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by Bernice Perry

Granger is the central northern township of Allegany County. It contains 20,450 acres and was originally a part of the Morris Reserve; it formed a part of the town of Leicester, then Angelica from Feb 25, 1805 to March 11, 1808; then until March 8, 1827 it formed a part of Nunda. From 1827 to April 1838 it was part of Grove, and was then set off as "West Grove", retaining that name until March 6, 1839, then changed to Granger. A meeting was held at Short Tract at which a change of name was considered, and "Perth Amboy;" and "Pine Grove" were spoken of but at the suggestion of Wm. Van Nostrand, it was named for Francis Granger, of Canandaigua, then postmaster general. It is bounded on the north by the town of Portage, Livingston Co., east by Grove, south by Allen, and west by Hume, the Genesee river forming more than half of its western boundry. Its waters are all tributary to the Genesee river, mostly finding there way to the river through Rush creek, the only stream in the town which has a name. The Indians called it Shonnety-ye. The surface of Granger is generally a hilly upland thrown into ridges conforming to the course of Rush creek, which has its source in the northeast part of town, and pursues a southwest course to a point about a mile and a half east of the southwest corner, where it enters Allen. Returning in a northwest direction it cuts off a small part of the southwest lot, and enters Hume. Its soil is better adopted to grazing and not crops and the prevailing industry is dairying. It is especially adopted to sheep husbandry.

Read more about the History of the Township of Granger and Village of Short Tract

Hamilton Child's 1875 Gazetteer - Granger

Cities, Villages and Hamlets

Granger - hamlet in the north part of the town

Short Tract - hamlet in the south part of town

Town Historian

Loreen Bentley
R.D. #1 5148 County Road 4 Fillmore, NY 14735
Telephone: 585-567-8493
Town Clerk

Loreen Bentley
R.D. #1 5148 County Road 4 Fillmore, NY 14735
Telephone: 585-567-8493


  • Methodist Episcopal - first meeting 1818, organized abt. 1834


Note: All cemeteries, except #23-7 have been recorded by the Rushford Town Clerk.
  • Short Tract Cemetery - code #18-1; (Town 6, Range 2MR, lot 20), County Road 4; records with Town Clerk
  • Weaver Settlement Cemetery - code 18-2; (lot 267), Parker Road; records with Town Clerk

*code #s refer to the Allegany County Cemetery Index card file at the Allegany County Historical Society and LDS Family History Library microfilm. See Western New York Genealogical Society Journal, Vol. II, No. 1

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Last updated on July 20, 2006
© copyright 1999, Vivian Karen Bush
This page is part of the Allegany County, New York GenWeb Site and is not affiliated with any other society or organization.