogers 50. Frazer, Geo. W., (Shongo,) blacksmith, Main. FULLER, JACOB, (Shongo,) r 46, carpenter and farmer 63. FURMAN, WM. B., (Wellsville,) r 32, lumberman and farmer 120. Galis, Mark, (Hallsport,) r 11, wagon shop. Gardner, Alexander, (Shongo,) r 37, farmer 17-1/2. GARDNER, CALKENS, (Stanards Corners,) r 13, farmer leases of S. A. Kemp 100. GARDNER, JOHN B., (Shongo,) r 37, farmer 1. Gardner, Willis, (Shongo,) r 37. farmer 3. Gates, Mary Mrs., (Hallsport,) r 11, landscape painter. Gee, C. H., (Shongo,) prop. of Shongo House. Gee, John, (Shongo,) owner of Shongo House and 18 village lots. Gifford, Pardon, (Shongo,) r 38, retired farmer. Gleason, Benjamin, (Wellsville,) r 32, stone mason and farmer 21-1/2. GLEASON, J. B., (Wellsville,) r 82, teamster and farmer 47. Goodrich, Clarence L., (Shongo,) r 46, farmer 84. GOODRIDGE, W. A., (Wellsville,) r 23, farmer leases of Martin Sweeney 101. GORDON, JOHN, (Shongo,) r 45, farmer 75. Gostley, Peter M., (Stanards Corners,) r 21, farmer. Gostley, Sarah Ann, (Stanards Corners,) r 21, farmer 25. Graves, Abner, (Shongo,) r 37, retired farmer. Graves, George, (Shongo,) r 36, blacksmith and farmer 200. Graves, Henry, (Shongo,) r 37, farmer 40. Graves, Jeremiah, (Stanards Corners,) r 4, farm laborer. Graves, John, (Hallsport,) r 8, farmer 132. Graves, John H., (Shongo,) r 49, school teacher. GRAVES, MARTIN, (Shongo,) r 37, farmer 23. Graves, Seth, (Stanards Corners,) r 5, farmer 5. GRAVES, WILLARD C., (Hallsport,) r 12, carpenter and owns 22 acres. GRAVES, WM. M., (Shongo,) r 37, farmer 30. Green, Samuel, (Stanards Corners,) r 28, farmer 30. Grodavant, Jasper, (Shongo,) r 20-1/2, farmer leases 100. GRODAVANT. WM. H., (Shongo,) r 37, farmer leases 80. Guinnip, Ephraim, (Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer 22. Guinnip, John, (Stanards Corners,) r 15, retired farmer 62. Guinnip, Parley, (Wellsville,) r 19, farmer 52-1/2. Hall, Henry H., (Hallsport,) r 10, farmer HALL, RUSSEL I. & ALVIN, (Hallsport,) props. of Hallsport cheese factory. Hall. S. L., (Hallsport,) r 10, farmer 81 and in Independence 54. Hancock, Calvin. (Wellsville,) r 17, blacksmith and farmer 62 and 140 acres timber land. HARRINGTON, JOHN, (Wellsville,) r 28, farmer leases 31. Harris, Silas S., (Shongo,) r 47, farmer 75. Hawks, Bernard, (Shongo,) r 48, retired farmer. HAWKS, W. C., (Shongo,) r 48, dealer in cattle and farmer 120. Hawks, Wm., (Shongo,) r 48, farmer 91. Heers, Hartwick, (Shongo,) r 21, farmer 25. Heineman, John, (Stanards Corners,) r 4, farmer 50. HENYON, E. C., (Shongo,) general merchant and deputy postmaster, Main. HERRICK, JOHN, (Stanards Corners,) r 40, farmer 61. HIGGINS, LEONARD, (Shongo,) blacksmith, Main. HOARD, ENOS. (Shongo,) r 37. lumberman and (with Silas Stillman,) owns saw mill and 3 acres. Hubbell & Shay, (Wellsville,) (S. Hubbell and. Wm. Shay,) r 18, own saw and shingle mill. HULETT, WM. A., (Stanards Corners,) r 5, carpenter, commissioner of highways and owns 40 acres timber land. Hunt, John, (Wellsville,) r 31, owns 100 acres timber land. HYDE, PHIGENE, (Shongo,) r 48, farmer leases of Wm. Cobb 232. Jenison, Elhanan W., (Shongo,) r 49, farmer 110. JENISON, ELSON S., (Shongo,) r 49, farmer 50. Jenison, Joseph A., (Shongo,) r 49, farmer 50. Jenison, Lucius A., (Shongo,) r 49, farmer 181. JOHNSON, ANDREW J., (Hallsport,) r 25, farther 90. June, Jesse, (Stanards Corners,) r 28, farmer 30. Kelligan, J. W., (Shongo,) r 89, farmer 90. KELLOGG, SUSAN Mrs., (Shongo,) r 26, farmer 66. KEMP, SHADRICK A., (Shongo,) r 36, farmer 187. Kennedy, John N., (Wellsville,) r 30, auctioneer and farmer 123. KENYON, WARREN, (Shongo,) r 46, farmer 90. Ketchum, Elias, (Hallsport,) r 8, (with Alonzo Wood,) dairy, 15 cows and farmer 132. Krusen, Francis H., (Wellsville,) r 20-1/2, farmer 114. Krusen, Isaac A. (Stanards Corners,) r 16, farmer 82. Krusen, John, (Stanards Corners,) r 16, farmer 80. Labor, Rena Miss, (Wellsville,) school teacher. Lampe, Christian, (Shongo,) r 39, farmer 42. Lampe, Henry, (Shongo,) r 39, farmer 55. Lancaster, Anna Miss, (Shongo,) seamstress and farmer 5, Main. Lancaster, David S., (Shongo,) r 49, farmer 32-3/4 LEE, ERWIN D., (Wellsville,) r 26, assessor and farmer 90. Lestner, John, (Wellsville,) r 7, farmer 50. LEWIS, A. O., (Wellsville,) r 35, sawyer and foreman in Johnson & Poolers saw and shingle mill. Loomis, E. H., (Stanards Corners,) r 5, notion peddler, Mapes, Thomas, (Wellsville,) r 20-1/2, farmer 125. McCoy, Peter, (Wellsville,) r 37, farmer 40. McCURDY, ROBERT, (Shongo,) r 38, farmer 100. McDermott, John, (Eleven Mile, Potter Co., Pa.,) r 35, farmer 150. McDougle, Wm., (Oswayo, Potter Co., Pa.,) r 32, owns 226 acres timber land and store at Oswayo. McHale, Michael, (Shongo,) r 51, farmer 250. McHALE, THOMAS, (Shongo,) r 36, teamster and farmer 71. McVagh, E., (Standards Corners,) r 5, farmer 53. Merick. Joseph, (Stanards Corners,) r 16, farmer 46. Mills, John D., (Wellsville,) r 2, farmer 100. Moran, James, (Shongo,) r 49, farmer 32 and owns 80 acres timber land. Moran, John, (Shongo,) r 51, farmer 50. Moran, Martin, (Shongo,) r 50, owns 70 acres. MORAN, THOMAS, (Eleven Mile, Potter Co., Pa.,) r 35, farmer and owns 150 acres timber land. Moran, Thomas L., (Shongo) r 50, farmer 70 and in Pa, 50. Moses, Sarah Miss, (Whitesville,) school teacher. Murphy, Jerry, (Wellsville,) r 1, farmer 160. Murphy, Mark, (Wellsville,) r 1, farmer 52-1/2. Murtaugh, Barney, (Shongo,) r 36, farmer 100 and owns 69 acres timber land. Nolan, Christopher, (Shongo,) r 40, farmer Nolan, James, (Shongo,) r 41, farmer 50 and leases of Wm. Cobb 50. NORTON, GEO. W. Mrs., (Stanards Corners,) r 15, farmer 21-3/4. O’Donnell, James, (Shongo,) r 49, owns 100 acres of timber land and (with Thomas,) owns saw mill. O’Donnell, Thomas,(Shongo,) (with James,) owns saw mill. O’Hara, Charles, (Shongo,) r 51, farmer 100. Page, Wm. S., (Wellsville,) r 8, farmer 92. Palmer, Charles, (Wellsville,) r 21, farmer 100. Palmer, Robert, (Stanards Corners,) r 14, farmer 60. Parker, Abram M.. (Shongo,) postmaster. owns flouring mill at Whitesville and farmer 100. Parker, Adella, (Shongo,) school teacher, Main. Parker, J. M., (Shongo,) foreman of E. J Farnums grist and saw mill. Parker, Lorenzo D., (Hallsport,) r 8, farmer 140 and in Independence 50. Parks, Asa, (Shongo,) r 21, farmer 40. PAYNE, LORENZO, (Shongo,) r 45, farmer 180 and leases 100. Payne, Major F., (Shongo,) r 47, stone mason and (with Orsemus,) farmer 83. PAYNE, ORSEMUS, (Shongo,) r 47, (with Major F.,) farmer 83. PAYNE. PHILO, (Whitesville,) r 47, farmer 35. Payne, Ransom M., (Shongo,) carpenter and notary public. Pest, David, (Shongo,) r 42, farmer 45, and in Independence 50. Perkins, O. T., (Hallsport,) (with C. F. Cline,) dairy, 17 cows and farmer 234. Perry, Jesse, (Shongo,) r 42, farmer 70. PHILLIPS, B. M., (Shongo,) r 27, dairy, 15 cows and farmer 208. PHILLIPS, E. B., (Shongo,) r 37, justice of the peace and farmer 244. Phillips, Varnum J., (Shongo,) r 27, farmer 165. Phillips, W. W., (Shongo,) r 27, farmer 87. Porter, George, (Shongo,) r 43, dairy, 18 cows and farmer 212. REESHER, EMILY MRS., (Shongo,) r 22, farmer 60. Regan, Charles, (Wellsville,) r 18, farmer 25. RICE, T. H. MRS., (Hallsport,) r 11, owns 3 acres. RICE, WARREN, (Hallsport,) r 11, saw and shingle mill and farmer 50. Rice, Warren O., (Hallsport,) r 8, farmer 40. Richardson, Arville, (Shongo,) farmer 10, Main. Richardson, Jonathan, (Shongo,) farmer 30, Main. Richmond, Leroy, (Shongo,) r 47, farmer Rogers, Charles, (Wellsville,) r 20, retired farmer. Rogers, Ethan A, (Wellsville,) r 16, farmer 55. ROGERS, H. J.. (Wellsville,) r 20, farmer 104 Rogers, John, (Wellsville,) r 16, farmer 58 and leases 140. ROGERS, JOSIAH J., (Shongo,) r 33, farmer 61. Rogers, Stillman, (Wellsville,) r 16, farmer 70. Rolf, Samuel, (Wellsville,) farmer 115. Relfe, Ephraim, (Stanards Corners,) r 16, retired farmer. ROWLAND, FRANKLIN P., (Wellsville,) r 36, farmer 100. Saxton, Orrin, (Hallsport,) r 10, farmer 73. Scott, Henry, (Wellsville,) r 14, owns 130 acres timber land. Sculley, James, (Whitesville,) r 41, farmer 141. Selden, Angelo, (Stanards Corners,) r 8, farmer leases 50. SELDEN, OSCAR B., (Hallsport,) r 10, farmer 50. Shaughnessy, Thomas, (Wellsville,) r 18, farmer 200. Shaw, L., (Wellsville,) r 35, prop, of Elmwood Hotel and blacksmith, and owns 96 acres. Shay, Wm., (Wellsville,) (Hubbell & Shay,) r 1, owns 100 acres timber land in Alma. Sheer, Frederick, (Shongo,) farmer 113. Shongo House, (Shongo,) C. H. Gee, prop. SMITH, B. C. Mrs., (Wellsville,) r 19, farmer 50. Smith, Erastus, (Wellsville,) (with L.,) r 19, owns 50 acres timber land. Smith, L., (Wellsville,) (with Erastus,) r 19, owns 50 acres timber land. Smythe. C. P., (Hallsport,) r 11, prop. of botanic works and farmer 4. SMYTHE, JOB, (Hallsport,) r 11, dentist, physician and druggist. Smythe, Nora E. Miss, (Hallsport,) school teacher. Snow, Asa B., (Wellsville,) farmer 20. SNOW, FRANK A., (Stanards Corners,) carpenter. SNOW, WM. A., (Wellsville,) r 16, farmer. Stanley, Lewis, (Stanards Corners,) r 5, farmer 7. Stebbins, D. B., (Shongo,) r 49, sawyer and farmer 2. STEPHENS, A. W., (Shongo,) r 49, farmer 7. Stephens, Charles W., (Shongo,) r 19, farmer 80. STEPHENS, E. C., (Shongo,) r 49, farmer 9. Stillman, Silas, (Shongo,) r 37, farmer 185 and 100 acres timber land and (with Enos Hoard,) owns saw mill. Straight, Adaline Mrs., (Shongo,) r 28, farmer 26-1/2. Straight, Francis R., (Wellsville,) r 34, farmer 210. STRAIGHT, LORENZO, (Wellsville,) r 32, farmer 23-1/4. Sweeney, Bartley, (Wellsville,) (with Thomas,) r 23, farmer 162. Sweeney, Patrick, (Wellsville,) r 23, farmer73. Sweeney, Thomas, (Hallsport,) r 23, farmer 100. Sweeney, Thomas, (Wellsville,) (with Bartley,) r 23, farmer 162. Tallman, Rosil, (Wellsville,) r 26, mason and farmer 25. Tanner, Patrick, (Shongo,) r 44, farmer 96. Trask, Cyrus, (Hallsport,) r 10, farmer 18. Trask, Josiah, (Hallsport,) r 10, farmer 50. TRASK, LYMAN L., (Wellsville,) r 7, farmer 175. TRUEX, JACOB, (Shongo,) farmer leases 4. Updyke, Joseph, (Stanards Corners,) r 7-1/2, farmer 31 and 84 in Wellsville. Van Buren, Wm., (Wellsville,) r 32, prop. of stage route and farmer 225. VAN KUREN, JAMES, (Shongo,) custom shoemaker. VAN VRADENBURG, GEO. H. REV, (Stanards Corners,) r 5, pastor of M. E. Church. WALDEN, DIANA Mrs., (Shongo,) r 52, farmer 81. West, Samuel, (Wellsville,) r 18, laborer and owns 58 acres in Alma. Wheaton, Frank L., (Shongo,) r 40, farmer 50. Whitaker, Elizabeth D. Mrs., (Shongo,) r 30, farmer 41. WHITE, ANDREW, (Wellsville.) r 3-1/2, lumberman 112 acres and farmer 133 in Scio. Widriek, Chauncey, (Wellsville,) r 26. farmer 44 and owns 108 acres timber land in Alma. Wilson, David, (Hallsport.) r 11, resident. Wilson, Erastus, (Hallsport,) r 25, farmer 50. WILSON, MATHEW, (Hallsport,) r 8, retired farmer. WILSON, MILON, (Shongo,) r 37, leases half interest in saw mill of S. Stillman. WILSON, PHIDELLO, (Hallsport,) r 12, farmer leases of John Woodcock 100. Wilson, Stephen, (Shongo,) r 27, farmer 52. Withey, Calvin, (Wellsville,) r 29, retired farmer 132. WITTER, D. P., (Stanards Corners,) r 4, justice of the peace and farmer 240. Witter, Josiah, (Wellsville,) r 28, farmer 101. Witter, Leroy, (Wellsville,) r 21, farmer leases 101. WITTER, LORENZO, (Wellsville,) r 20, owns 52 acres timber land. Witter, Luke G., (Wellsville,) r 25, assessor and farmer 147. Wood, Alonzo, (Hallsport,) r 8, justice of the peace and (with Elias Ketchum,) dairy, 15 cows and farmer 132. Wood, James R., (Shongo,) harness maker and grocery store. Wood, J. B. Mrs., (Stanards Corners,) r 5, seamstress. WOOD, LIVINGSTON, (Hallsport,) r 8, mason. Woodcock, Hugh, (Stanards Corners,) r 5, carpenter and farmer 3-3/4. WOODCOCK, NATHAN R., (Shongo,) r 28, farmer 123. Worden, Russel, (Stanards Corners,) r 28, farmer 76. Worden, Russel S., (Wellsville,) r28, farmer 66-1/2 and 140 acres timber land in Alma. Wright, Frederick A., (Shongo,) r 47, (with Nathan S.,) farmer 125. Wright, Nathan S., (Shongo,) r 47, (with Frederick A.,) farmer 125. WRIGHT, THOMAS, (Shongo,) r 47, retired farmer. Yale, Henry O., (Wellsville,) r 20, farmer 150. Yale, Ozias, (Wellsville,) r 20, retired farmer.